
Friday, December 23, 2011

Adama from Lemuria - message on 2012

Dear Children of Divine Glory I salute you. 

I Am your brother Adama

This historical period that you are currently living on earth is crucial for each one of you. You are presently at the crossroads of all possibilities. 

Your inner choices for yourselves and your planet will determine your future. These choices are the choices you make every day of your life. The choice you believe in and all these choices that dictate each of your actions, of your words, and that you contribute to creation around you.

2012 will be a year of manifestation, and the reflection that each individual on the planet nourishes and entertains in his heart.

And so my beloved children, in this new year now at our doorstep, I am wishing the awakening of this light, of these energies that have never forgotten the essence of their true nature.

I also wish you will greet with unconditional love and absolute trust, all the changes that are shaping up at the horizon. These changes are bringing you Freedom. Welcome them all with total and confident abandon.

I am telling you, this period is historic. The new Earth will be your creation. Dare to believe in the magic of Life. Dare to dream with us this new world of peace and joy for each person on this earth.
I am conveying the profound and truthful love of your brothers and sisters of Telos. Our heart is filled with gratitude and we celebrate your victory.

I Am Adama,
the one accompanying you on the road to the return of True Life.

Demise, Telos Foundation,

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