
Friday, August 3, 2012


Recently I’ve been doing some articles aimed at the beginner affiliate – like how you can avoid affiliate marketing scams and how you can find reputable affiliate programs to promote.
Q&AAfter spending over a decade in the Internet marketing industry, I think I often forget – and have failed to address – the most obvious question most folks new to the industry have about affiliate marketing.
When I appeared as a guest on Weapons of Mass Marketing earlier this week to discuss the topic of marketing affiliate programs, the hosts evidenced the importance of the often overlooked question by leading off their interview with a variation of it…

“How does affiliate marketing work?”

So with the help of (and payment to) a very talented designer I was able to develop a clear, step by step graphic of how basic affiliate marketing works (click on the image below for a larger version):
How Affiliate Marketing Works

Spread the word!

You’re welcome to use the above graphic on your own website, providing you credit me ( as the source and do not alter the image. Below is HTML code below to easily embed the graphic on your blog or website:
Getting started in affiliate marketing…
Now that you know WHAT affiliate marketing is, find out how you can take a stab at it.
Me? I plan to distribute this to family and friends so they might actually understand what I do for a living. ;-)
Rae Hoffman-Dolan aka "Sugarrae" is an affiliate marketing veteran and the CEO of PushFire, a search marketing agency specializing in SEO audits andlink building strategies. She is also the author of the often controversialSugarrae blog and the SVP of Marketing for Speedy Incorporation Services. You can connect with Rae via Twitter and Facebook.

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