
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Self employed people are happier - research proves it

Self employed folks are more satisfied. According to PEW research, nearly four-in-ten self-employed workers (39%) say they are "completely satisfied" with their jobs, compared with 28% of all wage or salaried employees. And, the report stated that nearly a third of the self-employed (32%) say the main reason they work is because they want to, compared with 19% of wage and salary workers.
Beware of scams when looking for flexible work says Sara Sutton Fell, CEO of FlexJobs. Job listings that promise easy money for easy work, don’t have the hiring company’s name identified,  use public email domains as the “respond to” address (such as,, or the anonymous emails), or use all capitalized letters or lots of !!! and $$$ punctuation, are all red flags that should warrant more research on the company. Also, be careful of the keywords you use to search. “Work at home” is a keyword that the FBI has identified as a common scam and risky keyword*, so instead, try safer words like “remote work,” “telecommute,” and “telecommuting.” Common work-from-home scams include payment processing, repackaging products, survey taking, stuffing envelopes, and building crafts. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. the offers Abundant Living Affiliate Network.  Affiliates don’t pay to join; membership enables selling quality products/services to earn commissions. The web site is SEO’d and setup for mobile computing.There is nothing to buy, no fees, to get started earning commissions.

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