Have no fears because much can happen from just one week to another, and the plan for your release from the dark Ones is progressing along very nicely. As we have already suggested, keep aware of the developments around the world as your wishes for change are coming true. It is a matter of finding a reliable news sources from which you can get a feel of what is taking place. You know that time is racing by, and that is welcome as you have waited long for the end times to get underway. Believe us they are just as we would have them, with our allies succeeding in creating the conditions that will enable us to come closer to you. All that has been promised will come to you, even if it is not quite as you would have imagined, and in fact in some ways it well may prove to be more exciting and fulfilling.
Remember that everything is in the hands of Higher Beings, who have followed your pathway to Ascension from the very beginning which was a very long ago. You knew it when you started out, but with the degeneration in your levels of consciousness you became separated from the Source and each other. However, that was expected although it did come about by you misusing the freewill that you had been given. You now know that you went through the Dark Ages, that showed how far down you can go when you lose touch with your true self. This present cycle has been the most testing one since you came into physical incarnations, and it was preceded by lives in earlier civilizations that you know very little about. You may have little memory of them, but be assured that every single experience has taken you to where you are now. You have grown immensely in your understanding of physicality, and it has also helped speed up your evolution.
Ascension and beyond will continue to be planned experiences with the guidance of your Guides and Higher Self. However, you will be in a position to have a greater input as to what they will be when you journey onwards as a Galactic Being. As you will understand, life will take on a completely new look, and have little bearing to how you see it now in your present dimension. You have yet to realize what it will be like to be totally free, but when you are it will be when you have risen to a new level of consciousness that will ensure you are fully aware of your responsibilities. The Laws of the Universe are quite simple and require that you respect the sovereignty of all other souls, and intend no harm or interference with them. Indeed your inclination will be to share your Love and Light with all life forms, having understood and accepted the Oneness of All That Is. All life is on the path of evolution and has the powerful urge to return to the Source from whence it came.
Life on Earth can seem very lonely and you meet souls all types, at very different levels of advancement and understanding which adds to your experiences. Your challenge has been to master them and learn whatever lessons they had for you. You of the Light have succeeded and you are ready to move on but will always benefit from them, as the lessons are held at a subconscious level. You have every right to be pleased with yourselves for having come through duality and moved into the Light. Now you can return to a level of consciousness that you are really familiar with and once lived by in the higher dimensions, never to have need to return to the lower dimensions.
In the higher dimensions you still face challenges but they are more acceptable, and best looked upon as missions that often involve souls that could benefit from your experience. Remember that at this stage you will have committed yourself in service to others, and practically every ascended one naturally follows this course. All of the time you are still ascending but progress is much slower, as you rarely have to face negative situations. It does of course depend upon where you elect to go, as you may be one who desires to return to the lower dimensions. The rate at which you desire to rise up is very much your decision, and no one is forced to go any faster than they wish. Hence, in your present dimension not every soul will feel ready to ascend, and will stay in it where they feel more at ease.
It is during this time that karma comes and goes very quickly, and for some it will seem that one thing rapidly follows another without any respite. Dear Ones, it is according to your needs and the necessity to clear your karma before you ascend. Some of it will be a legacy of times past, as it does not necessarily follow that it comes back to you in exactly the same lifetime. Often it is when you are best able to handle it, and be successful in clearing it. In the final reckoning some karma may be released according to the Law of Grace.
You can understand why you are discouraged from making a judgment about another soul, if we tell you that you have no way of knowing what has brought about their experiences. Also, where you perceive one appearing to be punished bear in mind that it is not always as it seems. Sometimes a soul will accept another ones karma as a way of service to them, and it is usually where there is already a strong link or bond between them. One of the greatest deeds you can do for another is to sacrifice yourself for them. Also remember that there is karma that is in the way of a reward, and is earnt through your love and service to others. It is you who creates your path and experiences, and there is no one else to blame when they are undesirable, at least not as you would think of them.
Learn your lessons well, and you will never have to come back to them again, although there are occasions when you might be tested again to ensure that you would not let yourself down. If you have an experience that clearly has a lesson in it for you, think about it honestly and without any bias and you are sure to understand the reason. It all works out divinely and fair, because as we have often stressed there is no sense of punishment involved. God is All Love and has unending patience with his Godsparks that will always be connected to God, and held in God's Love.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and close with a loving wish for you all to find you true path, and true self. Keep shining your Light wherever you go and you will unknowingly be helping others find theirs.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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