
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Free Energy for a Free Planet

I've been thinking of researching FREE ENERGY and how it can be applied to a FREE PLANET for a while now and finally decided to start reading up on the state of the art of free energy.

Here's a by-no-means exhaustive short list of options for wrestling this Prison Planet from the corporations and returning Creativity, Passion & Kinship to the seven billion inhabitants of Free Planet.

Magnet Power:
Introduction, Contents, Overview, COP, the Wang magnet motor, Bedini magnet motor, Ecklin-Brown magnetic generator, the Phi Transformer, Howard Johnson magnet motor, Carousel magnet motor, Robert Tracy magnet motor, Ben Teal electromagnetic motor, Jines magnet motor, Invention Intelligence magnet motor, Stephen Kundel's magnet motor, Charles Flynn's magnet motor, the Steorn magnet motor, the Asymmetrical magnet motor, Steele Braden's magnet motor, David Cunningham's magnet motor, Emil Hartman's magnetic track, Howard Johnson's magnetic track, James Roney's shielded stator magnets, the shielded twin-rotor idea, Don Kelly's magnet motor and the Perendev Magnet Motor.

Moving Pulsed Systems:
The Adams motor, Harold Aspden's modifications of the Adams motor, Raymond Kromrey's No-drag Generator, Teruo Kawai's motor, self-powered 800 watt generator, the Muller motor, the RotoVerter, Phil Wood's energy pick-up, Phil Wood's DC motor RotoVerter modification, the David Kousoulides energy pick-up, thyristor testing circuit and alternator design details from Prof. Kevin Sullivan.

Motionless Pulsed Systems:
Graham Gunderson's Solid-state Electric Generator, Charles Flynn's magnetic power enhancement system, Lawrence Tseung's magnetic frame, the Richard Willis COP>1 generator, TheGuru2You's self-powered electrical generator, Floyd Sweet's VTA, Dan Davidson's acoustic generator, the Pavel Imris optical amplifier, Michael Ognyanov's self-powered power pack, the Meyer-Mace Isotopic Generator, the Colman/Seddon-Gilliespie generator, Hans Coler's passive device, Don Smith's "Resonance Energy Methods", Kwang-jeek Lee's power amplification system, Tariel Kapaladze's self-powered electrical generator and Meguer Kalfaian's Electron-spin power generator.

Gravitational Pulsed Systems:
Lawrence Tseung's pulsed wheel, Chas Campbell's pulsed flywheel, John Bedini's pulsed flywheel, the water-jet generator, the Magnetic Pendulum, Johann Bessler's gravity wheel, the Dale Simpson gravity wheel, the Veljko Milkovic pendulum/lever system, the Dale Simpson hinged-plate system, the Murilo Luciano gravity chain and Ivan Monk's Rotary Power Unit.

Energy-Tapping Pulsed Systems:
Frank Prentice's electrical power accumulator, Dave Lawton's cold electricity water-splitter cell, John Bedini's pulsed battery charger, the Tesla Switch, Dave Lawton's cold electricity lightbulb, Bob Boyce's TPU energy tapping circuit, Don Smith's devices, Steven Mark's TPU, comments from Jack Durban on Steven's TPU, a Nikola Tesla patent, the Ed Gray power tube, Radiant Energy waves, Nikola Tesla's experiments, Don Smith information, the Alberto Molina-Martinez generator, Alfred Hubbard's device, Joseph Cater's device, Floyd Sweet's VTA, Collapsing Field Technology generators and Rosemary Ainslie's heater design.

Battery-Charging Pulsed Systems:
John Bedini's pulsed systems, battery information from Ronald Knight, Ron Pugh's battery charger build, a self-charging battery pulser, the fan pulse charger, the automotive pulse charger, the self-charging motor, the one-battery pulse charger and the Tesla Switch.

Aerial Systems:
Nikola Tesla's system, Thomas Henry Moray's system, Moray King's circuit suggestions, Hermann Plauston's systems, Roy Meyer's device and Raymond Phillips' RF to DC aerial system.

Fuel-less Engines:
The energy in air, Bob Teal's compressed air engine, Scott Robertson's thoughts on putting low-pressure air into a tank of high-pressure air, the Leroy Rogers compressed-air vehicle engine adaption, the Vortex Tube, the Eber Van Valkinberg compressed fluids engine, the Clem engine, Vortex analysis by Prof. Evert, the Josef Papp engine, the Robert Britt engine, the Michael Eskeli turbines, the water-jet generator and the Cahill / Scott generator.

Passive Systems:
Hans Coler's device, Thomas Trawoeger's pyramid, Karel Drbal's pyramid, James Brock's pyramids, Verne Cameron's pyramid transmission technique, the Pancake coil, Peter Grandic's patent, Les Brown's pyramid information, the Joe Cell, Bill Williams' design and recent analytical advances and co-ax cable electrets.

Vehicle Systems:
The HydroStar and HydroGen designs, running an engine on water alone, Hydroxy Boosters, Pulse Width Modulation current control, Dave Lawton's replication of Stan Meyer's Water Fuel Cell water-splitter, Dave Lawton's circuits and construction details, Dr Cramton's low-power water-splitting, Stan Meyer's water injection system, Peter Lowrie's hydroxy system, the Firestorm spark plug, Ted Ewert's Vortex Turbine, Water Vapour Injection systems, the Ram Implosion Wing.

Other Devices:
Nikola Tesla's power from air system, Dr. Harold Apsden's Electrical Power Generating Apparatus patent, Paulo and Alexandra Correa's conversion of Longitudinal Electromagnetic Waves to ordinary electricity, Prof. Constantin Meyl's scalar wave information, Nikola Tesla's MHD device, the Zero-Point Energy field, John R. R, Searle's self-powered garvitational device, Dave Lawton's gravity wave detector, the Butch Lafonte motor/generator, the Joseph Newman motor, Daniel Cook's electrical generator, Michael Eskeli's work-free heater design, Karl Schapeller's Device, Condensation-induced water hammer and William Hyde's COP=10 electrostatic power generator.

Get 'search terming', dear readers, and start discovering that there's real potential to free the people of this planet from corporate greed via FREE ENERGY.


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