Friday, August 31, 2012
Alternative Health: Global Coherence Initiative
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One of the most effective energetic contributions we can make to help co-create a positive future for ourselves and the planet is to replace our tendencies towards negative, downsided projections regarding personal or planetary outcomes. A downsided projection is a negative perception or speculation about how something will play out. For example, say you’re planning to meet someone with whom you have a hard time communicating. Instead of projecting judgment, dread or anxiety, replace that feeling with a heart intention to drop your presets and judgments while maintaining the state of calm and neutrality. This creates an environment where people and situations can change for the better – and even if they don’t change, you benefit from clearing the negative presets from your personal energy field.
Negative projections are registered in the heart’s and brain’s electromagnetic fields, generating waves of incoherence in the energy field environment around us that serve to create outcomes we don’t want. Most of us have done this at times, especially in the midst of challenges. It’s a societal habit handed down through generations that can seem normal and without consequence. As we practice changing the habit of negative projections, we reduce much personal stress and increase our power to manifest a higher vibrational field environment, which is our highest contribution to the global consciousness shift.
Remember, we each have a choice to add incoherence or coherence to the energetic field environment.
Care Focus: Replacing Negative Projections
For this full moon Care Focus, breathe love and compassion into the planetary field environment, while imagining our collective heart energy helping to ease the cumulative stressors from ongoing global conflicts and weather challenges. Then visualize more people beginning to realize that negative projections create the unwanted energy field environment we are trying to dissipate by sending love and compassionate care. As we practice replacing negative projections, this builds an energetic grid that makes it easier for others to be intuitively inspired to do the same. This full moon period is a supportive time to launch or re-commit to these types of habit changes.
~ Drake
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Alternative Health: How to Protect Yourself & Environment From EMF: Electromagnetic Radiation
Major environmental contributors are military and business while major emitters at home include TV’s, computers, cell/cordless phones, wi-fi’s, fluorescent lights, some toys, and many appliances.
All of life depends on beneficial electromagnetic frequencies. The brain and heart of living creatures are especially dependent on specific frequencies. Studies have articulated that sentient beings experience a sense of wellbeing from Schumann Resonances which are naturally emitted from the Earth. However, the overwhelming mass of EMR’s, including, microwave (MW) and radio-frequency (RF) radiation plus very extremely low frequency (ELF) frequencies, are posing a devastating hazard to individual health and an ever present danger to maintaining a healthy environment. From around the world, in thousands of research studies, scientists and law experts warn of short-term and long-term hazards of exposure to EMR while expressing that minimal exposure is the best practice.
A new long-term study by the World Health Organization into the link between mobile use and brain cancer has found that heavy users significantly increase their risk of developing fatal brain tumors. “It’s time for the Government to stop saying, like the mobile industry, we need more research and to move forward with putting appropriate warnings on mobile phone packaging, and to issue public cautions to children.” said Dr Blackwell from
In PEDIATRICS, Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, it was reported, “There is consistent evidence from epidemiologic studies of a risk of childhood leukemia associated with exposure to environmentally high levels of ELF magnetic fields.” In 2010, Argentine researchers at Nascentis found that radiation emitted by an internet connected computer resting on the user’s legs may affect male fertility by reducing sperm motility and fragmenting DNA.“Many birds are disappearing mysteriously from urban environments and our bees are now under serious threat,” reported Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy. He also found there is increasing evidence that some of this is due to electromagnetic pollution such as that from cell towers, cell phones, DECT cordless phones and wifi.
In your home you will find numerous sources of EMR’s. Some of these include 'smart' utility grids; smart meters; mobile phones and their antenna infrastructure on masts; rooftops and in disguised structures; microwave oven leakage; baby monitors and children's RF-related toys; RF medical devices; RFID-embedded chips in people, animals, consumer products, and identity or credit cards; direct-energy and other EM weaponry; TV, radio, and satellite broadcasts; and there are many more. provides consumers with products to improve their health naturally. The I AM EMF Balance tool fits in your pocket and neutralizes EMF’s, stray voltage, and electrical pollution. It also induces relaxation by slowing down the brain waves to assist in meditation and sleeping.
TAGS: EMF Shield, EMF Protection device, electromagnetic radiation dnagers, alternative health emf device
Are you serious about doing online sales?
