
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is your web reputation?

The search engines can be your friend or foe. A smart internet marketing plan includes actively managing your online reputation to ensure perceptions of your services and products remain beneficial to your efforts. Search engines are user friendly; people know how to use them. Pew Research Center reports that over 90% of users find what they are looking for when using a search engine.  Without managing the content that creates your online reputation, you are trampling the protection of your most valuable asset.

Our expertise and technology makes managing your reputation seamless with marketing your products and services.  We use several approaches to protect your reputation in our verified reputation management strategy. 

1. Analyze negative and positive exposure
We comb the search engines to locate all your data to gain a composite picture of your web presence. We can also help you minimize negative posts in search engines.

2.  Strategic planning and implementation
After identifying the existing perceptions about you, we work with you to create a proven strategy to accomplish your ideal perceptions on the web.

3. Ongoing reputation management
Once your strategy is in place our services constantly review Internet content that is generating perceptions about your business.

Managing your online reputation requires a comprehensive approach.   You want to make sure that positive feedback is boosted and negative posts or reviews are suppressed. The content you are using must be Search Engine Optimized (SEO) to provide you with the best traction possible in search engines. To satisfy the appetite of savvy users, your content must include media: video, podcasts, and/or moving content. When your reputation strategy contains this content approach you are increasing the visibility of your brand. We make it easy for you since our best in class services provide these services and much more.

The biggest increase in Internet users is mobile computing, which is done on devices like cell phones and ipads.  Make sure that all of your content includes this distribution and viewing ability, otherwise you are locked out an increasing market of potential customers. Our reputation management services bundle this service for you automatically. 

Reputation management is mission critical to every online businesses.  We work with all industry types to provide our reputation management services. Typically, you will begin seeing results within a few weeks. Your confidentially and privacy is one of our primary concerns. As for results, you receive a report every 30 days to see your campaign progress. Our fees depend on what you want to achieve and the complexity of your campaign. Contact us today to speak with one of our specialists to design your customized plan.

Steu Mann
2012 Copyright Protected, all rights reserved

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