
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Email Hacking Yahoo: I always tell my clients to use gmail and this is another reason why

hacking yahoo
Hey, Yahoo is a great email service, no doubt about it. Yes, I have some email account there but not my main ones.

Just keep in mind that Yahoo it is owned by Microsoft - so that tells you something - right? Gmail offers more features to manage your email. Plus, most important to me and my clients, it offers free email forwarding. To do that in Yahoo you're gonna have to pay a subscription.

Gmail also also you to receive email from multiple account in one place for free. But i don't want to rant about how I enjoy email today. I just want to share this news story about someone hacking yahoo accounts (see below). Be safe.


An internet hacker has offered to sell code that will allow a person to hijack Yahoo email accounts.

The hacker, said to be an Egyptian who goes by the username TheHell, has offered an exploit for the price of $700 on an underground cyber crime community called Darkode.

It works when AN unsuspecting email user clicks on a malicious hyperlink, sent in an email. By clicking on the link they unwittingly allow a cyber attacker access to their Yahoo Mail account.

'After the victim clicks the link, he will be redirected to the email page again,' a YouTube video advertising the hack said.
Online security blogger Brian Krebs noticed the publicity from the suspected hacker last week.

The exploit 'targets a “cross-site scripting” (XSS) weakness in that lets attackers steal cookies from Yahoo! Webmail users,' he explained in a blog posting on his website Krebs on Security.  

'Such a flaw would let attackers send or read email from the victim’s account. In a typical XSS attack, an attacker sends a malicious link to an unsuspecting user; if the user clicks the link, the script is executed, and can access cookies, session tokens or other sensitive information retained by the browser and used with that site. These scripts can even rewrite the content of the HTML page,' he added.

Krebs informed Yahoo about the intended attack and the internet company said their security team is responding by fixing any potential vulnerabilities. 

'Fixing it is easy,' Ramses Martinez, Yahoo director of security told Krebs. 
'Once we figure out the offending URL, we can have new code deployed in a few hours.'

Krebs informed Yahoo about the intended attack and the internet company said their security team is responding by fixing any potential vulnerabilities.
'Fixing it is easy,' Ramses Martinez, Yahoo director of security told Krebs. 
'Once we figure out the offending URL, we can have new code deployed in a few hours.'

Read more:

Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Power of blogging to get attention, using discernment on the internet

The internet is surely a place for news and info you won't ever see on main stream media.

But, the essential element is using your own discernment to see if the news is worthy or just disinformation being placed as a campaign to dumbify viewers.  IMHO, there is plent of worthy news and even more disinfo being published by those whose want to control one something or another.

Anyways, in China this morning there is a blogging story that cost a top political boss his job and reputation. I would call this a quality example of the power of the internet proving real news.....

Communist party official sacked after pictures of him having sex with his mistress are leaked online

A Chinese Communist Party official has been sacked after images of him having sex with his mistress were posted on blogging websites.

Lei Zhengfu, a district party chief in the southwestern city of Chongqing, was fired after an investigation by the party's discipline watchdog confirmed that it was he who appeared in the video, the state-run Xinhua news agency said.

The case highlights the influence of China's fast-growing blogging community, and the ruling Communist Party's increasing sensitivity to public anger over abuse of power, official impunity and corruption.

The agency reported on Thursday that Lei had told a reporter the video, shot in 2007, was a fake.

The party has stepped up its rhetoric against corruption, seeking to counter anger from citizens over regular reports of graft and debauchery among officials - but efforts to root out the problem are reported to have been ineffective.

Bo, who also faces possible charges of corruption and abuse of power, has yet to stand trial.

Read more: 

Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Social Media Power - Real Time: NBC host sparks Twitter storm over everything from mispronunciation to his thinning hair during Thanksgiving Day parade coverage

social media twitter
Like it or not, social media can and does cause waves of attention, be 'em good or bad, for just about anyone.  I keep saying that social media is tool to manage your web reputation. This is a real time news story about how this poor guy at NBC  getting hammered on Twitter; one of the top three social media tools.

