
Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 – A New Evolution of Consciousness - Archange Gabriel

People of the world, unite in Divine Love, and let your hearts sing together in the Light of true Peace.

The now infamous year of 2012 allows you many new opportunities to be what you came on earth to be. The responsibility you hold as Light Workers means that you are here to bring more Light through you to the Earth, and ground the evolutionary frequencies. Your willingness to work with Divine Light has been one of the powerful ways this new consciousness has been born onto the planet.

The new higher frequencies you carry are transforming your very being. As you allow these Spirals of Light-filled Consciousness to be integrated within you a newborn, complete 12 Chakra system is created for your evolution. These energy frequencies radiate through you and out to the planet. Through your agreement to carry new frequencies of Divine Light, you are literally changing the world.

So many are asking, “what is my Soul’s purpose?” We must answer; you are here to hold new frequencies of Light and to anchor them into the Earth. As you do this all, including the Earth, will evolve. This allows the particular form of your purpose to manifest in a more fertile environment in which you can work. Know that you are not limited in this process. Your declaration of intention will create the hookups necessary with the forces of Light working through you. In the meantime, dedicate yourself to creating alignment with the new elevation of your chakra system so you can ground and embody the manifestation of these energy frequencies in the world.

The support systems becoming available through this new evolution of energy systems are magnificent. As close as your thoughts, as near as your breath, you are interacting with higher frequencies of Intelligence and Love. The Christ Light shines as a brilliant Star of Consciousness that can be invited through your energy centers. Allow your very personal energy system to be lit up by this star. Through you this Divine Consciousness can be anchored into the Soul of the Earth, the deep and vital connection with your new 1st chakra. Know that it is safe to carry these frequencies of Light. Your energy system is evolving to allow you to use this awareness.

Bless all the Situations Within and Around You with Divine Light

Confusion and chaos around you may seem more intense. The truth of what it means to have an evolution of consciousness becomes more clear when fear is released and you allow yourself to stay in the present moment. Within the power of the Now you are cared for completely. You can trust that the consciousness you carry within your energy fields attracts the same to you in the future. Bringing Light into your present moment and staying in touch with your inner guidance system inspires heart-centered action moment to moment. Your clarity about the world you intend to inhabit and your intention for bringing more Light into every situation provide the keys to connection with this heightened guidance system.

You will be working with all the spiritual tools you have ever been given, and plenty of new ones, as the year evolves. Know that the years that follow 2012 are equally important. The shift in consciousness will not stop at the end of this famous year. After the upheaval and change in systems on a personal inner level, the physical plane must reflect the change in consciousness. This usually takes a longer period as new structures are put into place. That is why your grounded awareness and commitment to embody the new light frequencies becomes an important focal point of this new time. You cannot force things to happen. It is a lesson for you in allowing the creation of your highest intention to evolve in more beneficial ways than you can imagine.

But it will not be done for you. You are the ones who create the new world by your willingness to hold the new frequencies of Light, Divine Love and Universal Awareness. When you take it a step at a time, it will not be overwhelming. One more important thing for you to remember is, there has never been a time when you have so much Divine assistance as you have now and throughout 2012. Miracles occur when the Forces of Light are invited to assist the process.

Here is a prayerful suggestion for you:

Divine Presence, God, Goddess, All That Is,

Surround me with the Light of your protection. Fill me with the Light of your Love. Let this Light align my being with Divine Intelligence. Allow my body to receive and gracefully integrate these frequencies to assist my spiritual evolution. As I embody these new energy frequencies, I ask to be a grounded presence that anchors Light and Love. Let me be a blessing to assist the earth in receiving the respect and sanctity she deserves. 

May all beings find Love in their hearts and allow Divine Love to motivate their actions. May Peace prevail within all people and all communities. And may the world leaders receive the Grace of Divine Intelligence and bless the world with their Peace-filled presence. May we always live in Harmony with each other and with the Earth

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  So be it. Be it so. Amen

People of the world, unite in Divine Love. May 2012 to be a year for a spontaneous evolution of consciousness that allows the Earth and all beings to thrive.

And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: December 29, 2011

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