
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Healing of the Inner Child

"The Healing of the Inner Child"
Greetings dear ones for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It is wonderful to see you once again. Today is about love, it’s about the heart, and it’s about the truth of your very existence.

Love is the energy on which you thrive, it is the opposite energy to that of fear – love is the energy of expansion, contraction is the energy of fear. Love is about expansion; your own lives must expand for you to feel love in your hearts.

The more you love the more you expand and the greater your auras become; the more prevalent and pertinent your feelings are towards yourself; you’ll be giving yourself true love, that special feeling of fullness and warmth, the feeling of abundance and joy, a total lack of inhibitions - the ability to say exactly what you feel and wish to say.

Love is the next step beyond integrity – integrity being to say, to think, to feel and to do, as one – the ability to implement integrity with ruthlessness - which is clarity, focus and action.

Divine love is one hundred times more powerful than human love; but you are Divine, Divine love is within you. Allow the feeling of Divine love that is within you, sense and acknowledge this feeling and realise this connection; be with this connection and allow love to fill your hearts. To become fulfilled is to be filled with love, to be filled with honour and respect for one’s self. As you are filling your hearts with love feel the strong connection that you create with Mother Earth; she offers you this human experience here on earth, she offers you an experience of stepping away from the Divine, and then remembering the Divine, and the very truth of your own existence.


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Discernment Times Magazine: educational material on whole being living.

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