This article is one of a series exposing theft, deceit, tax evasion,
and bribery of public officials. It questions a Presidential candidate
who would associate with such people, much less take money from them.
This money is then hidden offshore to evade taxes in a conspiracy with
ruthless criminals, all knowing the true Beneficial Owner of the funds
was being cheated of his income at every turn. These actions bring
consequences. Knowledge is power.
We expose three key names of consequence today. Mitt Romney, Dr.
Michael Herzog and Paul Guenette are now challenged to publicly explain
why they ruthlessly cheated an American national causing loss of
important projects, tax revenue and the denial of hope and dignity to
many Katrina victims. These far flung results would have resulted from
pre-approved projects which were to have been done if not for the
deceit of the above mentioned three. The Falcone Group was planning
high value work, which was needlessly delayed with pain and suffering
for many; real consequences occasioned for real people, so many
innocent citizens affected by the ruthless conspiring greed of others.
Mitt Romney is a Presidential candidate bidding for the honor of
holding the highest office in the land. And yet, behind the scenes, he
associates and trades with two men whose criminal pasts merit public
awareness and scrutiny. We will present a sectional exposure of each.
Mr. Edward Falcone was asked to allocate part of his Bank Trading
Program profits to help Romney during his previous campaign. It was
there that he and Herzog became connected. This is how Romney repays
his supporters.
Paul Guenette, a Canadian resident, has a small home in Ethelbert,
Manitoba. He and Dr. Michael Herzog have a combined history of global
arrests, charges and venomous fraudulent activities. A discrete inquiry
to Canadian authorities led to helpful guidance that he is both under
heavy surveillance by the Canadian Police and under an airport watch,
indicating he may have already fled and may in fact be hiding out with
Herzog in Germany or possibly in Spain. He and Herzog were closed down
in Switzerland by security authorities with a Bank they jointly owned
(ICB Bank). Guenette and Herzog were also arrested in Germany for
attempting to pass fake credit Letters for cash via Commerzbank in
Frankfurt, Germany. The German Police are monitoring Herzog closely and
will no doubt increase activity on receipt of this. There are
outstanding warrants on Herzog in Israel, and by respecting Canadian
investigations and law, it is pertinent not to declare more or hinder
clear and serious investigations involving Guenette. Herzog has made
allegations that he and Ackermann were assured of safety as a result of
bribes made to a named Senior Interpol Officer, details of which Mr.
Falcone is willing to submit to investigating officers.
How much should we release that does not harm international enforcement
agency diligence or pending actions is precisely the dilemma. Herzog
and Guenette have a deep relationship with Romney and money transfers he
received, some of which will be exampled meriting public challenge.
The files held are extensive. This is a small overview of a vast
library of investigative reports and accounts used.
Romney is declaring his personal wealth holdings, which simply do not
equate to money he has received from Herzog and Guenette. Records exist
showing in excess of 900 million dollars taken offshore. This raises
questions as to the validity and truthfulness of his IRS declarations,
or perhaps in Mitt Romney’s mind, tax is only for the “little people.“
Does he merit the highest office in the land?
A vast amount of detailed and highly incriminating evidence is in our
hands and has been lodged with appropriate global authorities. In such,
we have to ensure we do not compromise criminal investigations now
proceeding. The case we raise releases facts never before published,
facts you deserve to know and question.
During the third week of October 2006, Michael Herzog, working against a
bank trading platform contract he had been allocated by senior US
political parties, signed in conjunction with Edward Falcone, and for
the benefit of Edward Falcone, drew down $500M from a further Falcone
account for Trading by Herzog. That was over and above the account set
up for the use of Josef Ackermann of Deutsche
which primarily funded CIA accounts, exiting via banks such as
Barclays London. This had been previously started with a first initial
amount of $350M and rapidly leveraged by Ackermann and fast track
traded up in value. A credit line was arranged by Josef Ackermann of
Bank with the Bank of Austria. That was traded well into July 2008 by Ackermann. Vast profits were earned.
On August 1, 2007, Ackermann and George Bush Sr., working in
conjunction with Herzog, Romney and Greenspan, exchanged communications
agreeing not to pay Falcone, and to trade it for yet another year.
