
Monday, August 6, 2012

Cat is out of the bag - our world is changing and you won't read this on the evening news

Merkel is running the 'Fourth Reich': Fury in Germany after Berlusconi newspaper prints picture of Chancellor with hand raised and compares her government to the Nazis

  • - Il Giornale also showed Chancellor Merkel raising her right arm in salute, a gesture associated with the Nazi salute used by Hitler's followers
  • - The newspaper also suggested that two world wars and millions of dead 'was not enough to quieten German egomania'
  • - Article has heightened a bitter war of words between Italy and Germany over the handling of the ongoing Euro crisis

  • An Italian newspaper owned by former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has caused controversy by printing a front page headline which said 'Fourth Reich' above a picture of German chancellor Angela Merkel.

    The picture in newspaper Il Giornale also showed Chancellor Merkel raising her right arm in salute, a gesture associated with the Nazi salute used by Hitler's followers.
    The article, which was published on Friday, has heightened a bitter war of words between Italy and Germany over the handling of the ongoing Euro crisis.

    War of words: An Italian newspaper owned by former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has caused controversy by printing a front page headline which said 'Fourth Reich' above a picture of German chancellor Angela Merkel
    War of words: An Italian newspaper owned by former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has caused controversy by printing a front page headline which said 'Fourth Reich' above a picture of German chancellor Angela Merkel

    The angry article attacked tough talking Chancellor Merkel saying that her intransigence had brought 'us and Europe to its knees' adding that 'Italy is no longer in Europe but in the Fourth Reich.'

    It went on to say: 'In the First Reich, Germany also wanted the title Emperor of Rome and in the next two they used their own means again against the states of Europe, two world wars and millions of dead, obviously this was not enough to quieten German egomania.

    'Once again it has surfaced but this time not with the use of cannon, this time its the Euro.

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