
Monday, November 28, 2011

The Revelation of All Things

"Let us learn the revelation of all Nature and thought, that the Highest dwells within us, that the sources of Nature are in our own minds. As there is no screen or ceiling between our heads and the infinite heavens, so there is no bar or wall in the soul where we, the effect, cease, and God, the cause begins. Within us is the soul of the whole; the wise silence, the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal One. When it breaks through our intellect, it is Genius; when it breaths through our will, it is Virtue; when it flows through our affections, it is Love." Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I first saw this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson I said to myself, "This quote not only encompasses everything I've learned to this point, but everything I have yet to learn." I believe the words convey everything that anyone has ever questioned about this life, and has also managed to draw a picture in the mind of the reader about the potential of humankind.

I spent a long time, years in fact, searching for the answer to one of life's most commonly asked questions. "Who is God?" On my journey I made an 11 year pit stop in a location that would teach me many things and challenge my personal resolve to find as close to an answer to my question as I could possibly get. The pit stop was a local church that I chose to attend. I loved and adored this church and met many different kinds of people within it's walls. I also had many challenges within those same walls, however I realize now that the entire process was of my own doing, based on what I needed at the time. I created a scenario which would provide me the structure I needed, the discipline I would attempt to perfect, the safety I longed for, and all in the same "location".

As I made my way down this path of my own creation, the one question that I had asked in the beginning began to rise up inside of me once again as I realized that nothing I had created within these familiar walls of my traditional upbringing, had gotten me any closer to the answer to my original question, and yet I could feel the steady breeze of an all-encompassing, gentle and loving presence around me, even beyond the walls (of the building) of my creation. Now please understand, the building existed before I came there, but it's desire to draw in those like me, and my desire for what it provided, would unite us together on the same path for awhile. I began to ask, "God, if you are who you say you are, and you are as powerful and all-encompassing as you say you are, then won't you survive even when I shut this book? "I need to know you personally. I need to know more about you." The answer came in a whisper and the answer was yes.

I now had the courage to believe that god was more powerful than my convictions, I shut that particular book, and there, all around me, was the source of all things. How could this be? The answer: I had allowed traditional disciplines to tell me who god was and to identify god, therefore could not truly see at all for what/who I know source to be. Now source, one of the many terms I use to try to describe the indescribable, was not only more clearly understood, but I knew I was apart of this very source. Source was not outside of me. Source was all around me and was me, all at the same time.

I know now that this path of understanding takes enormous courage because you can't get it in a book or a belief system. You simply ARE; And so, "Let us learn the revelation of all Nature and thought, that the Highest dwells within us, that the sources of Nature are in our own minds. (Let us continuously evolve as part of the all that is). As there is no screen or ceiling between our heads and the infinite heavens, so there is no bar or wall in the soul where we, the effect, cease, and God, the cause begins. (There is no difference between the source, and who we are, as we are part of source and source is part of us). Within us is the soul of the whole; the wise silence, the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal One. (We are one). When it breaks through our intellect, it is Genius; when it breaths through our will, it is Virtue; when it flows through our affections, it is Love." (Once we have realized that we are one, not only with our intellect, not only with our will, not only with our affections, we are free to simply BE, and by this alone we give permission for others to be free as well).

Welcome to the path of Self Awareness

Lisa Scott/Bachelor of Metaphysical Counseling
Motivator/Life Coach

Lisa Scott is a Life Coach who has a Bachelor in Metaphysical Counseling. To see more information visit Lisa on her Facebook page called Motivation Made Simple @!/pages/Motivation-Made-Simple/157611597649467.

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