Look at some of the items we are working with:
• Nominee
accounts used by parties fronting for the CIA and Bush Sr. /Josef
Ackermann/ Michael Herzog and Paul Guenette, are being discussed and
tracked. Using the integrity of the London Capital Markets to fund
unauthorized Agency and Military activities, as well as to self-enrich
key Political and Government employees, is also under review and being
evidenced to appropriate authorities. This week and next, as exposure
mounts, more will be presented and played out.
• A
vast multi-Trillion dollar fraud involving a Central Intelligence
Agency owned Foundation known to us all is also under formal
investigation by the British authorities with the Attorney General being
kept appraised. This Foundation is bypassing Congress, but benefiting
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Homeland Security and private
parties. A well-known Asian Fraudster, Wilfredo Saurin, has been allowed
to gain a complicit, FRB NY supported role, protecting him from arrest
as an Agent of these entities. Working in conjunction with FRB NY,
Saurin and corrupt Bankers have been instrumental in assisting cross
wired bogus asset backed SWIFTS, which have been used to generate MTN’s
and to participate in substantial inter-bank trading. A complex arena
of fraud is now being unraveled. The records are lodged with
investigating authorities. The White Hats have copies of the governing
documents and the chain of SWIFT sequences and the accounts used.
As part of this very deep investigation, Edward Falcone’s case has also
been raised as a further example of the criminal complicity of banks,
and the extent to which the Shadow Government operates with impunity.
To start, the Banks involved and the Bank auditing firms will be
officially put on notice to respond to their obvious negligence in
enforcing international banking regulations and money laundering laws.
The money stolen from and owed to Ed
Falcone would have been used to fund United States projects including
Florida, the Gulf Coast region and Katrina victims, as well as city
regeneration, jobs, taxes, recovery, and dignity for Americans.
Instead, Falcone’s money ended up with the Bush Cabal, U.S. Presidential
Candidate Mitt Romney, Vice President Joe Biden, Michael Herzog, Paul
Guenette, Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, his brother Don Nevin, and
the CIA agents used to launder it across multiple banks for Bush Sr. and
The Cabal has publicly refused to
acknowledge the unknown and unregulated extent of their wealth
generation, the extent of their cross entanglement with the world drug
cartels, their funding of clandestine operations like rendition torture
centers, and self severing rogue agendas are just a few of the
operations of this group.
When will Herzog, Guenette, Dewhurst, and Nevin be arrested to start the
process of Law? One morning they will all wake up to find a worldwide
media firestorm has been unleashed and they are all named and shamed.
It is an abhorrent betrayal of an American citizen and humanitarian
projects lost to thieves. The White Hats and UK agencies have been
allowed unfettered access to review the enormous depth of support
documentation behind the Falcone case. London, Frankfurt, Germany and
other EU based Traders are all cross linked and identified. Banks,
trades, monthly profits and returns are all on record. There are
criminal cases for Wire Fraud, domestic and international bank fraud,
Securities Fraud and RICO for institutions and individuals. Volume
after volume has been documented and evidenced. Herzog has threatened
to take down Bush when he is exposed and there is enough evidence to
directly incriminate both Herzog, Guenette, Dewhurst and Nevin many
times over. Commerzbank in Frankfurt, Germany and Fed records are all
held including the Isle of Man Banks used to hide profits and all other
illicit activities. Equally exposed on record are the named Nominees
they tried to hide their profits behind, including amounts the Traders
used, along with all account information. One day, Mr. Herzog, Mr.
Guenette, Mr. Dewhurst, and Mr. Nevins... That knock on the door is
coming for you. Never thought you’d be reading this, did you? Your
arrogance will be your undoing.
Bank accounts on record with Bush Sr. and son, Jeb Bush, are counter
linked as signatories. This will have a huge impact on poor Jeb’s
political aspirations even though he may not have been involved in the
original heist. Those co-signed accounts exist and are also part of the
Falcone evidence files.
Obama has been busy accepting funds from numerous sources and are held
in his very own offshore bank accounts. This information is held by
Falcone’s attorneys and the White Hats, and will be further exposed as
he attempts re-election. Obama, do you not think we are going to let
the American public know about your dirty, corrupted self?
Why have Bill Bonney and the Argo Trust still not been settled? Just
these two elements of the Global Settlements represent Trillions of
dollars for American Projects, jobs and the elimination of the US
national debt of 15 Trillion dollars.
