
Friday, November 18, 2011

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Creative Communities 

Our Vision for today is extremely powerful. Written by Suzy Star, who works directly with Creative Communities, it speaks for many who long for a better world. Suzy says:
Dear Ones,
In the New World there will be a new economic system that will be just the opposite of all the principles of good economics as the world sees economics today. This new system will be motivated not by greed or the love of money, but will flourish by being open, honest, sharing, loving others and friendship. No longer will there be power struggles of any kind.

With the elimination of greed and hostility, there will no longer be any need for military defense systems, security of any type, or police forces we now see prominent through out the whole earth. As we move to the consciousness of love, there will be no more wars, and all will receive support, healing and equal opportunity for all.

There will no longer be the love of money and the accumulation of wealth that has caused the destructive forces we now see upon the earth. Economic growth will no longer be controlled by the raising of interest rates and the constant rise in inflation will be turned to one of deflation.

All the starseed and lightworkers that have come here to assist in ushering in the New World (or Garden of Eden or Fifth Dimension) will be the givers of their selves as well as the givers of all their personal knowledge and assets. They will understand the values and the laws of giving until everyone is abundant and there will be no more illness or lack of anything. Free energy will be available to all.

In fact the starseeds and lightworkers will have everything, but will have no private possessions or private ownership. They will have no savings and they will withhold nothing for themselves. This lifestyle will make them the people of greatest influence, wisdom, and prestige. They will be admired and truly loved by all those living in the new world. They will have no self agenda but will be teachers and givers striving to be the best starseeds and lightworkers upon the earth.. These starseeds and lightworkers heart and love of giving will make them great among the teachers in the new world. No matter how much they give, they will never be able to give all that they have coming in. They will not be able to decrease their possessions no matter how much they manage to give away. The wealth will always be increasing to the giver, and they will always receive more than they are able to give.

The reason is that everyone in the New World will realize and recognize the laws of giving and will be giving to others, before one is able to give away what he has, there will be many others who see that a need has been created by the one giving. They will want to fulfill his need even before he has a need.

There will be no hoarding of knowledge, wealth or assets. Abundance will flow like a river without any dam or obstructions. It will be as if giving is the great watering system that makes everything grow and flourish. We may visualize a huge field made up of the finest trees of every kind into a garden orchard. Each tree is being nurtured by the abundance of water coming from everywhere, from the canals, from the wells, springs, from the sprinkling system, and from the rain. Every tree has such an abundance that the want to give away water to avoid a flood they cannot contain, so the entire tree population of the entire field is sharing and giving to others equally.

In addition the healing and supporting, the flowing of knowledge and services to one another will flow equally among the New World. Whenever there is any duty or chore to be done there will be many wanting to perform each service or duty. Everyone will work together, helping and supporting those who have chosen to make the transition to adjust to their New World.

The result will be total trust and faith of everyone for each other without any exceptions. Everyone will want to share all their joy and happiness with all the others. There will be a continual party atmosphere of sharing and giving to fulfill the others wants and desires. Everyone will become telepathic as all lying, cheating and deceit will become a thing of the past.

There will be such a sense of sharing, everyone will be more than welcome anywhere within the entire New World. We will have no need of private vehicles as our thoughts will be able to take us wherever we wish to be in the blink of an eye.

Creative Communities will be built where everyone can live free of debt and any financial worries and training will be furnished to assist them in adjusting to our new world of abundance. Healing centers will be in each community along with orphanages for the children without parents where they can live in a nurturing atmosphere and receive all the education and support they need as they grow into their adult hood and take their place in our society. Everyone will have schooling available to them so they can be trained to fit into their new world and be the sovereign individuals that God wanted for all.

Libraries, Art Galleries, Museums and Performing Art Centers, providing music and cultural events will be in each community so their history and the beauty of their roots can be preserved and appreciated by all. Relief Shelters will be constructed in each community to provide for those who have been displaced and are making the transition into our New World. Our starseeds and lightworkers will be available to work with them to provide the healing and counseling necessary for them to take their place in our communities.

Everyone will be honored and recognized as the God that they are by all the others. Everyone will be loving and totally trustworthy. The person with the least will always be the one with the most. Everyone in the New World will be equal and will always be rushing to fill the others need.

We will be biding and living within the glory of God as the love and the spirit of each of us has total freedom to move and express himself in every individual in the entirety of the New World all at the same time and all at once. And that my dear ones, is my vision of the Fifth Dimension. Thank you for allowing me to share it with you. TOGETHER WE HAVE CHANGED OUR WORLD WITH OUR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, COMPASSION & INTENT.
Suzy Star

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