Trust in us and God that
events are going to proceed as promised, and do not worry as to the
timing as it will occur in a way that is exactly correct for the desired
outcome. Also be assured that the end times will work out as planned,
and that responsibility is ours and everything is totally prepared.
There is no need to be concerned about your individual role and what
will happen to you, as each of you will experience precisely what you
have planned. Some of you have elected to leave the Earth early, and
others will see the final year through to the end. Either way it will
have been your choice, and all will ultimately leave the old Earth as
you presently know it.
To ride out any rough patches of experience simply keep your mind and
focus on Ascension, because as the year progresses and the higher
vibrations are dominant peace will descend upon Earth. Already there are
noticeable changes in the mass consciousness levels that can be
registered by us, and more souls than ever are being lifted up. The
awakening is accelerating and will touch all souls before the final days
of this cycle. Whether all respond is down to their choice, but not one
soul will leave this Earth without having understood the opportunity of
ascending. It clearly will not appeal to everyone, as some souls would
feel out of place in the higher dimensions.
Meantime the Lightworkers proceed with their individual tasks creating
the groundwork necessary for events to unfold. As one who is aware your
best contribution is to share your Light with all others, and to do so
quite freely. Mentally spread your Light far and wide and if you like to
give healing, picture in your minds eye those areas on Earth where it
is most needed. The Middle East continues to cause concern, as the
negative energies are deep rooted as the result of centuries of warfare.
Our brief is to ensure that problems do not escalate or bring about
war, and we shall prevent one breaking out. The dark Ones would
naturally like to exploit any such situation, but reckon without the
Galactic Federation. We know their plans and are therefore able to
control what takes place, and we have already shown them what we can do.
It is worth mentioning that our Motherships are what you might call,
airborne cities and able to remain stationed over your Earth for
extremely long periods. They contain absolutely everything needed to
exist normally, and it is an enjoyable and satisfying existence. We have
bases upon Earth, and also our allies who are of the Inner Earth and
will eventually emerge to meet you again. There are also bases on the
sea bed, some of which have operated for thousands of years. They have
allowed us great seclusion and privacy away from prying eyes, by being
sited out of reach of your submarines and robotic searchers. Some bases
are extremely large and self supporting, and can house hundreds of
Some of our bases are deep within Mountains and quite safe from your
probing. The entrances are not visible and that keeps out the curious.
They were more active in past times when we met and helped local
inhabitants, and such meetings have been recorded by them. So you see
Dear Ones, that whilst there are people pressing for disclosure, someone
intent on finding the evidence of our visits to Earth would not have
difficulty in doing so. Regrettably, as evidence has been found it has
largely been ignored or hidden away because it did not fit in with the
accepted version of your past. All of this will eventually change, and
the truth will be given to you supported by ample evidence. In past
times those who have voiced the truth have been persecuted or ostracized
and often put to death for their beliefs.
Can you begin to see how false your reality has been, and how it was
created to make you ignorant of your sovereignty and totally reliant on
those who have enslaved you. Life could have been so different had it
not fallen from grace in Atlantean times, when it did enjoy times of
great spirituality and understanding. Nearly all you have spent lives in
that particular period, and you still carry memories of it deep in your
subconsciousness. You even go further back to some civilizations that
are just names in ancient history. Remember that you are just completing
a Solar Cycle of approximately 26,500 years, and you have been in and
out of it so many times choosing where and when to further your
experience. We could take you back further when some of you lived on
other planets, just to indicate that you are very old souls.
This particular life you are in, is the culmination of many previous
ones and is quite unique and so important to your evolution. No wonder
so many souls wanted to go through this cycle, as it offered a great
step forward and opportunity to leave the cycle of rebirth. It has been a
long and mostly tedious journey but like all experiences is easily put
behind you once it is over. One of your greatest assets has been your
strength to overcome the most severe hardships and setbacks. Those
experiences will carry you forward and serve you well when faced with
similar challenges. Your services will be in demand by those who have
yet to experience what you have.
The life ahead is going to be wonderfully satisfying, and very
rewarding. Your hard work and dedication to your spiritual growth will
have ensured your upliftment into the higher dimensions. It is your real
home and as nice as some experiences on Earth can be, they will not
compare to the absolute happiness and bliss that you will experience.
True freedom is not really something you have yet enjoyed, but when you
take up your place as a Galactic Being everything will lie before you.
Words cannot express how wonderful you will feel and the beauty and love
that will surround you. All is in harmony and balance unlike your
experiences in duality.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know you will be thrilled and overawed by
the Motherships and the wonders of our very advanced technologies. You
may well get to visit one, or even enjoy the experience of visiting one
of the Cities of Light, that are preparing to make their appearance on
Earth. They also are examples of what can be done by using our
technologies for the good of all. So do not despair and keep looking on
the bright side of things, your day is soon to come when all shall live
in peace and freedom.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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