"There's no next time. It's now or never." ~ Author Unknown.
Are worries and nervous tension giving you a psychic headache that won't seem to dissipate? You may still be feeling the residual affects from the latest solar flare activity or you may be tuning into the energy of the turnaround of Mars [in Virgo] within the heavenly picture. This is the shift where the red planet halts its forward movement and begins doing back flips for the next 80 days or so. The week is also being amplified by last night's New Moon which coincidentally kicks off the Chinese lunar New Year of the Black Water Dragon today.
This celestial labyrinth carries astrological influences as well as spiritual directives. Mars is symbolic of our will. It is the red-orange cosmic Fire element that assists our sculpting of passion and power, or conversely for frustration and anger within the Self. This energetic tide will be pulling your attention to any baggage, relationships, jobs, living situations, or other circumstances that are not truly right or good for you. The inner voice of focused passion will be telling you that now is the time to act, to change, to shift, to let go - even if it means jumping into the unknown having no idea what's waiting for you.
We are reaching deeper than ever before into the support of the Soul Self for all the courage and strength we can muster to do what we know we have to do. We are ready to clear our fields of all karmic impurities by recognizing and honoring our present challenges as the lessons we came back to teach ourselves. This week it will be helpful to sit in your favorite spot in your home and take an objective look at any clutter in your environment. Physical clutter in our space is a reflection of the restraints we unconsciously place on our will [mars trait]. Imagine that there is an invisible cord tied between you and every object, piece of paper or unfinished business you possess.
This is an opportune time to take inventory, prioritize and let go of things that deprive you of being a clear signal for the Spiritual Nature that is descending into human form. Pause so that this red-orange Fire within your field can shift the depressed demands of an ego that feels threatened into harmonic aliveness that can carry intense Light. It is vitally important to also cleanse the mental and emotional clutter from our will centers. If pent-up frustration over right or wrong attitudes are internalized or exaggerated, the resulting pressure may manifest as physical illness. Don't get caught up in criticizing, complaining or fighting with life. If you are unconsciously directing your passion into struggling over life's dilemmas, then, like wheels spinning in mud, you will sink deeper into your predicaments. Avoid creating those self-fulfilling prophecies by reflecting on the healthiest expressions of your will, passion and power.
The second cosmic quickening affecting our region of the solar system is the influence of the New Moon. Our first New Moon of 2012 and it's in Aquarius [why am I hearing a rendition of that sixties tune "when the moon is in the 7th house ...."?]. Kelly Rosano from Lightworkers.org sums it up nicely when she explains that we are getting a boost of innovation and inspiration from Uranus the "Awakener" in a harmonious aspect to the New Moon. Saturn and Jupiter are making a wide challenging aspect. Requiring that we use down to earth methods in attaining our fresh ideas currently being conceived.
All New Moons are new beginnings. We have the opportunity to plant new seeds in rich soil and watch what grows. Aquarius is most associated with our Dawning Age of freedom, abundance, truth, enlightenment and peace. Uranus is the God of chaos, who shatters old forms to make way for new ones. This New Moon starts another wave of breakdowns to breakthroughs. Uranus rules Truth.
What is your truth?
What opportunities are available to you right now?
Do you have the trust and will power to follow your own intuition and instincts?
We come from either love or fear. Where are you coming from?
What would you dare to dream and do if you knew you could not fail?
Aquarians are the mental pioneers that heartily dislike any restraint. They are the rebels and individualists that have to go their own way, learning their own way. They are the individualists who are ready and willing to break new trails. Independent, imaginative, creative and inventive when evolved. Aquarian energy always "feels" love instead of "thinking" love. An open and loving heart is easy for this water bearer.
Aquarius has two celestial partners - Saturn and Uranus. They must work together or chaos will result. Uranus is a shattering force that breaks up old forms. Saturn is an agent that crystallizes forms or structures and establishes them in an ego complex. Uranus is life force. Saturn is the structure form that makes life force usable on the earth plane. In other words, without responsibility (Saturn) there can be no real freedom (Uranus) only chaos. We want to be a rebel with a cause.
With this New Moon you have the potential for a spiritual rebirth with the added support of responsibility [Saturn] and liberation [Uranus]. Allow all your changes to be constructive and new ideas and knowledge will come in to break down old ideas and concepts that no longer serve. Resistance is futile in 2012. Whatever is dissolving, leaving or departing let it go. Bless it for what it has taught you.
Helping us embody that much needed strength-of-character for letting go and support for truest Self-expression is the Chinese Water Dragon. This powerful legendary beast comes into play today with all that exists in form. The archetype of this mystical energy will soar above and below imbuing our psyche with exhilaration, unpredictability, excitement, and intensity. The personality of the dragon is ambitious, creative, adventurous and internally aware of its journey - in other words it brings wholeness to every experience.
Dragon is never afraid of a challenge and will risk it all to bring its Truth from the dream realm into physical reality. Transformation is the name of the game in a dragon year. You can match the dragon if you keep your sights on "claiming your right to be You!" This is the year to be passionate about all that you are and all that you bring to life. Yes, it's all about you even as all that is around you shifts and changes [that Transformation thing]. Trust - not control - will bring your destined reality during this period. Attempting to control a dragon will lead to all sorts of headaches and other physical stresses. Your goal is to RIDE the dragon.
2012's dragon elemental influence is quite unusual. Typically dragons are born of the Fire element; also metal in the Chinese tradition. Our dragon however, is a water creature. Water balances fire, so water dragons are able to perceive another's point of view. That supports the 5-D model of cooperation rather than competition. They do not have to "always be right" [a Fire trait]. Conversely they exhibit that "harmonious trust" approach to life and will bend over backwards to end up with a win-win for all parties concerned.
Dragon's also hold precious the attributes of longevity and prosperity. You will also need to experiment with aligning with the dragon's power to incinerate negative past karma to gain the benefits of life long and abundance. This has not been a natural behavior for us so at times it may feel awkward. When you realize though that all you have to do is dare to show up to life and actually live it you'll begin to instinctually move with bravery, passion and allegiance to your Soul in claiming the Dragon's bounty.
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