I talk to many people about their website and the most interesting question I like to ask is, “Why do you have a website?”
The most common answer is to get more business. Surprisingly, one of the least responses I hear is to make money or sell my products. I believe those answers are the root of web site owner frustration about their web site performance. They didn't plan to fail - they failed to plan.
A few days ago I was speaking with a dedicated business owner who left the corporate world to start her dream biz. She told me her main web site goal is to sell her products, but guess what. She didn’t even have an option for people to pay online. Worse yet, she didn’t even have a price list showing on any pages, nor was one available that could be downloaded.
Believe it or not, I find that scenario very frequently with small business owners. It’s not that she wasn’t sincere about her intention to sell. I think that she, and the others I meet like her, just don’t have the time or desire to fully be immersed in to the knowledge of what it takes to successfully attract online sales, which translates into that they don’t actually create a potential to receive sales or manifest sales.
Over time these folks become frustrated thinking their web site is a wasted effort because they have no sales showing up.
People do spend money online. Online shoppers in the United States will spend $327 billion in 2016, up 45% from $226 billion this year and 62% from $202 billion in 2011, according to a projection released today by Forrester Research Inc. In 2016, e-retail will account for 9% of total retail sales, up from 7% in both 2012 and 2011, according to the report, “U.S. Online Retail Forecast, 2011 to 2016,”by Forrester analyst Sucharita Mulpuru.
Over the last two decades working the internet and search engine optimization (SEO) with small businesses, I have accumulated these three tips to help folks increase sales at their web sites.
Work your passion
When one does everything then there is nothing substantial anywhere
When I was teaching classes there were two methods: breadth or depth. Covering lots of topics and hitting the main themes and points in breadth. Taking on fewer topics and covering those more deeply is the depth method. In a small businesses I have seen more success when owners do their passion with clients and hire assistance to do the rest.
SEO: Search Engine Optimization
Maximize the potential of search engines to bring you new visitors
Having your web site or blog attuned to the current trends creates the potential to bring you more visitors. When you have more visitors than work on the formula of converting visitors to subscribers and subscribers to customers. Building your web site traffic is the #1 source of a quality email list and generating new clients.
Bond with your visitors
Provide your visitors with something meaningful
No one will turn down something that is free and helpful. Make sure your web site or blog offers an educational or informative doc that visitors can download. The big mistake here is turning this into a sales piece which is the wrong approach. Instead, use doc to assist visitors in understanding the skills and offerings you are making available to them. Your phone number and web site will be displayed; when they review it they'll know were to find you
Don’t forget, in order to sell something you have to provide the means to get that transaction accomplished. There are plenty of online payment services to get you accepting online payments. Click here to see a list.
If you have a question or need some help, give me a call at 541.210.4375.
Blessings, Steu
Copyright Protected, 2012
This article can be distributed if the content is kept entirely as is including the links.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
SEO starter guide provided by Google - five stars
Some of you are Do It Yourself (DIY) and this is a post for you. Google has a well done starter guide for building SEO into your content and therefore getting some lift in Goggle search results. Check out the link below to this very handy manual. It takes some time to digest it and apply it - but definitely worth your while.
I guarantee that by the time you read this and apply it, you will be immersed in your web site design and building. So, if you are up to that level of immersion in your web site design this Google created SEO started guide is a DIY dream come true.
Here is the link....
eCommerce: 11 research facts to help you steer your web site SEO strategy
11 researched facts to help you steer your web site SEO strategy
53% of consumers are more likely to look up information about a brand if a friend had recommended it.
Havas Media Social and Lightspeed Research, June 2011
63% of people normally find websites via a search engine.
Verdict Research as cited by, April 2011
More than 1 in 4 UK adults claim that online product reviews have a major influence on their purchasing decisions.
TGI, June 2011
58% of purchase decisions begin on search engines.
GroupM, February 2011
More than 50% of all consumers have changed their perceptions about brands based on social influences.
GroupM, February 2011
27% of people rarely or never look at more than one page of search engine results.
Verdict Research as cited by, April 2011
Researching products and services is the second most popular online activity among Brits with 3 out of 4 UK internet users doing so.
Office of National Statistics (ONS) as cited by eMarketer, September 2010
Social sharing now produces an estimated 10% of all web traffic and 31% of referral traffic to sites from search engines and social networks.
