
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Music Transforms You!

Teri Mihalevich has been teaching, accompanying, and performing music for over 30 years.  “I teach piano, voice, recorder, brass, woodwinds, strings, guitar, and I’ve even taught a man to play a saw. I teach all instruments, all ages, and all levels.”

“I find a way to reach a part of each person that wants the music, that wants the empowering that music brings. I find a way to bring the joy out.”

 “Teri is an excellent music instructor,” says Shashi Cannata, voice and recorder student. “She makes each lesson fun, vital, fulfilling and appropriately challenging. I’ve reached new places with my voice that I had never thought possible. Teri’s patience, expertise, and guidance are very nurturing and validating.”

“When playing the recorder with Teri, I exceed even my own expectations,” John Schultz, lifelong musician, claims.
Teri enjoys being an accompanist as well as a teacher. “It takes a talented person to be a good accompanist,” flautist Leslie Finch says. “Teri brings out the best in me, always.”

With Christmas approaching, Teri urges people to consider gift certificates for loved ones who want to explore their singing voice or play the instrument they’ve always wanted to play. This season, she’s also offering a free 30 minute voice lesson. “I want people to see how I work and experience their potential.”

“Teri’s voice lessons were my 50th birthday present to myself,” Michaela Weston says. “I had always wanted to sing, but had neither the confidence nor the tools. Thank you Teri for helping me find my voice!”

In January 2011, Teri is offering two new recorder classes and a new girls’ group for girls ages 6-9. “Girls’ group is an amazing hour of singing, dancing, and playing music with other kids. While all of that is going on, my daughter is learning notes and rhythm, plus the joy of group singing and performance,” Donna Boyd says. 

Teri has the flexibility of scheduling to meet students’ needs. “I can always find openings for motivated, enthusiastic, new students,” she says. Call (530) 926-3354 to set up an appointment or purchase a gift certificate. 

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