Are you aware of a seemingly elusive feeling deep inside you that feels
very good? It is like an inner smile, with warmth, light, and radiance.
When we open up and relax into that inner feeling, we feel as though
everything is right with the world, and that we already bountifully have
anything we could reasonably want or need. It is a feeling of a deep
contentment, a profound fulfillment, and an exalted sense of well-being.
Some say that being firmly established in that most excellent inner
feeling is the ultimate purpose of life. An ancient Eastern proverb
says: Contentment is the highest goal.
There is only one time that great feeling can be experienced: that is now,
this very moment. That great inner feeling is the most profound Truth.
It is the secret of the ages, and it is also the Truth of the present
moment. We only experience it when we look within. This is the ultimate
reason that people meditate or do other spiritual practices—to
experience that bliss within our own Self. There are innumerable
meditation techniques and methods of practice, but the primary goal in
life is to experience that wondrous feeling of our own inner Self.
we are caught up in thoughts and emotions, which take place in time,
and which are usually related to the past or the future. Many of our
habitual patterns of thought and feeling are of a negative or limiting
nature, because we were conditioned or programmed that way from the time
we were very young.
Such habitual ways of thinking and feeling
lead to stress, tension, and conflict. Instead of life being a joy, a
natural high, we go to the doldrums. We spend our days angry, depressed,
irritated, insecure, and life seems hard. All this happens because we
ignore the awareness and power inherent in the existing moment.
in the present moment do we have access to happiness, joy, love,
contentment, peace, and the other positive, uplifting feelings.
need to be reminded again and again to come back to the present, come
back to the Truth. Otherwise we get lost in egotistical melodramas and
forget all about the existing moment, which is the only life we have. We
need a way to actually tune in to the Truth of the present moment, and
that is the exact purpose of these writings.
This moment is the stage on which we deal with the challenges of daily life, or, as we will examine, the karma
of this lifetime. When we live in the moment, in that space between any
two thoughts, is when we face life best. We can learn how to do this,
and how to focus the mind in the present moment in a way that
immediately modifies our experience of daily situations and
relationships. Understanding how we create our own reality is an amazing
Right now, in this moment, we can consciously connect
with our own inner Self. It has been known by many names in various
cultures and in different eras, yet whatever we call it, it remains as
it is, and remains the one aspect of this entire cosmos that is
eternally unchanging. We experience this within ourselves as our own
Consciousness, our inner Awareness of Being.
Ignorant of the
eternal Truth, everything we know is fleeting, and as long as things are
fleeting there is the potential for anxiety and fear. We know this all
too well. And today's world offers new challenges that we would never
have dreamed of even ten years ago.
For now, simply be with these
ideas, as though you are reading an interesting science fiction story,
and especially be open to any insights or new ways of seeing or
understanding things that might arise. You might have spontaneous
insights and revelations regarding what you as an individual need to
know in order to proactively participate in your own spiritual
Living In Today's World
How do
we deal with the realities of today's world, including economic
hardship and insecurity for many? Hard times have existed in this world
ever since it began, yet there have always been those few who knew the
Truth of Being and lived in mastery of life to varying degrees. Many
great teachers throughout time have taught this same great truth,
although it has been interpreted in different ways, and there have been
different points of emphasis, leading to the various paths that
ultimately bring us back to the same Truth.
This outer
challenging world, including the physical realities of economic
hardship, deteriorating health, loss, lack, or limitation of any nature,
does exists in its own realm. However it is not the only realm in
existence, and it is certainly not the highest, nicest, or most pleasant
realm. If we have a choice--which we do, whether we consciously realize
it or not--why not choose to live in the exalted truth of the present
moment, instead of languishing in the pain of external woe? We do have a
choice, but we must exercise it.
We want to get to know that
aspect of our own inner Self that is changeless. All things in this
world change, physically, emotionally, and mentally. To have a still
mind, a still emotional state, or even a still body would be a great
attainment. There is great power in stillness, for it is the substratum
of life as we know it. All movement, motion, and activity take place
like a painting on the canvas of inner stillness.
That inner stillness exists right now; we only need to awaken our awareness of our own Truth.
highest, most refined feelings and experiences will not be found in the
melodramas of outer life and passing time. If we lose touch with our
inner feeling, we get lost in our mental stories about what is going on
and who is doing what. We get lost in habitual negative emotions that go
along with those mental stories, and we lose touch with the Truth of
the present moment. Through careless thinking we tend to create a
reality that we don't even want. The mind creates our personal reality
in each and every moment, not just now and then.
We Create Our Own Reality
one underlying theme throughout this work is: Remain conscious of that
great inner feeling right now. Awaken it within yourself. Create a
positive habit out of it. Don’t wait for some external source to inspire
joy. Joy naturally springs from within us whenever we get momentarily
free from mental burdens and concerns.
Through the power of
meditation, or through visiting the space between thoughts, we
experience a great inner light. Through the conduit of this exquisite
light, we experience love within our own heart.
This heart, the heart of love, is the portal through which we experience the highest aspect of the present moment.
can go through life conscious of this extraordinary inner feeling
everywhere we go and during everything we do, regardless of what is
happening around us or to us. We can simply make this inner radiance our
lifestyle. Through doing so, that extraordinary feeling is
spontaneously radiated to others around us.