While Herzog had been ready to pay Mr. Falcone, he and Ackermann allege
the communication to block payment came from Bush Sr. who wanted to
continue trading it. Herzog continued receiving his own profit payments
along with the other criminal participants. Also, substantial CIA
profits were being accrued without Congressional awareness or
oversight. The following year, another program was traded with Herzog
and others fronting it, while substantial profits were continuously
accrued. Hundreds of billions of dollars were earned through their
continuing greed. All of this was hidden from the trusting true
beneficiary who got nothing! A series of high value multi-billion
dollar Bank CHIPs were created from profits both in Falcone’s name and
for his beneficial interests. However, those were also mass used,
fraudulently signed off for trading via other parties, and Falcone was
again ruthlessly and criminally circumvented. A criminal pack of
political thieves extorted his funds. On September 26, 2005, Deutsche
Bank Chairman and CEO Josef Ackermann admitted to his Deutsche
coordinator, Juergen Schafer, that trading had been engaged by his
commitment holder without informing Mr. Falcone. Records linking Paul
Fauque, Nathan the Trader, and a series of beneficiaries are all on
file as the investigation proceeds.
These profits accrued by Herzog were personally shared by George Bush
Sr., George Bush Jr., Romney, Greenspan, Paulson, Herzog, Ackermann and
Guenette in conjunction with other political associates and Bank
Traders. Some associates earned between 2% and 4% of the profits which
were side-lined into a labyrinth of offshore pseudo Trusts. The actual
list of all beneficiaries is known, with accounts recorded and ready
for Global recovery action. It has been lodged already with the FBI,
Homeland Security, The US Federal Reserve, NSA, and also with the CIA -
the largest beneficiary of profit allocations from Ackermann’s
operation. This is America’s dilemma. With key appointments accepting
political patronage, those compromised parties are too often carefully
placed in key agency or government roles to maintain the status quo and
to protect and block corruption inquiries.
Major Banks they used for these trades included Credit Lines leveraged
up by the Bank of England, Bank of Austria and trading via Barclays,
HSBC, CSFB (who used their Spanish division), RBS London, Deutsche
ABN Germany, Commerzbank, Frankfurt Germany, and a network of exit
banks used by Bush Sr., Romney, Herzog and Guenette, all who ordered
profits to be moved into Caracas then on to the Caribbean and even into
South Africa. Herzog exited profits via San Marino for onward
distribution. Large Profits were made and substantial taxes avoided,
yet Mr. Falcone always expressed a commitment to pay his taxes due. On
receipt of the huge debt long overdue to him, he will declare his
income, fully discharge his taxes and move to fund US infrastructure
Herzog operated initially behind a series of fronts including Alliance
Stars in Israel. He also defaulted on others, and hid behind his wife
Gudrun Funkenweh whose accounts are now frozen. He used Oxi Mining and
Trade LLC in the Isle of Man to hide profits, and also Frank
Furstenberg behind a Berlin attorney trust.
This raises the issue of Mitt Romney, a man purporting to be
Presidential material. He and his fundraiser in Florida were
pre-advised months ago that they might be culpable to repay all funds
raised given this serious screening issue. How can he become a
Presidential nominee when the Falcone issue is not resolved? Will he
and his fundraiser ethically return funds they have raised should he
withdraw as this escalates?
Some 2 years ago the CIA, the Bushes and Falcone had negotiated a
settlement deal. Yet again, that was reneged on. This is escalating
into what could become a serious global embarrassment for the United
States. The Falcone camp is focused and determined to get their money,
whatever it takes. This is about justice. It’s about the projects,
people and jobs needlessly lost.
There are other agendas also being seriously monitored. President
Obama’s bank accounts are constantly watched by the retained Falcone
investigators who note two amounts having been recently moved. Jeb Bush
appears as a signatory on numerous offshore accounts, both singularly
and linked with Bush Sr., for substantial amounts having no IRS history
or true source of funds that are able to withstand forensic
The issue is Mitt Romney, he who would be President, and the company he
keeps. Specifically, it is his sense of moral justice regarding his
own tax integrity and regarding Ed Falcone.
