
Monday, January 23, 2012

Blue Ray Negative Thoughtform Release with the Archangels

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia.

“Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

With the veils now thinner, there is much being released from humanity, group consciousnesses and the other realms and within yourself. Some of what is being released is not positive and can become attracted to you as you are increasing your light bodies. It is like a compression, as a greater light of source Creation is emerging, negativity is jarred so the love of God can re-emerge. Know your Holy Light sovereign divine power of love is expanding and THE NEW EARTH SUPPORTS YOU. 33

Thinning of the veils and aligning to the Divine Plan
The highest way to ascension, to know your purpose, awakening of your spiritual gifts, and to receive abundance is through Love, compassion, forgiveness and joy. Be in a clear state in divine alignment so you are not blocked to the divine, your higher self, your guides, God and Creation. As you are getting used to the thinning of the veils and increase of time acceleration, being in the God flow will make it easier on you as events, situations are shifting and changing with great influx. Knowing all is serving the highest divine plan, no matter what, and being in your higher heart in gratitude, non-attachment to outcomes and non-judgment, will keep you in divine alignment. 13

Ultra-sensitive empaths, Blue Rays, and Light Bearers, the new earth is calling you and empowering your divine natures that are a gift to God and humanity, to completely serve you. Remember your energetic boundaries, that you need not take on others’ energies to transform and can still be aligned in love and in oneness. You are to be a beacon of the radiance of your true essence that creates an energetic pathway for all life and raises the vibration of the planet – this is your mission! 22

Raise your frequency and switch to the new earth divine higher frequency through love
Getting clear of negativity, negative thoughts and emotions is essential now as these vibrations are being amplified; as the light increases they wish for release. As intense as it may feel at times, it is easy to turn the switch to the new earth divine higher frequency through love. Negative thoughts and emotions lower your energy frequency and leave you open for lower vibrational entity and spirit attachments. Using your divine command authority of your voice and intention through your higher heart of divine love can keep your energy field strong. With the veils thinner and the dimensions closer, you need not pick up others’ negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies.

We share an energetic empowering tool as many have requested assistance. 33

Note: The “Archangel Chamber of Love, Light, Healing and Protection” is a real, energetic dimensional grid of the celestial divine realm given by the Archangels, of two rounded pyramids one on top of the other, with you in the center. There are 9 archangels at all the corners and directions creating an empowerment of the divine light that includes the threefold flame Archangels at your heart and with Shekinah and Gaia.

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