The sparkling inner
feeling is palpable—others can easily sense it. It is contagious--others
will feel good by simply being around us, without having any idea why.
If we maintain this great feeling within ourselves, others will pick up
on it and begin to experience the same feeling within themselves. Spend
some time with a cheerful person, and see how much better you feel
afterwards. Then spend some time with a depressed or angry person, and
see how much worse you feel. There is a definite, distinguishable
Through understanding this simple principle, we see
how we can most contribute to others and the world around us by simply
maintaining a good feeling in ourselves. We will discuss this fully so
that you can master the process.
Experiencing true joy or love is a transcendence of time. The experience itself happens only in the present moment.
is one thing to know about these principles and to agree with them, but
actual mastery in practical daily life is a whole other matter. It
takes practice, repetition, and consistency to actually apply these
principles of truth in our own life. Otherwise we have learned some
interesting information without any significant transformation. There
are many who seek knowledge of the Truth, yet only a few are willing to
do what is necessary for actual achievement and mastery.
When we
are conscious of Consciousness, we experience that great feeling in the
heart. Consciousness is not cold, intellectual, or remote. It is warm,
heartfelt, the most exquisite openness and intimacy.
If you ever
get the idea that I am repeating myself, I am. I have experienced a
lifetime of repeating these principles over and over. It takes much
repetition of a single exalted idea to make the slightest impression in
the average human consciousness.
We are so conditioned and
programmed to see and experience the world in rigidly limited ways. It
is very challenging to open up to new ways of seeing and experiencing
things, and the only possibility of success is through continuous
repetition of the principles of Truth, as well as the persistent
practice of our new understanding in moment-to-moment life. After
exploring the principles of Truth in many different ways, and through
applying them in practical ways in our own life, they gradually become
part of us, and become our own understanding and wisdom.
Living the Principles of Truth
from the beginning that these writings are regarding the communication
of natural principles that can be practiced in one’s own daily life for a
greater life, regardless of how one’s life might be manifesting in any
given moment. The same principles can be applied equally for success in
business or career, for harmony in relationships, for intensity and
focus in sports or the arts or any field of creative expertise, in
matters of health and longevity, for increased prosperity and the
enjoyment of life, and in the long run, spiritual growth and absolute
You will be taught how to apply the principles of the
creative power of mind in order to live in your own secret heaven here
and now, while in this physical body. Unfortunately, most of us
unconsciously use the same power to live in some degree of hell here and
now, in this body, because we describe many aspects of our life in
negative, hellish ways instead of positive, heavenly ways. We live in
financial insecurity, for example, because we focus on fear and anxiety
instead of developing a consciousness of prosperity through feeling the
reality of having all that we need. Such an attitude attracts
prosperity to us, while negative attitudes of lack and loss repel it.
will learn how to think only of what you actually want to manifest in
your life, or what feels pleasant, and to refuse to think of what you
don’t want to manifest, or what feels unpleasant. This seems so simple
that the conscious mind is almost unable to recognize the profound
life-transforming significance of it.
Because of previous
conditioning, we are unable to see the greatness of our own Being.
Through persistent practice we can learn to break free from prior,
limiting conditioning, so that we can live in the awareness of our own
Truth, the Awareness of Being, which is living as a true human being.
When we live in the awareness of our own inner Truth—and the love,
light, and bliss that accompanies that experience—then we have fulfilled
the purpose of our being here.
Among the Eastern scriptures is a great text called the Yoga Vasishtha.
It contains the teachings of the sage Vasishtha to the young Lord Rama,
which basically explains how all of life came to be and how the
universe works. In it, the sage says:
O Rama, if you overcome
the sorrow of repetitive history, you will live here on earth like a
god. When delusion is gone and the truth is realized by means of inquiry
into self-nature, when the mind is at peace and the heart leaps to the
supreme truth, when all the disturbing thought-waves in the mind-stuff
have subsided and there is unbroken flow of peace, and the heart is
filled with the bliss of the Absolute, then this very world becomes an
abode of bliss.
Such a person has nothing to acquire or to shun.
He is untainted by the defects of life and untouched by sorrow. He does
not come into being or go out, although he appears to come and go in the
eyes of the beholder. He is not affected by the past tendencies that
have lost their momentum; his mind has given up its restlessness, and he
rests in the bliss that is his essential nature. Such bliss is possible
only by self-knowledge, not by any other means. Therefore, one should
apply oneself constantly to self-knowledge. This alone is one’s duty.
Some lesson headings:
Living in the Truth of the Present Moment
What You Think Is What You Get
The Evolution of Wisdom
How Feeling Creates Reality
Attention, Conscious Intent, and Will
Our Amazing Capacity to Change
The Incredible Power of Feelings
The Importance of Priorities
The Greatest Game Ever Invented
The Ego and Beyond
The Inner State
The Art of Flowing
Love Is Where the Heart Is
Growth Through Relationships
God in Human Form
The Mastery of Life
Attaining the Highest Now
Living in Your Own Secret Heaven
Entering the Stillness
Establishing Joy in Your Heart
more information on the writings of D. R. Butler, and the Course of Training offered through email, please write us at
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