Herzog has threatened to open his books on all deals done with Bush,
exposing the entire history of their activity together if he is forced
to pay back the Falcone funds. Might Congress demand this? During Mr.
Falcone’s visit to London, he met with key, influential people. The
Lords discussed with him the independent facilities of the World Court
in The Hague and its ability to force through his case to achieve a
vast settlement avoiding the corrupt US Judiciary. He was offered
introductions to senior government officials able to appraise his case
and, if approved, to treat all the trading as a contested issue with
conspiracy and fraud overtones. That could, if successful, allow
worldwide recovery of the entire amount as proceeds of crime. A large
number of the people trading his funds have now been identified, as
have their Trusts and Foundations. Each will face tax investigations
with stringent penalties. Senior Ministers are now reviewing the
Falcone case. Huge embarrassment and shame will follow with full media
exposure for their crimes. Moves are now developing to freeze their
worldwide accounts as part of a UK Task Force Tax Recovery operation,
irrespective of their political standing.
A good General never leaves his men behind. In the same spirit of
integrity and new stewardship at the Agency, a leader of such integrity
would never leave his key Investor behind. It needs to be made RIGHT
and NOW. This blemish has to be removed. Integrity, Trust and Honor
must be restored to the Office of The President to The United States of
We are at the conclusion of this report and we felt a recap in
the form of questions for Mitt was appropriate. In the 2008 General
Elections, you were the #1 candidate to run with John McCain for the
top spot in the United States. You found out hours before that Sarah
Palin was going to be the running mate on the Republican ticket due to
your inability to pass McCain’s vetting process. The reason was the
money you stole with your associates Michael Herzog and Paul Guenette.
For your further education from non-White Hat sources, please consider
the following information purportedly from the McCain Camp.
So, let us ask the obvious questions.
- Did you actually think that the American public has forgotten, much less the White Hats?
- Do you think you will move forward with the Presidential race with
the potential of a criminal prosecution in the international arena as
the President of the United States of America? Do you think that
Presidential immunity from prosecution provide you cover?
- Do you think you have the moral character that is required to be the President of the United States of America?
- With what the world currently knows, do you think the world will
think anything different of you, as opposed to any other Presidential
candidate the Bush Cabal is attempting to place into that slot for their
own greedy purposes.
- When you became aware of our report, did you really think that by
merely glazing over the fact you participated in the theft of Falcones
money and received One Billion Dollars as compensation for your
involvement in the international bank fraud conspiracy, you would be
able to hid the funds in an off shore account and not pay any taxes on
- Do you think the problem is going away by claiming “the problem is
being handled” and “You might have to amend some income tax returns”?
Really Mitt ... can you explain to us how a guy of your stature and
financial intellect forgets about one billion, tax free dollars, in a
brand spankin’ new off shore bank account in the Caymans? Do you do
your own taxes or does an accounting firm? Might you have forgotten to
disclose that info to them?
- If you forget about the white elephant in your living room, how can
we expect you to perform in the position of President of the United
States of America, representing us, the American people, here at home
and representing us in the World View?
Mitt, the White Hats think the American people need someone better
than you to represent us, to lead us and make decisions for us. Take
the pay-off money from the Bushs and go away. Hide behind the other
recipients of the stolen money ... the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, Homeland
Security and the Department of Justice.
America needs leadership, a small feeling of truth in it’s candidates
and integrity. You maintain none of the qualities required to lead
It takes more than just a few to play the game in the international arena. Let’s examine a future article we are working on.
- We will take a look at the Banks involved starting with
Barclay’s, Deutsche and the receiving banks responsible for the flow of
the money and the trading.
- We will take a deep look at the internal bank examiners and the
external professional Accounting firms responsible for auditing the
specific trades and the bank records.
- We will look at the taxes that have not been paid to governments and
other jurisdictions ... not that there will be much to look at above
the excuse “Golly Gee, we just don’t know how we forgot to pay them ...
we hate when that happens”.
- We will look at the bank and independent traders that generated the
profits and are responsible for the dissemination of the profits to the
individual accounts.
- Who we know took pay-offs, and who else took influencing money to look the other way including Senior Interpol Agents.
- We will also connect the dots on who knew who when and how they accomplished this.
See you next time!