Again, Herzog threatened he would expose
Bush Sr. if he’s made to pay back what they have stolen. ARREST HERZOG
AND GUINETTE, AND CLEAN UP AMERICA! Arrest Dewhurst and Nevin, and
impeach Biden. Let the White Hats expose the criminal activities of
Mitt Romney! How can Mitt run for President when he is responsible for
hundreds of offshore bank accounts that have skirted U.S tax laws?
Americans have no idea that the Shadow
Government and the Military Industrial Complex take not only 55% of all
known accrued U.S. Tax income, but also works in conjunction with the
co-owned Cabal Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which maintains a vast
unauthorized Ponzi Pyramid Cash Machine hidden from Congress.
groups engage in so many clandestine activities often beyond the rule
of law or ethics, while our inner cities decay and collapse as crime and
drugs thrive. This money feeds the Cabal, not our own people.
Multi-Trillions are squandered annually paying for this Second-Tier
Government, unelected and unchecked, answering only to Agency Shadow
bosses like Bush Sr. and Senator Jay Rockefeller, etc.
Again, Wilfredo Saurin, a well-known
Filipino crook, acting for, protected by, and in complicit conspiracy
with an Agency controlled Foundation, FRB NY, and JP Morgan Chase, has
implemented the release of bogus and fraudulent SWIFTS, which have been
used in a trading sequence, with no Congressional knowledge or
authorization, to cause the issuance of $15 Trillion dollars’ worth of
MTN’s. The MTN’s are not only re-credit lined, but capital used to
reverse MTN and Euro overnight spot trades via London and other EU
banks. All these players work hand in glove with these crooks. This
fraud inquiry is now under way.
The White Hats have access to the morally
good and highly connected associates both in place and in play, right
now each day, willing to help recover a good part of that money for the
benefit of America and the world. We need accessible courageous US
Congressmen. As we reported previously, there is a solution to
regenerate The American Economy, American Jobs, and American Wealth.
However, we have Romney being prepared for
office - A dubious man who stole Ed Falcone’s funds and pocketed a
Billion for himself. We also have an illegal President with no Birth
Certificate, with his hands in the pockets of Wall Street, with some
very dangerous socialists and communists advisors, and America’s own
fanatical version of Dr. Strangelove -- conspiring and planning to get
Jeb Bush elected as the next Vice President, or even President, once the
pending writs are served on Romney. It looks like Romney may also face
real IRS investigation soon on his false Tax Returns. We must ask the
IRS -- What about Romney’s offshore accounts with money he earned from
the theft of the Falcone funds? Is your boss Geithner NOT letting you
investigate the corruption?
The Agency Foundation and Obama tried
desperately to get the 15 Trillion back from London but the banks won’t
release it. Britain and America need to work together on this. WAKE UP
CONGRESS! Those funds can be recovered in a deal with the United
Kingdom! If you do not have the ability to step to the plate, The White
Hats Do! Let us get the deal done.
Both the United Kingdom and America have
been so badly screwed. America has simply become far too crooked for
Justice to be accomplished here. America’s future and fate may well be
playing out as these treasonous parties are exposed by Old Empires,
whose own authorities are now availing themselves of the sordid facts.
All records are being presented live and directed to Agency heads who
are currently evaluating the hard-to-swallow evidence now placed before
them. When you can’t get Justice at home, sometimes you have to get it
another way. Again, at this very moment, all the facts, supporting
evidence and brutal yet sordid truth, is being exposed naming and
shaming those responsible for the deplorable and duplicitous conduct of
our Leaders and Global Banker cohorts, including Ackermann of Deutsch
and the full Commerzbank Traders and other connections.
It took many years to bring down Capone,
and the Teflon Don. Focused dedication got them in the end. The spirit
of Elliot Ness lives on. Because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not
happening. All the evidence and facts are right now under appraisal by
Foreign Enforcement Agencies who, in consultation with others, will
select the route and time to unleash justice and retribution. We will
not compromise sensitive incriminating evidence needed in court by
pre-publishing. Just know we have it, it’s all there and it’s all
playing out.
We will be in touch. Remember to keep a
close eye and ear on the inner sanctums of Great Britain as the exposure
is delivered to that great Sovereign body.
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