
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fulford Update: Cabal Struggles Desperately to Create Fascist World Government as Multiple Criminal Investigations Zero in on Them

he fascist cabal known as the Bilderbergers, CFR, committee of 300 etc., is desperately and without hope trying to start WW3 and install a fascist world government in an attempt to pre-empt criminal investigations closing in on them from all sides. Their efforts will fail because the Pentagon and the agencies in the US (with the exception of homeland Gestapo) are preparing to remove them from power, according to CIA and other sources. For example, multiple investigations are closing in on alleged President Obama, including one for illegally declaring war on Libya. A count among US representatives show the votes necessary to impeach him are there, US law enforcement officials say. In addition, evidence of bribery and other forms of illegally tampering with government is being compiled against George Soros, among others. There is also a lot going on under and on the surface in Europe, Japan and the Middle East.

In Europe, an agreement was reached by most countries, including the 17 in the Eurozone, to agree to cede national sovereignty over fiscal policy in order to protect the Euro. This is all part of a long planned central power grab by unelected secret Khazarian groups that was meant to be a major milestone on the road to a global fascist regime. Create the crisis, offer the solution.
In the US, as mentioned last week, the Obama regime has asserted the right to murder and imprison Americans without due process, meaning he has declared the US to be a fascist dictatorship. Again, it looks on the surface like the plans for a world fascist government are proceeding smoothly.
Fortunately for the rest of the human race, the fascist power grab is really just a sign of desperation.
The EU, agreement, for example, is like a dead-beat borrower promising to be good in the future saying: “Now that I have agreed to German autocratic control could I have some money please?” The answer remains, “sure, just borrow from the Germans.” The Germans, of course, do not have enough money. As mentioned before, the Euro zone still needs money from the rest of the world in order to stabilize its financial situation and that money will not be forthcoming until more fundamental problems with the global system, such as 1.1 billion hungry people and rampant environmental destruction, are dealt with. The upcoming belt-tightening, however, is a healthy process that will be good for Europe in the medium to long term.
Living within your means is always a wise policy for both individuals and nations.
The fact of the matter is that the European financial elites have been hogging the world’s financial assets since the end of World War 2 and have been plotting genocide so they are not going to get any money. End of story.
The UK was the only nation to veto the new EU treaty because the interests of the City of London financial district and the average citizen happened to coincide. The City did not want a financial transaction tax because it would gut their business and the average Britton was not willing to surrender to the Germans.
The situation in the US is a bit more complicated. The problem is that almost the entire leadership structure in Washington D.C. is corrupt and compromised but people in the pentagon and the agencies are so used to taking orders they do not know what to do when their leaders become dysfunctional.
For example, there are enough votes in the US Congress and Senate now to impeach Obama but the problem is nobody can agree on a replacement.
The various corruption investigations against the Obama regime can remove him from power but nobody knows what to do next. The only answer is for the military to set up a temporary government headed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff until the garbage can be removed from Washington D.C. and Wall Street. The military rightly claim that armies are not good at governing. However, they are good at cleaning up a mess and restoring constitutional order.
The US military also worry about being able to meet the payroll but the backers of the new financial system have already promised generous financing to ensure a restoration of US economic might and a gradual transition of the military industrial complex into something that can be self-supporting and good for the planet.
In any case, the Khazarian Satanic bankers in both Europe and the US are being cut off from their credit by the rest of the world. Since the only product they know how to create is debt, that means that without somebody gullible enough to provide them with credit, they have nothing but illusion to offer. These debts they claim the rights to are not owed by the people of Europe or the US because they were never anything but illusions placed upon them by rapacious bankers. No matter how many zeros and how many astronomical numbers they invent to put into their banking computers, there is simply nothing in the real world to back them up.
Their efforts to take over the rest of the world outside of the EU and the US are also failing big time. The sham attempt to sabotage Russian Parliamentary elections with paid saboteurs got nowhere. Efforts to start World War 3 in Iran continue to be blocked.
Attempts to get money from Asia to finance the Satanic cabalists are also going nowhere. According to a CIA representative, a senior member of the Du Pont family and a Rothschild representative are in Indonesia trying to get access to rights for Asian treasure but are getting nowhere.
In Japan too, there is a desperate attempt to re-establish Khazarian control.
Democratic Party of Japan power broker and Rockefeller stooge Ichiro Ozawa, police corruption beneficiary Shizuka Kamei and corrupt Tokyo mayor Shintaro Ishihara are trying to drum up support for a new political party. They have been sucking up to recently elected and very popular Osaka mayor Toru Hashimoto. The plan seems to be to use the nuclear fear they are fanning in Tokyo to promote a shift of government functions to Osaka. That, of course, would mean a lot of construction contracts and other means to bribe the Japanese political elite back into submission. It is such a pathetic plan that more than anything it shows how desperate these hoodlums have become.

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