People power
is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be
when you group together in a common purpose. It may take time to achieve
complete success, but once you set the ball rolling its momentum will carry it
forward. Governments will take note of your demands or ignore them at their
peril. You have created the conditions that allow us and others to come to your
aid, and naturally we work behind the scenes, and our influence helps direct
activities in a way that is beneficial to you. As you know we monitor what is
happening now, and also what is planned by the dark Ones. We endeavour to set
you on a path that is the least volatile, and likely to avoid violent
confrontation. The more the authorities clamp down on peaceful demonstrations,
the more support they gain. The world population is waking up now as to how it
has been enslaved for eons of time, and will not cease its claims for change
until the people's sovereignty is returned.
So the fight
goes on, with the Lightworkers bringing more and more Light to Earth that is
raising the vibrations to new heights. Be assured everything is on course as
planned, and the point has been reached where some firm action is to take place.
Our allies work hard but need our support from time to time to achieve the
targets we set them. As previously indicated we would like to see a step forward
by the end of the year, that will open the way for a greater leap forward. At
all times use your intuition where you are personally concerned, and where you
see a need to take steps to protect yourself against the outcome of any action
taken. We are thinking in terms of possible food shortages, and power
interruptions that may in some areas temporarily inconvenience you. Bear in mind
that in the near future we will be much closer to you, and will most likely be
able to directly assist you. No problems that you experience will affect you for
very long, as they have been anticipated well in advance and allowed for.
You are
beginning to realize that in spite of the dire forecasts of catastrophe coming
with the end times, so far there has not been anything like that prophesied and
you can take credit for the changes that have taken place. Over a long period of
time you have successfully worked hard to raise the vibrational levels, and that
has overcome the need for drastic changes. Although cleansing and physical
changes are still required, instead of dramatic wide scale ones they have become
more localized. When we can join you we will work together, and make short work
of the challenges that face you. Much of the cleansing does not even require us
to be on Earth, and can be readily carried out directly from space. Indeed, we
have done that for quite a long time, which is why some of your major mishaps
have only caused you limited inconvenience. In the era of nuclear tests that
polluted your atmosphere, we were responsible for clearing it away.
We have much
admiration for you all inasmuch that you took on the challenge of duality,
knowing it would be a an extremely hard experience. It is only now that many of
you have awakened to your true identity, and the fact that you are not your
physical bodies but Beings of Light. After thousands of years and many
lifetimes, you have found your ability to set your intent on what you really
want, and that you are not dependent on any other person. You no longer have to
accept being enslaved as your lot in life, and more and more of you are taking
responsibility for your lives. In time you will become totally independent and
allowed the freedom to choose your own experiences, and that day is not that far
off. It is a matter of lifting yourself up so that you become a Being of the
higher realms, and Ascension is part of that journey.
For the time
being take the problems of your everyday world in your stride, knowing that they
are a means to an end which will see you enter a new period of experience. You
will not need to go through lengthy recovery periods, as the work of rebuilding
will be very quick. By then we will have arrived on Earth, and together we shall
prepare the stage for the closure of the cycle of duality. We of the Galactic
Federation have been long prepared for the part we are to play very shortly, and
we know that generally speaking you are ready to join us. The consciousness
levels of many of you has reached the point that makes you sufficiently aware,
that you understand the higher purpose for Man and work towards that end.
The coming
year will be one of immense achievements, not least of all the breaking down of
the barriers that have kept you apart. Whether it be because of political,
religious, or racial reasons, the natural inclination of Man is to be benign and
peace loving. As a stop will be put to war and the threat of war, you will be
able to work together without being in a state of fear, and trust between people
will return. Justice will also return and where possible all acts of injustice
perpetrated against innocent people, will be made good. We know that many of you
have been the victims of fake charges, and if you are still in custody or
imprisoned, you will be released.
Politics will
change so much that there will be no place for bribery or corruption, and
honesty and transparency will ensure that you can have full faith in those
elected. We have already approached those politicians who are of the Light, and
can be totally trusted to have your best interests at heart when they are
appointed to the interim governments. There is a lot to do but the planning has
been going on for quite a long time, and those who will work with us are trusted
and know what is expected of them. In future the political system will operate
differently, and you will have much more influence as to what will take place,
and it will work for the people.
Dear Ones,
your wait will soon be over and the past will seem just like a bad dream. Life
will be quickly transformed into one that is enjoyable, and at last fulfils your
expectations. Already there is a calmness entering some people's lives as the
new energies take effect, and a knowing that beneficial changes are in the air.
Keep your focus well ahead and do not let the present chaos get to you, as it
will not last anywhere near as long as you might expect.
I am SaLuSa
from Sirius, and thank all of you that have put in the effort to bring the Light
to Earth, and one day you will find that is what you came for.
Thank you
Shasta Connect: Mount Shasta area solutions, including free community directory of businesses, visitor resources, and healing arts.
Discernment Times Magazine: educational material on whole being living.
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