Starcom MediaVest Group and Rubinson Partners as cited by, June 2011
Video is the most social and engaging medium: 1 in 3 video viewers comment, 2 in 5 upload videos, 1 in 2 regularly share videos, more than 1 in 2 view online videos with others.
ComScore, January 2011
Half of men and 3 out of 4 women access the internet from their phones.
Carphone Warehouse, April 2011
Nearly 1 in 5 consumers (17%) stated they were likely to buy from a brand if it was recommended by someone they knew.
Havas Media Social and Lightspeed Research, June 2011
If you have a question or need some assistance give me a call 541.210.4375.
Blessings, Steu
SEO: three terms you must understand to grow your online business
Three essential terms you need to understand about how Google works to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on the internet.
What does “Crawling” mean to me?
Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to be added to the Google index. A googlebot is a software that travels the web and reviews almost all of the existing web pages and files on web servers.
They use a huge set of computers to fetch (or "crawl") billions of pages on the web. The program that does the fetching is called Googlebot (also known as a robot, bot, or spider). Googlebot uses an algorithmic process: computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how often, and how many pages to fetch from each site.
Google's crawl process begins with a list of web page URLs, generated from previous crawl processes, and augmented with Sitemap data provided by webmasters. As Googlebot visits each of these websites it detects links on each page and adds them to its list of pages to crawl. New sites, changes to existing sites, and dead links are noted and used to update the Google index.
Google doesn't accept payment to crawl a site more frequently, and they keep the search side of their business separate from our revenue-generating AdWords service.
Where does "Indexing" take place?
Googlebot processes each of the pages it crawls in order to compile a massive index of all the words it sees and their location on each page. In addition, Google process information included in key content tags and attributes, such as Title tags and ALT attributes. Googlebot can process many, but not all, content types. For example, they cannot process the content of some rich media files or dynamic pages.
How is "Pagerank" determined?
When a user enters a search request, Google servers search the index for matching pages and return the results Google believes are the most relevant to the user’s request. Relevancy is determined by over 200 factors, one of which is the PageRank for a given page. PageRank is the measure of the importance of a page based on the incoming links from other pages. In simple terms, each link to a page on your site from another site adds to your site's PageRank. Not all links are equal: Google works hard to improve the user experience by identifying spam links and other practices that negatively impact search results. The best types of links are those that are given based on the quality of your content.
In order for your site to rank well in search results pages, it's important to make sure that Google can crawl and index your site correctly. Their Webmaster Guidelines outline some best practices that can help you avoid common pitfalls and improve your site's ranking.
Google's Did you mean and Google Autocomplete features are designed to help users save time by displaying related terms, common misspellings, and popular queries. Like our search results, the keywords used by these features are automatically generated by our web crawlers and search algorithms. Google displays these predictions only when they think they might save the user time. If a site ranks well for a keyword, it's because Google has determined algorithmically that the page content is more relevant to the user's search request.
If you have a question or need some help, give me a call at 541.210.4375.
Blessings, Steu
Copyright Protected, 2012
This article can be distributed if the content is kept entirely as is including the links.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
SEO: How Does Google's Penguin Update Impact Your Site?
Your web site is perhaps your most important business tool. After all, it’s available to anyone on the planet - all day every day. It’s a worthy investment and it speaks volumes about your services and products.
Most business owners don’t have the knowledge or real passion to build or maintain their own site. Sure, there are plenty of free resources out there like the blogs to throw up your shingle. But in the long run, that isn’t enough to really get the kinda traction that produces new clients. That level of effort is like laying your business card on a convention table and thinking it will bring you clients.
One of the golden rules that applies to every business, “Do what you do best and get help with the rest.”
Google came out with a new update in April for how their search engine does its ranking of web page content. Read more about it here. They do hundreds of updates a year to keep the web tuned up. Some people think Google does this to get the web down to 10 decent sites. I am glad they do the updates, they reward the web sites and blogs that are doing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) right.
This latest round adjusted a number of web spam factors, including keyword stuffing, cloaking, unnatural links and content spinning. I have been preaching for years about getting rid of those links that aren’t relevant to your content, now there are a few more rules. If you see your web stats diving then you know the reason.