'Dear Matt Lauer, RETIRE': NBC host sparks Twitter storm over everything from mispronunciation to his thinning hair  during Thanksgiving Day parade coverage

It has not been a good week for Matt Lauer, nor is it shaping up to be a happy Thanksgiving.
Following the allegations he is set to be axed from the Today show over plummeting ratings, the NBC host has become the butt of a number of jokes on Twitter for his coverage of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

Users of the microblogging site commented on everything from his mispronunciation of a popular Gershwin song to his lackluster presenting skills and his ageing appearance.

Other comments were just general anti-Lauerisms.

When he introduced the popular George Gershwin hit 'SWonderful, he pronounced it as 'Ess-Wonderful', despite it being a well-known song, with notable versions recorded by everyone from Bing Crosby to Rod Stewart.

Tweets about the gaffe included: 'Matt Lauer announces that @niceworkbway will be performing "Ess Wonderful". Which is what Jewish families say before eating turkey'; 'Really Matt Lauer? "S. Wonderful" Try "S'Wonderful," one of the most popular Gershwin songs ever written. Heard of the Gershwins?' and 'Matt Lauer's enunciation of 'S Wonderful makes it clear that he is totally devoid of funk.'

Other viewers commented on how old the 54-year-old looks and noted his thinning hair.
'Matt Lauer doesn't age that well. Look at his hair though. I have a picture of him from awhile ago and he looks so much better', 'Dear Matt Lauer, RETIRE. YOU LOOK LIKE A CROTCHETY OLD MAN' and 'I remember when back when Matt Lauer had hair.'

On his presenting style, viewers tweeted: 'Matt Lauer's coverage of branded thanksgiving floats is indistinguishable from his coverage of the Olympic opening ceremony'; 'Matt Lauer should get a lifetime achievement award for saying ridiculous things with deadpan, absolute sincerity. Way to go Matt' and 'Is there a device to delete Matt Lauer's voice while watching the Macy's parade?'

The long-time host, who earns a staggering $21.5 million a year, is being blamed for the NBC morning show's dismal performance over the past three months and sources claim ratings will only improve if he is replaced.

He was also criticized last week for allegedly refusing to take a pay cut so that he could save some of the staffers from getting sacked, as Jay Leno did in the summer.

According to The National Enquirer, weatherman Al Roker is plotting to push the 54-year-old TV veteran out of his anchor chair and is lobbying a newly appointed Today producer for help.

Read more: 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

SEO: seven common errors that kill SEO and how to make your site trustworthy to Google

search engine optimization SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is morphing as the web continues to expand and be a larger part of our personal and business endeavors.  It’s no secret that Google and Bing are the new yellow pages. Anyone not coming to terms with that in their business plan is just working an old-school business model.  

Is SEO Dead?

With the recent shakedown of site performance from the algo updates (Panda and Penguin); sites losing their ranking and positions in the search engine results, you might think that SEO techniques are no longer working or not effective.

But, that is not the case. The algo updates are continuing at a furious pace to bring some authentic search results to all search engine users In other words, there is no more tricks and short cuts being tolerated to getting to the top of the heap on the search engine result pages. 

Here are seven reasons for low site performance in search engine visibility - in no specific order.

Keyword stuffing
Poor content writing
Automatic anchor text links
Unnatural links
Duplicate content
Content below fold
Hidden text

There are three emerging key perspectives in this “changing of the guard” of SEO: 1) site trustworthiness, 2) social signals, and 3) keywords as “natural” and “relevant”.

Site Trustworthiness

Have a meaningful content strategy. If you need to, hire writers and have them produce content that you can use in blogs and articles that is informational and educational about your products and services.

The days of benefiting from building links using free directory submissions are over. Kaput. Anywhere that accepts free inks is pretty much ignored by Google or in some cases it will actually hamper your pagerank.

