If as you
say, you keep your ear to the ground, you will realize that matters are heading
for a resounding victory for the Light. There is such a strong momentum towards
it that it is going to be unstoppable, and means that positive signs of it will
be there for all to see. You only get know of a small fraction of the
developments that are taking place, and the dark Ones would naturally prefer
that you were kept in the dark. However, brave souls continue to step forward at
some risk to themselves, and are prepared to inform you of the hidden activities
of the Illuminati. They are in fact helping to get the truth out in such a way
that it does not immediately overwhelm people. That will create the right
circumstances so that when the media can fully report the news, it will not
cause too much of a shock which would otherwise surely be the case. You can for
example look at the way that the truth about 9/11 has slowly been released, and
has now reached a time when few people would not have come across it. The truth
is ready to fully come out and it is no longer questionable, as it is supported
by hundreds of experts whose evidence is professionally given.
Dear Ones,
just bide your time as much has been prepared in advance that will allow the
revelations to come pouring out. Lies and half truths will be easily revealed
and those responsible will have no hiding place, although they prepare for their
escape. It will be quite futile for them to imagine that with our advanced
technology, we would be unable to track them down. Their fate is not the most
important matter to us, as that is sealed anyway. Our first concern is the
announcement to you of our presence, as that will allow us to freely contact
you. Mass landings will clearly follow but do not expect it to be that quickly,
but be assured that they will take place. We stand by for any eventuality, with
a view to pushing forward to achieve a substantial gain for the Lightworkers.
There are so
many people directly involved in your affairs, that it is not immediately
apparent how much progress is being made. We are however pressing our allies to
speed up their preparations, for the final actions that will remove the leading
players of the dark Ones. As you will no doubt understand, it is all of you on
Earth who have sufficient awareness to work with us who are essential to the
outcome. We cannot just appear and "take over the Earth", as it would be taken
as a violation of your responsibility to forge your own future, but we know that
some of you cannot understand why we do not. Dear Ones, when the time is right
we will have a big part to play in the final months of this year, and until
then we stay mainly in the background working with you to achieve success. We
have been granted certain privileges that allow us a bigger input in some
matters, and vitally important to the future is the Middle East. We have for
quite along time been given authority to do whatever is necessary to keep the
peace and prevent another war.
World peace
is coming and the governmental changes that are near to occurring, will ensure
that they bring peaceful and lasting changes around the world. The energies of
the old paradigm will be dissolved or funneled into more positive channels, and
the armed forces changed into those that are peace keeping. Any form of weaponry
will be destroyed except for that which is purely used for defense purposes
only. This will bring you into line with us, and in accordance with our creed
that is based on peace and love. Our delight will be greatly increased when it
is established that all nuclear devices have been disarmed. Your dark Ones
intended to take such weapons into Space, and to your Moon but we informed them
it was not allowed. They ignored this order and still tried to establish a Space
Weapons Program, but it was prevented.
As your
people have learnt, you cannot just fly off into Space and interfere with other
life forms. That type of Universal freedom existed in the past and would fill
many chapters in your history, but with the gradual elimination of warring or
rebel groups virtual peace now exists. Until the changes are completed and you
ascend, you are for the time being the only races that still wage war upon each
other. Realization of the stupidity of war that benefits no one not even the
so-called winners, eventually comes to souls after their unending experiences
over many lives. Understand that like everything else you get involved in, you
will between lives fully understand the consequences of your actions. There is
nothing like actual experience to open your eyes to the truth, and it is why the
Earth has been such a wonderful playground for you to play out your fantasies
and desires.
Now many of
you can look back upon your life and realize that your level of consciousness
has grown out of your experiences. It has now reached a stage where the ways of
the old no longer fulfill your personal desires, and you seek the higher life
where Love and Light exist in abundance. It is exactly where you are expected to
be after so many lives throughout duality, that have tested your ability to find
and retain your Light once more. With the help you are now getting you are
passing through a period of intense awakening, and it is a wonderful time for
those who aspire to lift themselves up. There will not be another opportunity
ascend such as the one you are about to experience, for a long time. So grasp it
with both hands and focus your energy upon it and it will be yours, as it is not
intended to be difficult for you to succeed. In fact we would view it as being a
simple challenge that Light workers can overcome. Make your intent clear and put
your energy into all that you do, ensuring that it is wholesome and going to
lift up your vibrations. You are a being of Love and Light and live as one as
far as possible, and you will undoubtedly notice the changes taking place in
I am SaLuSa
from Sirius, and whilst not all of us of the Galactic Federation have had lives
on Earth, we do understand the nature of your experiences. You all volunteered
for them and you chose a tough and extremely challenging way of life. Now you
are to reap the fruits of your time on Earth, and we walk beside you on your
path to Ascension. We surround you with our love and blessings as wonderful
souls of Light.
Thank you
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