Friends- our GMO labelling initiative (CA Prop 37) is going to be the fight of our lives... Please do everything you can do ensure its success. Every single vote counts! Ignorance and apathy are our 2 biggest obstacles... I hope you find the article belowrevealing.
I had a sobering visit to the Rogue Valley a few weeks ago to learn firsthand about the travesty that organic farmers and seedgrowers are trapped in: seeds contaminated by Syngenta's GMO sugarbeets, contracts that can't be honored, the steep cost of testing, farmers reputations put at risk, a climate of fear and the creepy feeling that all those home gardeners that are allowing the GMO pollen to be taken up by their flowering beet or chard plants (either volunteer or intentional) will ensure permanent contamination of the entire neighborhood.
The people united will never be defeated! YES ON 37!
Monsanto, which is fighting efforts to label genetically engineered food in California, but supported labeling of such food in Britain
Monsanto fully supports the labeling of foods with genetically engineered products.
In the United Kingdom.St. Louis-based Monsanto, a leading producer of genetically engineered seeds and chemicals such as the herbicide Roundup, has donated $4.2 million to efforts to defeat Proposition 37, a controversial measure on the November ballot that would require labeling for genetically engineered foods.
But in the late 1990s, Monsanto ran advertisements in Britain that supported food labeling, which is common in Europe.
The European Union first approved labels for genetically engineered food in 1997, and specific rules covering corn and soy came a year later. Monsanto's ads in Europe apparently ran after the decision to label foods had been made. Labeling rules in the United Kingdom went into effect in early 1999.
"It ran in 1998-1999, was in the U.K. only and was supportive of efforts by retailers to position their products with their customers," Monsanto spokesman Tom Helscher wrote in an email.
The company declined to comment further about why it chose to support labeling abroad but is spending millions to fight California's effort.
"Before you buy a potato, or any other food, you may want to know whether it's the product of food biotechnology," read one Monsanto ad in Britain. "We have complete confidence that our food crops are as safe and nutritious as the standard alternatives. Recently you may have noticed a label
appearing on some of the food in your supermarket. This is to inform you about the use of biotechnology in food. Monsanto fully supports UK food manufacturers and retailers in their introduction of these labels. We believe you should be aware of all the facts before making a purchase."If Proposition 37 passes, California would become the first state in the nation to require new labels on a host of food products commonly found on grocery store shelves, including breakfast cereals, sodas and tofu. Opponents argue that labeling implies that there is something inherently inferior or harmful about genetically engineered ingredients, will confuse consumers, raise food prices and harm the state's $38 billion agriculture industry.
A poll released Wednesday by Pepperdine University and the California Business Roundtable found that Proposition 37 had the support of 65 percent of likely voters. But 11 percent of the poll respondents were unsure, and many voters are just now beginning to focus on the November election.
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