Here are two tips to tidy up your pages based on this new update...
A. Spruce up your content
Blog a minimum of once a week. Put out a press release once a month. Now, place that RSS feed from your blog on your web page. As a reminder, make sure your blog posts are being feed to your social networks. Read my previous articles on how to do that for free. Don’t forget, use key words in your blog posts.
B. Diversify your link building
1. Your brand: use links that are your business name on your pages.
2. Non-descriptive link: use the “click here” type links on your page too as this keeps the content looking natural and not “stuffed” with key words or just limited to your business identification.
3. Anchor text links: when you ask other sites to link to yours, give them one of your key words to use to make that link. For example, if you own an apple orchard then maybe a key word is .... best organic apples in Florida. Now, have them link “best organic apples in Florida” with your URL on their web page(s).
If you have a question or need some assistance give me a call 541.210.4375.
Blessings, Steu
Copyright Protected, 2012
This article can be distributed if the content is kept entirely as is including the links.
What is the best internet marketing technique?
Reviews by ordinary people have become an essential mechanism for selling almost anything online; they are used for resorts, dermatologists, neighborhood restaurants, high-fashion boutiques, churches, parks, astrologers and healers — not to mention products like garbage pails, tweezers, spa slippers and cases for tablet computers. In many situations, these reviews are supplanting the marketing department, the press agent, advertisements, word of mouth and the professional critique.
But not just any kind of review will do. They have to be somewhere between enthusiastic and ecstatic.
Consumer reviews are powerful because, unlike old-style advertising and marketing, they offer the illusion of truth. They purport to be testimonials of real people, even though some are bought and sold just like everything else on the commercial Internet.
Mr. Liu estimates that about one-third of all consumer reviews on the Internet are fake. Yet it is all but impossible to tell when reviews were written by the marketers or retailers (or by the authors themselves under pseudonyms), by customers (who might get a deal from a merchant for giving a good score) or by a hired third-party service.
Ben Fulford: The story of the kidnapped 13-year old princess; also, about the financial and industrial purge that has begun in China
The old colonialist regime is Asia is falling apart fast and hysterical efforts to fan “territorial disputes,” will not save it. This can be seen in a flood of new revelations coming from the new regime in North Korea as well as in signals being put out by the new government scheduled to take power in China in November.
The latest revelation from North Korea is the stuff of fairy tales. Yokota Megumi, the 13-year old girl spirited away from Japan in 1977 is a member of the Japanese imperial family, according to multiple Japanese, North Korean and Chinese sources. She was taken to be married to North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in order to give the Kim dynasty imperial legitimacy. Her son, new North Korean leader Kim Jon-un, is now suggesting Yokota be given the title of “Empress Dowager.”
The North Koreans are saying they are representatives of the old imperial Japanese regime that was pushing for a greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere during World War 2.
The Chinese for their part, are also preparing for a “paradigm shift,” in power that will be preceded by a major purge of banks and industrial conglomerates linked to the old regime.
First, let us look at the latest North Korean revelations as revealed by multiple sources including a retired senior North Korean yakuza boss in Japan.
The story goes back, as we have previously written, to the end of World War 2 when remnants of the Japanese imperial army in China set up the nation of North Korea.
After the war, they resumed their contacts with their Nazi allies who had now set up the Odessa underground.
The Nazis, operating through the CIA, allied themselves with remnants of the former Japanese military regime in North Korea to set up a secret “anti-communist” control grid in Japan after the war.
The Nazis, for their part, were still trying to establish their 1000 year New World Order 4th Reich while their Asian allies were still fighting to set up the Asian co-prosperity sphere: same bed, same enemies, different dreams.
During the Vietnam war the North Koreans sent special forces to Vietnam to fight against the West. When any of these troops were captured most of them committed suicide by using cyanide capsules but some survived, according to a Japanese agent who questioned them. The survivors, under questioning, said they were in Vietnam fighting on behalf of the Greater East Asian Co-prosperity sphere.
It was also during this time the North Koreans began kidnapping Japanese to recruit as agents, according to the North Korean yakuza boss and multiple other sources. Japanese author Mishima Yukio was at this time shown a video of the Ishikawa Prefecture (the closest part of Japan to North Korea) Police cooperating with the North Koreans in the kidnapping of Japanese citizens.