Earn Google’s Trust
  1. Don’t stuff your site with keywords.
  2. Provide educational and informational content, that’s well written, on your site.
  3. Make your site easy to navigate. Don’t make visitors go in circles.

Social Signals

Use social media to discover where your target market is online: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, blogs, industry locations and then hang out there. Make some friends and make them aware of the helpful, informational, educational content on your web site. Share their content and ask them to share yours too.

Keywords “natural” and “relevant”

Google has gotten more synonym-savvy over the last couple of years, there's no need to cram keyphrases everywhere you possibly can. For example, always using "blue suede shoes" as-is (the entire, original keyphrase together), you can also use just "blue" and just "suede" and just "shoes" within the copy. This is what I have been teaching my clients over the last few years.

Here is what Matt Cutts, Google SEO Champ, has to say about keywords, “People can overdo it to the point that we consider it keyword stuffing, and it hurts. I would just make sure you use key words and phrases in natural ways where regular people aren't going to find the content stiff or artificial. That tends to be what works best.”

I will be providing more strategic information over the coming weeks about the new “how to” on SEO as the algo updates continue.

Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Web Reputations: Are the worlds of email and social media merging?

web reputation

Managing your web reputation is reliant upon social media, but is email also important too? While the use of social media continues to grab more time of users, email remans the constant communication tool. In recent studies email was proven to be the most popular activity for older internet users, but among young online adults, social networking sites are just as much a part of the daily routine as email. 

Mimecast’s published its’ second Shape of Email report, which surveyed 2,500 information workers in the United States, United Kingdom and South Africa to study the attitudes and frustrations    of using email in the office. 
Interestingly enough,  78% of email users said that social media has not reduced their reliance on email for dealing with customers and 76 percent say that it has not reduced the need for email when communicating with colleagues. 
Another study from PEW Research focusing on the habits of email vs. social media use in general, or outside of the work place, uncovered these results:
  1. Websites like FaceBook are becoming increasingly popular among older internet users; the number of online adults ages 50 and older on social networking sites nearly doubled in the past year.
  2. On a typical day, while a majority of online adults ages 50-64 (60%) and ages 65 and older (55%) send and receive email, relatively few check in with their friends and family via social networking sites (20% and 13%). 
  3. Among online adults ages 18-29, however, there is little difference between the two online activities. Fully 60% of young adults visit a social networking site daily, and relatively the same number (62%) send and receive email daily. 
Given PEW’s findings it would seem that the younger generation is converging the world of email and social media, while the older generation is relying on the older method of online talking: email. 
Clearly, when you examine the look and design of FaceBook and Google these days there is no mistaking they are converging the world of email and social media.
FaceBook is pushing email use with the custom email address(es) you can use from the ease of you timeline. Once you are in Facebook though, there is not much available to you outside of FaceBook. I have found that it’s even difficult to find a web page address to click and visit on some FaceBook pages, unless of course it’s an online ad.
Meanwhile, Google is pushing Google+ (Circles) which is a sharing tool with many of the same features of Facebook and Linkedin. Plus, they already have gmail that revolutionized webmail by adding markedly faster operation, aggressive spam reduction, vastly increased mail storage space, and a controversial conversation view.
Both have way too many ads. Both examine your content to display ads on your pages that are based on your content. Both allow you to connect with hordes of people.
Everyone is using email and more and more people are using social media.  Looking at the design of the two leaders in the field, Google and FaceBook, they obviously are creating the user features to entice you r attention and make it easier to do all your sharing and communicating from their page(s).

Steu Mann 541 210 4375
SEO Specialist


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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Are you guilty of 'show rooming'? How 82% of shoppers use shopping with smart phones in-store to find cheaper equivalents online

shopping with smart phones
Are you guilty of 'show rooming'? How 82% of shoppers use shopping with smart phones in-store to find cheaper equivalents online

Brick-and-mortar retailers are being forced to rethink their sales strategies, as a vast number of consumers are browsing for products in-store while making purchases online, via mobile.

