
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Farming for the Future Conference

Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture - Transforming Agriculture in PA

Each year our Farming for the Future Conference seems to get bigger and better. Indeed, the full program is never the same twice. This year we have even more innovations in store to inspire you for the year ahead and to prepare you for the changes happening throughout the agricultural community.         
As our twenty-first annual conference approaches, we are especially mindful of the responsibility PASA assumes as one of the most significant sustainable agriculture organizations in the nation.  We are part of a movement that has taken the national and international stage.  No longer a fringe idea, sustainability has entered the rhetoric of mainstream America, popping up everywhere from stump speeches to television ads.  But for us, the idea is more than a buzzword; it is a driving vision that must be implemented if humankind is to survive on this planet in balance with the natural environme

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