An enraged Mishima showed the video to then Chief Cabinet Secretary Horii Shigeru and Ishihara Shintaro (now governor of Tokyo). Horii took no action and Ishihara said “I will pretend I did not see that video,” according to the sources. Disgust at this reaction was one of the reasons for Mishima’s public suicide by Hara Kiri at the Japan self-Defense Force headquarters.
After the cold-war ended, a US defector to North Korea by the name of Charles Jenkins contacted US authorities and said he wanted to surrender and be granted immunity in exchange for revealing the North Korean spy network in Japan.
This marked the beginning of the anti-North Korean kidnapping hysteria in Japan that culminated in a trip by then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to North Korea to repatriate some kidnapping victims. Koizumi brought with him a 1.4 trillion yen bribe as a gift to North Korea at the time to pay for the return of the kidnappees.
The head of the Aozora bank, Tadashi Honma, (here is a link to a censored version of a story I had on Forbes about some of this:
was killed in a murder made to look like a suicide in order to prevent him from objecting to his bank’s funds being used for this purpose. He was forced to write a will at gun point and was then injected with sleeping drugs before being strangled to death, according to a senior member of the gang that carried out the hit.
In any case, the US Nazi authorities, terrified of losing their secret North Korean control grid in Japan, offered the North Koreans a regular supply of high quality forged “super K” (and similar) US dollar bills as well as an Asian amphetamines monopoly in exchange for a promise they would continue acting as the “bad guys.” They also provided them with nuclear weapons and missile technology as a part of the package, according to multiple sources.
However, the Kim Jong-un regime is tired of being the Asian boogey man for Nazis and other Western fascist groups. That is why they have begun revealing many of their secrets such as the true story of Yokota Megumi.
Yokota has been reluctant to reveal herself in the past because the fact was she preferred the life of Empress of North Korea to the dull middle class life that would have awaited her in Japan. Now, however, she has gone to meet her parents in Japan and reveal her true situation. This is being widely reported on the internet in Japan but the fascist control grid on the newspapers and TV is still keeping these new revelations under wraps. This information embargo will be broken soon.
The remnants of the Nazi puppet regime in Japan are terrified of the world at large learning about their criminal activities, including the Sarin subway gas poisoning attacks and the March 11, 2011 Nuclear and Tsunami mass murder.
For that reason two of the major North Korean agencies in Japan, the Sokka Gakkai Buddhist Sect and the North Korean Citizens Association of Japan are being actively blackmailed by Nazi puppet police agents.
In specific, they are being threatened with prosecution over a 15 billion yen slush fund of money taken from fraudulent welfare receipts and managed at 5% a year interest on their behalf by Mizuho Bank, according to the yakuza boss and other sources.
In a further sign of hysteria, the Nazis recently took a bunch of dupes and agents from Hong Kong and had them land near a secret US missile base on the disputed Senkakau (Diaoyu) islands to raise a Chinese flag. According to Chinese government sources these agents were all bribed to visit the Islands and were surprised they had been allowed to land there. It is difficult to imagine unarmed Chinese agents arriving on a fishing boat to be allowed to land near a secretive US missile base without US permission. Later of course, Japanese dupes were brought to the Islands as “retaliation.”
This show aimed at provoking jingoist sentiment in the region is really just a sign of moral bankruptcy by the Nazi regime that seized power in the US.
Another agent, the puppet president Lee Myung-bak of South Korea also cooperated in the latest foolishness by provoking nationalist sentiment over another small batch of disputed rocks lying in between Japan and South Korea.
Of course, all of these maneuvers are being interpreted as nothing more than signs of desperation and moral bankruptcy on the part of the old regime.
The new Chinese government to be headed by Xi Jinping has already begun preparations for big changes in Asia this fall. The recent slowdown in the Chinese economy, for example, is linked to a purge against banks and industrial enterprises that “got too independent” from the Chinese government during the last regime.
There is also a major anti-corruption campaign being prepared for the arrival of the new regime. One example is the masses of empty greenhouses set up near Beijing for the sole purpose of collecting government subsidies, the Chinese source says.
