
Monday, January 23, 2012

SaLusa, "it is therefore far better that the truth is found through personal experience that creates a lasting impression"

Our observations are that you are doing so well in bringing Light to the Earth, that it is continuing to increase exponentially and rapidly taking you forward to Ascension. So you are on course for a great victory over the dark Ones and there was never any doubt about it, and you have the strong will and intent to do so. After all, as Lightworkers it was the reason you came to Earth at such an important time, knowing fully well what your task was and faith in your ability to carry it out. As you can see, there are two main schools of thought that people follow, one supposes that life will carry on as usual and somehow get past the present problems, and the other sees immense change and the restoration of people's rights. Both will to a large extent continue to follow their own path, and it will determine which one that they step upon when this cycle ends. The fact remains that you are all creating your own reality, using your freewill as a God given right to determine your own future.

Those who have awakened will naturally wish to announce to the world the truth they have discovered, and we encourage the distribution of such information. However it must not be forced upon anyone as in the ultimate they must be allowed to make their own decision, without feeling that they are under any pressure to accept. Those of the Light appreciate that each soul follows its own dictates, and that no two are necessarily at exactly the same point in their evolution. It is therefore far better that the truth is found through personal experience that creates a lasting impression. By all means sow the seeds of truth, and one day they will grow and becomes the flowers of understanding.

Naturally in short time there will come an avalanche of information and advice about Ascension, and for those who are open to the truth it will give the opportunity to take a quantum leap forward. It is a matter of whether people are ready to see beyond their existing beliefs, and become part of the new paradigm. If not there is no problem and they will be able to stay on their own path and continue to experience in the lower dimensions. It cannot be fairer than that by allowing you your choice, and all will be treated as any other soul with loving care and given every help possible. No one is beyond help and it is always there ready to be given at the slightest indication that it is requested.

Various desired changes are moving along together, and we can see that there may well be a quick series of revelations that will carry you forward very quickly. It will be sensational to many people and cause shock to those who are unprepared, but through our allies we shall ensure that the necessity for them is understood. Once the advantages are announced it will result in much support, and an eagerness on many peoples part to play an active role in it. There will be opportunities to take part and we will certainly need the support of all of you who are ready to play your part with us. Community work will be required to convey the nature of the changes, and how they can be implemented with the least inconvenience. Be assured we know you all and what your particular talents are, and what you came into this life to do.

We see a great Love and Light expanding over the Earth and it carries the energy that will lift many up out of the darkness. In the poorer countries of the world, many have lost hope as they see their plights largely ignored. They need sustenance and their basic needs covered, just so that they can survive the harsh conditions they exist in. Talk of Ascension has hardly any meaning to them and their faith in God and humanity is at a low ebb. There are people and organizations that care, but the task is so great it needs a coming together of those countries who are affluent and can afford to act. Humanity cannot in future stand by and allow such conditions to exist, and must grasp the truth that All Are One. Having said that, we know many of you are very compassionate and greatly desire that help is given to the worlds poorest people.

You will be pleased to know that the means to remedy the hunger and desperation, is ready to be put in hand but for the moment cannot be done without permission of those who are in authority. There are also karmic reasons that stop direct intervention, but we will address the whole situation once we are officially recognized. We know that you are sometimes puzzled by these problems in giving aid, but please bear in mind that we cannot take actions that would deny any soul commitment to their life plan. All will work out well in the end, but for the time being you could say that our hands are partly tied. There is of course a divine date after which we shall go ahead regardless of any other situation. We are ready for all possibilities having planned for all likely scenarios.

It must seem quite astonishing to you that the Universe waits for the civilization of your little Earth to complete the cycle of duality, so that they may ascend themselves. That is how extremely important your progress is to the future of other life, that like you is on a path back to the Source. The in-breath of God is drawing everything back, but it is only the first stage of many, many cycles that will eventually complete your "home coming". Meanwhile keep at your task to see out this life as one who can go through to Ascension. Live according to your best understanding of what it is like to be an ascended Being. That will see you sail through the remaining days and months, and be assured of success. Nothing else really matters and it will be a very satisfying experience that will end with a joyful and happy conclusion.

I am SaLuSa, from Sirius and I feel privileged to be one of those appointed by the Galactic Federation to deal directly with you. The prospect of being amongst those who are to be the first to contact with you is quite thrilling. Even to one who has had so many experiences and adventures in the Universe, it is the magnitude of what is taking place, and the Ascension of both soul and body that makes it such a unique occasion. You can rest easy as to what it will be like, as any upliftment into the higher vibrations is something to be desired and looked forward to. We shall be there with you, and Love and Light will surround you on your journey.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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