
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Home Business Savvy: Affiliate Programs

By Guest Authors William and Regina Bailey of Home Business Savvy

Make $250 an hour working just a few hours a day! Do we have your attention? The headlines plastered across the Internet about affiliate programs can be so tempting and so alluring. Affiliate programs can be the path to sustainable income for a home based business but one must cut through the hype and get to the real facts.

Affiliate Programs Defined

Affiliate programs are, in essence, revenue sharing programs between you and a company that sells a product or service. They reward you with referral payments for sending customers to their Web site. It typically works as follows:

You place links on your site to a particular merchant's Web site.

When a visitor clicks on the link and makes a purchase you earn a referral fee that is a percentage of the total sale.

Sounds easy enough, right? Many think that they will be able to just put up a Web site, slap in some affiliate links and sit back and wait for the buckets of money to start coming in. Not quite so fast, consider the following:

What type of Web site should you have to make money through affiliate programs?
What are the best programs for your site?
How will you effectively market your site?
How can you find niche markets?

Similar to other facets of developing a home business, careful planning is needed to map out a profitable strategy for building a home based business using affiliate programs - a strategy that will allow you to build income through content in a sustainable, month after month way. The big question is - how do you develop an income producing Web site using affiliate programs that doesn't just make chump change?

There are a number of resources that we have found that delve into such strategies but our favorite is a FREE email based course, called The Affiliate Masters by Ken Evoy. It is a thorough step-by-step program that takes you from conceptualizing your idea to getting a Web site up and running. When the course is completed you will have a thorough understanding of how to develop a sustainable income base through affiliate programs.

Click here to send a blank email to receive The Affiliate Masters 5-Day email course on becoming an affiliate champion. If your email client doesn't automatically open when you click on the above link, send a blank email to: to sign up. Note that your email won't be sold to any lists and you can unsubscribe at any point if you don't want to receive the remaining installments.

Savvy Reminder

Remember, persistence and hard work are the keys to success. Combined with the information contained in The Affiliate Masters course, you will have all of the tools you need to be successful with affiliate programs - and that is home business savvy.

Copyright: © 2003 by William and Regina Bailey of Home Business Savvy, all rights reserved. Find out more about the dynamic husband and wife team behind Home Business Savvy.

Abundant Living Affiliate Network:
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