In any case, the White Dragon Society has proposed to the Asians and their BRICs and non-aligned movement allies that the time has come to make a decisive move. One recommendation has been for these nations to offer to buy up all existing US dollars (except those linked to derivatives and other fraud) and replace them with a new “world dollar or yuan.” After a certain period, all of the members of the 150-nation anti-imperialist alliance would then refuse to accept old dollars issued by the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate.
In Japan as well a decisive move against the old regime will be made but we cannot divulge any of the details at this time.
The regime changes due this autumn in the US, China and Japan will provide a wonderful opportunity to deal a decisive blow to the genocidal Nazi cabal.
The people of the world are tired of thugs and criminals provoking wars and mayhem and spreading lies aimed at causing trouble and discord amongst peoples. The time has come to demand that these thugs cease their anti-social behavior and rejoin civilization. We want world peace followed by a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and create an ideal planet. After this, the research money spent on war and mass murder will be dedicated to health, improved life, increases in bio-diversity and peaceful expansion into the universe.
What is your web reputation?
The search engines can be your friend or foe. A smart internet marketing plan includes actively managing your online reputation to ensure perceptions of your services and products remain beneficial to your efforts. Search engines are user friendly; people know how to use them. Pew Research Center reports that over 90% of users find what they are looking for when using a search engine. Without managing the content that creates your online reputation, you are trampling the protection of your most valuable asset.
Our expertise and technology makes managing your reputation seamless with marketing your products and services. We use several approaches to protect your reputation in our verified reputation management strategy.
1. Analyze negative and positive exposure
We comb the search engines to locate all your data to gain a composite picture of your web presence. We can also help you minimize negative posts in search engines.
2. Strategic planning and implementation
After identifying the existing perceptions about you, we work with you to create a proven strategy to accomplish your ideal perceptions on the web.
3. Ongoing reputation management
Once your strategy is in place our services constantly review Internet content that is generating perceptions about your business.
Managing your online reputation requires a comprehensive approach. You want to make sure that positive feedback is boosted and negative posts or reviews are suppressed. The content you are using must be Search Engine Optimized (SEO) to provide you with the best traction possible in search engines. To satisfy the appetite of savvy users, your content must include media: video, podcasts, and/or moving content. When your reputation strategy contains this content approach you are increasing the visibility of your brand. We make it easy for you since our best in class services provide these services and much more.
The biggest increase in Internet users is mobile computing, which is done on devices like cell phones and ipads. Make sure that all of your content includes this distribution and viewing ability, otherwise you are locked out an increasing market of potential customers. Our reputation management services bundle this service for you automatically.
Reputation management is mission critical to every online businesses. We work with all industry types to provide our reputation management services. Typically, you will begin seeing results within a few weeks. Your confidentially and privacy is one of our primary concerns. As for results, you receive a report every 30 days to see your campaign progress. Our fees depend on what you want to achieve and the complexity of your campaign. Contact us today to speak with one of our specialists to design your customized plan.
Steu Mann
2012 Copyright Protected, all rights reserved
Monday, August 20, 2012
Ben Fulford Aug 20 2012
On August 10th, Dr. Michael Van de Meer, AKA Dr. Michael Meiring, died in his sleep in extremely suspicious circumstances. Dr. Meiring was a very private individual who had to change his name to Van de Meer a few years ago after getting unwanted publicity when his legs were blown off by a bomb he says was placed by agents of George Bush senior and his Nazi cabal.
Dr. Van de Meer died immediately after being sent $750 billion worth of bonds from the same batch as the $134.5 billion worth that was illegally seized from two Japanese diplomats in June of 2009. He was planning to cash them on behalf of their Asian owners in order to finance a new international economic planning agency. De Meer was in robust health and full of plans for the future in a conversation with a White Dragon Society representative that took place only hours before his sudden death.
Meanwhile, the self-described “illuminati grandmaster” going by the name of “Alexander Romanov,” was taken into protective custody last week by the Japanese police following a murder attempt. Japanese underground sources confirm that a group of Japanese hit men are actively trying to kill him. Romanov was a 20-year veteran drug smuggler who risked his own life to inform the Japanese police and this writer that a nuclear missile had been smuggled into Japan for use in a mass murder attack. The Japanese police were either hopelessly incompetent or else in on the crime because they failed to take action even after Romanov told them exactly where the bomb was being kept (inside a compound owned by former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone). The fissile material in the bomb was later used to create several smaller devices that were used for the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attack on Japan.
