
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mobile Computing: out with the old, in with the new. Is your web site ready? (test your site link included)

mobile computing test site
More news today about tech giants scrambling to reinvent business models to stay in business. Geez, look at Facebook at Google. Both lost billions of company value in stock drops because they are not keeping up with the pace of mobile computing.  Here is a link to one article.

All this means to you is a wake up call. If your web site isn’t friendly to mobile devices, you are literally driving away traffic from your pages - shunning potential buyers of your products and services. Here is a link, click here, to understand the pros and cons of going mobile.

This mobile computing trend is reshaping the market in technology, according ot the New York Times article.

  1. Demand for Intel chips inside computers — which are much more profitable than those inside smart phones — is plummeting. 
  2. At Microsoft, sales of software for PCs are sharply declining. 
  3. At Google, the price that advertisers pay when people click on ads has fallen for a year. This is partly because, while mobile ads are exploding, they cost less than Internet ads; advertisers are still figuring out how to make them most effective.
  4. Since the iPhone was introduced five years ago, almost half of all Americans own a smart phone.  
Making your web site mobile friendly means that when it’s viewed on a cell phone or ipad it looks beautiful and is easy to navigate - just liek it is on a laptop or desktop computer.  
Your web site is your global defacto mouth piece for your services and products; no matter what it’s being viewed on.  The mobile computing trend is changing consumer behavior. Internet surfing is different when browsing or searching from a smart phone, which is to day that depending on the location of the user when surfing, they will browse for different material. 
One more interesting tidbit from ComScore, they estimate that the percentage of Web pages viewed from mobile devices is now about 13%, up from 7% a year ago.
Test Your Site 
Are you inspired to get your site mobile friendly yet? Here is a great site to check out the look of your site on a mobile device:


Steu Mann 541 210 4375

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