Think tank L2, reports that 82per cent of smartphone users price check items on the internet while shopping, leading to a 'showrooming effect' which could prove toxic for traditional businesses.

It predicts mobile-commerce will grow at a rate of 30% to 40% a year, citing Amazon as the market leader with a same-day delivery service, informative product reviews and competitive prices.

It is predicted that the U.S. commerce giant, will see 'revenues of $12 billion in 2012, the majority of which will come at the expense of other retailers'.

And last year it held a 37% share of the m-commerce market.

But in a bid to combat the threat of showrooming, department stores such as Bloomingdale's and Saks Fifth Avenue have developed their own mobile apps and improved online offerings.

Research from AlixPartners, published in August, revealed that showrooming is most common with consumer electronics purchases (43% of respondents), while clothing and apparel purchases follow close behind at 38%.

First Insight, an analytic firm that advises the retail industry on consumer trends, writes: 'Showrooming is real, and it’s here to stay (smart devices are not going away anytime soon!).
Responding with tactics such as price matching may help retailers win a short-term battle, but they will definitely lose the war.

'Why? Consumers will know you will always lower the price, so they will wait or find the item somewhere else. Retailers need to develop strategies that will create long term sustainable advantage and reinforce their brand promise.'

And luxury brands such aren't immune from the phenomenon, as L2 adds that Amazon is closing the gap by offering premium brand merchandise 'once unthinkable for distribution on a mainstream site'.
It is expected that m-commerce sales will reach $31 billion by 2015.

Read more: 

Monday, November 12, 2012

alternative news: Ben Fulford - the real story about Obama's election and how/why world powers saved him

Folks, there is lots of fear porn out there about what is going on.

Time to use your discernment to understand the real news and what is going on.

Have you shut off the idiot box, television, yet?

Read the "real news" at this link:

special offer: professional auto detailing shop in Ashland

Pristine Detailing is running a special for your auto detailing needs.

This special includes a hand wash/wax, vacuum, wipe down of the interior which includes the dashboard, console, and plastics.  We also clean/dress tires and wheels.  All of this for the price of $45.00  what a great deal!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

SEO: Twitter is making SEO changes that will help your visibility

Twitter is making changes to enhance its’ SEO. Their goal is to be more discoverable by Google, Bing and other search engines.

Twitter is already one of the top three programs in social media that is used around the globe.

Twitter has just completed a user profile directory to build more attraction from the search engines. This is the second SEO upgrade in recent weeks, the previous one was modifying the  its robots.txt file. With that change, Twitter made its content-based search results — i.e., search results for tweets and hashtags, but not search results for users — crawlable.
Google used to have access to all tweets in an “instant” that was searchable. That ended in July 2011, Google realtime Twitter terminated. Google promised that it would resurrect Realtime Search, but that didn’t manifest.
Today we see Twitter making an serious effort to make their services more SEO friendly with this user directory and the robot file modification.
Twitter is an important social marketing tool. Twitter users are more educated and have higher incomes than the general population (SOURCE: EDUCATION RESEARCH, 2012).


Steu Mann 541 210 4375

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SEO: Nine Step Program

This is the nine step program that defines a five-star SEO program. We agree that it’s an oversimplification, so just know going in that there is much “doingness” underneath each of these steps.
1. Fine tune and tweak page content keywords with meta tags (title, descriptions, author, and description).
2. Produce and maintain all page content descriptions to include trending high search volume keywords
3. Build and establish organic link building, along with submitting site to high ranking directories, forums, blogs, and review sites.
4. Write and submit blog articles to various directories. Plus, using keywords in those articles.
5. Produce changes in page structure, heading tags, internal links, image alt tags as needed.
6. Manage YouTube video titles and descriptions to include keywords and appropriate links.
7. Analyze crawlability of site pages and take the lead on fixing errors and suggesting solutions to spider or analytic issues.
8. Integrate social media strategy, maintain it and provide measurements.
9.  Monitor performance of organic traffic and measure it. Implement methods to improve inbound links.

