
Monday, August 13, 2012

Gallup study researched where would be the best place to live in America .......

Gallup study researched where would be the best place to live in America

- If you live in West Virginia look away now! The most and least livable states in America (and if you're thinking of moving, Utah is the best place to be)
- American South - West Virginia, Mississippi and Kentucky - fared the worse
- Residents of Mississippi made fewest trips to the dentist in all the U.S.
- Utah, Minnesota and Colorado were top three 'forward-looking' states

The findings were based on interviews with half a million Americans between January 2011 and June of this year.

Much of the American South rated poorly when it came to quality of life with greater health problems, more smokers and higher levels of obesity.
Utah, Minnesota and Colorado were the top three places to live with much of the Midwest and the tropical paradise of Hawaii listed among desirable destinations.

The richest Indian tribe in America: Casino profits pay $1MILLION a year to each member
Utah comes out on top because of its clean living reputation - likely due to the state's high Mormon population.

It has the lowest number of smokers and clean and safe drinking water is easily accessible. 
Supervisors in the state treat workers like a partner rather than a boss giving them a greater sense of self-worth, lower stress levels and higher job satisfaction.

American life: The top ten states to live in (below) and those which ranked the worst in the U.S.

American life: The top ten states to live in (left) and those which ranked the worst in the U.S.
American life: The top ten states to live in (left) and those which ranked the worst in the U.S.
American life: The top ten states to live in (left) and those which ranked the worst in the U.S.

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