Crystals are unique in character, as their Light is so bright that your eyes could be blinded could you look into our depths. In our depths holds the crystalline matrix of your universe, unraveled in its complexity and structure. It is your guide to everywhere, could you but read its map. Your body is also a map, with life codes embedded in your DNA strands. Your body has a blueprint that can replicate itself into perfection, were it not tampered with, and were it not for the stress and fear you have all brought into it. For stress and fear only deteriorates its precise mechanisms, and keeps you from attaining your immortality.
We Crystals do not hold stress or fear. Actually, it is entirely unknown to us, for our Light Quotient is so high that we only experience Divine Love. When you only focus on your Divinity, there can be no room for any other feeling or thought to exist, and that is when your heart opens to your I AM Presence and you feel the joy of union and completeness.
So it is all in your thoughts and focus that you can move yourself into your Divinity. For your thoughts will carry you to wherever you direct them. So direct them to your God Self, and feel them uniting you to All That Is: your Inner Light in your heart that is waiting for you to acknowledge its Presence. Stay in your heart space, and feel only the JOY of life, only the LOVE of the Creator, only the PURITY of your I AM Presence and beckon them in. Stay with the Music of the Spheres, and it will re-calibrate your cells to the Music of Home. Home is in the heart – and you already know this.
So you find your way back Home through your Heart. It is the quickest route to the Ascension, and we await you there. We are already stationed in your heart and we wait for your call to accompany you on your trip back to Unity Consciousness. We will carry you along with us, if you only acknowledge our existence as fellow travelers on the road through Eternity.
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