Steu Mann 541 210 4375

This article may be reproduced and distributed as long as all content remains intact as it is shown herein.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Wisconsin State Journal is latest of 33 newspapers to flip endorsement from Obama in ’08 to Romney for president

"This is not an easy endorsement to make.

Obama is the more likeable candidate and inspiring speaker. Obama inherited a mess from his predecessor, Republican President George W. Bush, who was even more disappointing than Obama has been.

Obama got us out of Iraq. He pressured public schools to reform. He gave the final order that got Osama bin Laden.

But this election is about jobs, the slow economy and Washington’s dysfunction. Our leaders can’t even pass a budget, much less stabilize soaring debt that’s burdening our children and grandchildren.

Obama failed to embrace his own commission’s bipartisan debt deal. Ryan, serving on the commission, similarly balked at the solid and comprehensive agreement.
But Obama is the president. The buck stops with him. This is now Obama’s economy, even though the GOP shares in the blame for partisan games."

See the list of newspapers .....

500 retired Admirals and Generals run ad in Wash times for Romney

500 retired Admirals and Generals run ad in Wash times for Romney
Five hundred retired generals and admirals are running an ad in Monday's editions of The Washington Times calling on the country to elect Republican Mitt Romney on Tuesday
.... who paid for the ad themselves
Read more: Retired top military brass push for Romney - Washington Times
 [link to]

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Locations in need - update of NYC and NJ - spread the word


Please forward this info to all on your list:

I just spoke with a Sheriff friend in DE this is what he is reporting:

DE is fine, South NJ is fine,

North NJ is NOT fine, NYC is not fine, Long Island is NOT fine.  4 wheel drive vehicles would be very helpful and human help are needed desperately.   They are having problems with electrical, sewer, gas lines - this is where people can help.  Now, they do need water, food and clothing and with a Nor'Ester coming, warm clothing but manpower is and will be most appreciated. If 20 or 30K people show up this would be great!!!!!!!

Per Jeff, ANYONE OR ANY GROUP that heads up north is to call the designated county that they want to go to and call that Sheriff's Dept. they will  advise where the most help depending on what load you have, i.e. 4 wheel drive, no 4 wheel drive but water, no water but food.  People are a must!!!!!!!!  Please note that needs change on a daily basis, so if someone calls and they are directed to a certain location that may not be the same location once they arrive if they are spending two days on the road to get there. They are set up with the local PD and the PD's are keeping track of what is needed and where.


Drake | November 4, 2012 at 7:37 pm | Categories: News | URL:

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Press TV: US military planned mutiny on the Bounty to topple Obama

Admiral Gaouette was part of a group of military officers who have been under suspicion for planning a “Seven Days in May” type overthrow of the US government if President Obama is re-elected.

“His  [Romney's] real intent is to occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on “neutralizing” the nuclear capability of Pakistan. This is the plan, it is known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by all intelligence agencies, the plotters have all been recognized, are all under surveillance and they have not been very careful.”This special event will be held at the Ashland Library - downstairs in the Gresham Room. You will be able to meet Dell and hear him speaking about his work.  The session will start promptly at 6:00 PM and is scheduled to end at 9PM. The doors will be closed at 6 PM so arriving early is good. The best parking is at Main Street and Third Street.

Educate yourself - read the article:

Petitioning Office of the Speaker Mr. Speaker of the House: Call Gen Carter Ham and Adm Charles Gaouette to testify to what happened in Benghazi on 9/11/12

If American military leaders are fired, retired or reassigned for attempting to rescue four distressed Americans, we have to know the details. This could be one of the most outrageous failures of an American president in our nation's history.
Please, please, please share this petition with everybody you know.  We absolutely must know what happened that day.
For detail of what we know so far, visit these articles;