Having a web site or blog is a good start for getting some attention but it’s not enough.
There are billions of web sites, so how do people find yours? You have to spread the word, which is done by creating links to your site from other sites; those are called back links. You want to have as any links to your site as possible on quality sites.
What determines a quality site? PageRank by Google is one way. This is a rating system of NA to 10. The higher the number the more visible the site. Yes, a rating of NA means you are not even on the chart yet. From what I have seen a rating of 2 or 3 is an average web site. Once you obtain a rating of 4+ you are leading the pack.
Here are three easy steps to get more back links that will increase the visibility of your web site.
1. Write articles and submit them to free article sites. This is easily accomplished by using sites such as Ezinearticles.com along with Squidoo and HubPages.
2. Submit your web site to directories. There are thousands of directories around the globe in different languages.
3. Make sure reviews of your product or service are received by quality review sites. Here are three of those with a PageRank of 5+: Epinions, Buzzillions, RateItAll, and YELP.
4. Blogging works really well for attention. Blog about your work and products then submit ‘em to your social networks: Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. This will keep your name in front of potential clients and assist others to learn about you. And, you are filling the search engines with you news too.
5. Write a minimum of one press release a month and send it to distribution points - click here to view a few listings.
I have done emarketing and SEO work for years now. I can promise you that implementing those five methods will generate buzz about you and your offering. Last thing, creating this buzz is not an overnight success. It takes time. You must consistently do it for six months to see measurable results. If you want a lasting impression then 12 months is your goal.
If you have any questions or need some help give be a call at 541.210.4375.
Blessings, Steu
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