The trail for all of these attacks, as well as the current mass murder in Syria, leads to the P2 fascist lodge. It appears to be no coincidence that former black pope Peter Hans Kolvenbach chose to retire in Syria.
e-mail was sent to this writer with photographs of: a British monarch upside down and with the face erased, a British Royal Seal held upside down by Japanese imperial mirrors, a map showing planned terror attacks on Japan, England, Israel and Ecuador as well as pictures of various snakes. The mail has been traced to the Nazi Satanist pope Malevolent. Through their actions, the P2 are precipitating a course of events that, if not stopped, will result in the destruction of Rome and its seven hills by forces linked to Rome’s ancient enemies, including descendants of the Carthaginian diaspora.
These murders and threats come amid signs cabal control is disintegrating at an accelerating pace on multiple fronts.
The public can see it in the Julian Assange case where the cabal ruling the West has dropped all pretense of accepting international norms. It is also visible in Syria where the cabalists are publicly supporting mass murder by Al CIAda terrorists but are losing. The Euro is also continuing its slow motion implosion despite all efforts to announce otherwise. Even the IMF is now officially calling for an Iceland style solution (bust the banks and arrest corrupt bankers and politicians who accepted their bribes). Now the most brainwashed people in the West are failing to explain the contradictions of their so-called leaders.
There are also signs that the Saudi regime, one of the most brutally repressive in the world, is in deep trouble. MI5 sources say that ARAMCO (the main Saud family owned oil company) facilities were shut down by a powerful new virus related to Stuxnet (tentatively called Gauss). The fact that the US increased purchases of Saudi oil by 20% last year and Japan was also forced by the nuclear terror attack to import $120 million a day of mostly Saudi oil is a sign the cabalists and their Satanic Saudi allies are desperate for cash flow. That is why they forced the Japanese and Americans to buy so much extra Saudi oil. The attack on ARAMCO should thus hurt.
Sources from ancient enemies of the Wahab heretic Saudis also say that no Saudi king is now expected to last more than a year in office.
Furthermore, Neil Keenan’s liens against the source of cabal power, the central banks of the West and their puppet states in Japan and South Korea are now set to be refiled as early as this Friday, Keenan says. The new liens have way more evidence backing them than the original Keenan lawsuit ever did and can be seen here:
Keenan says he has the backing of the pentagon and most of the US law enforcement establishment as well as Interpol. If this is true, it would be an absolute game changer.
Even if not, events in Asia are moving decisively against the cabal and their puppets. The Japanese underworld and all major Yakuza gangs have now agreed to stop working for the cabal and take action against their puppets.
In addition, the recent sacking of the North Korean number 2, General Ri Yong-ho, has meant that North Korea is no longer under cabal control. The new North Korean regime now wants to establish friendly relations with Japan and the rest of the world, according to senior North Korean sources. We can also confirm that Kim Jong-un is the son of Megumi Yokota, who was spirited away to North Korea at age 13. That is why he is pro-Japan, senior North Korean sources say.
This means that a split has now emerged between the North Korean government and the Chosen Soren (General Association of Korean Residents in Japan).
Chosen Soren agents were involved in the Aum Shinryikyo subway sarin gas attacks as well as the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder.
A White Dragon Society representative is scheduled to meet with a Chosen Soren representative this week to try to persuade them to stop working for the criminal fascist Western cabal. If that happens, cabal rule in Japan will disintegrate almost overnight and Nakasone and others will confessing their sins and asking for forgiveness on the NHK national television network.
The cabalists are desperately trying to fan tensions in the region in an attempt to forestall the inevitable. For example, the Chinese activists recently arrested by the Japanese authorities on a disputed Island turned out to have been paid large amounts of money by cabalists to carry out that stunt, according to Japanese and Chinese sources.
The South Korean cabal puppet regime is also trying to stir up trouble with provocative war games and other stunts. Here is a message to President Lee Myung-bak: Have a happy retirement; you are going to spend the rest of your life in jail for the murder of former president Roh Moo-hyun. The team of assassins your government has been using is no longer willing to murder on behalf of the Western cabal and its flunkies. Your only hope is to surrender now and stop working for the cabal.
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