
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

SEO: Twitter is making SEO changes that will help your visibility

Twitter is making changes to enhance its’ SEO. Their goal is to be more discoverable by Google, Bing and other search engines.

Twitter is already one of the top three programs in social media that is used around the globe.

Twitter has just completed a user profile directory to build more attraction from the search engines. This is the second SEO upgrade in recent weeks, the previous one was modifying the  its robots.txt file. With that change, Twitter made its content-based search results — i.e., search results for tweets and hashtags, but not search results for users — crawlable.
Google used to have access to all tweets in an “instant” that was searchable. That ended in July 2011, Google realtime Twitter terminated. Google promised that it would resurrect Realtime Search, but that didn’t manifest.
Today we see Twitter making an serious effort to make their services more SEO friendly with this user directory and the robot file modification.
Twitter is an important social marketing tool. Twitter users are more educated and have higher incomes than the general population (SOURCE: EDUCATION RESEARCH, 2012).


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