Touch makes things tangible.
Can we touch God?
First we look at how you imagine or know God to be. For those of us awakening to our spiritual
magnificence, we no longer imagine God to be a separate Being off in some far
away heaven. We know we are God, in that
Field of loving energy from which we are condensed. God’s words are our words; God’s ears are our
ears. God sees the universe by means of
So….tangible? Since we
have come forth from this Field, we acknowledge that the entire material world
also came forth from this same Field, and we influence this Field by our
inter-relations with everything and everyone and by our intent. Go out and touch someone. You are touching God. You Are
the Face of God, wrote Karen Drucker in a beautiful song.
We also touch God, this Field of Love and Joy, by feeling the
presence of All There Is. We do this
simply by being present in the moment, fully open to God’s Love, being that
Love. When we do this, our entire body
is filled with healing energy and we know
God. We are enlightened when we are
present with anything present with us.
We are connected.
This Sunday we will look at the amazing research that
discovers how feelings can actually change our DNA. We can change our feelings and emotions, thus
changing the very building blocks in our physical form, thus changing our
immediate environment and beyond.
this vast Field of beauty, love, joy, wisdom, power and
light, we cannot escape. There is
nowhere else to go, nor would we want to.
Together we have created a world by our collective thoughts, feelings
and emotions. Together we create in
every moment. We can create from
compassion or from taking positions of competition, put downs, envy,
fear and
the rest the feelings that destroy the very things we want. We must
become that which we want. We must knowingly become God, which never
judges, only loves.
I honor and worship the divine in all creation, for I am
that. And so are you.
And so it is!
Rev. Eleanor
Center for Spiritual Living
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