
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Natural Remedies for Painful Toothaches

by Tony Isaacs

Toothache or tooth pain is usually caused when the nerve root of a tooth is irritated. Infection, decay, injury, or loss of a tooth are the most common causes of tooth pain. Pain may also occur after a tooth has been extracted.  Here are some remedies which have been used to relieve and heal painful toothaches:
  • If your toothache comes from a likely abscess or infection, use oil of oregano topically and internally, colloidal silver topically, internally and for swishing and warm salt water for alternate swishes as follows:
    • Take several drops of oil of oregano under the tongue and then swish down with lots of colloidal silver every hour. Rub some of the colloidal silver into the gum area around the tooth (fairly gently). After a few minutes, rub oil of oregano onto the gum area. Then, in between the colloidal oral colloidal silver swishings also do a fairly vigorous warm salt water swish (preferably sea salt) and follow that up with more oil of oregano rubbed into the gums.
  • Buy some Ginger Root at your grocery store. Cut off a piece of it and remove the skin. Put the piece in your mouth right on the painful tooth & bite down on it. The pain should go away immediately. You may have to replace the Ginger in your mouth periodically with a fresh piece - but just keep the rest of the root you purchased in a container in your fridge, and you will always have it when you need it!!
  • Numb a throbbing tooth with clove essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum). The aromatic chemical in clove called eugenol anesthetizes pain and kills bacteria. To apply it, soak a cotton ball or swab with the oil and use it to wipe your sore gums and tooth. Repeat this four to five times a day until you can see your dentist.
  • Take one teaspoon of blackseed oil (Nigella sativa) and 1/2 cup of vinegar and boil. Cool and rinse your mouth. It will reduce the inflammation and the infection. Rinse every couple of hours until the pain and or swelling is gone.
  • For tooth abscess, put two level teaspoons of common salt in a cup. Pour on a small amount of boiling water to dissolve the salt. Then fill the cup with enough cold water to make the solution warm. Rinse your mouth slowing and well - use all the water. Do this at least twice a day, the more often the better. If it doesn't work quickly, increase the amount of salt used, it won't do you any harm.
  • Anything cold. When you have a toothache, pressing something cold on the outside of your mouth can give you temporary relief, especially if you are having problems sleeping. Instead of worrying about Ice that will melt in the middle of the night, grab anything from your fridge or freezer. A jar of mustard, a can of beer, a bottle of water, you name it.  It is quicker than making an ice pack and will not thaw to water. Do not take a food to bed that will spoil.
  • If you have any olive leaf extract, you might wish to take some of that too - as it is a great infection fighter/pathogen destroyer. Perhaps bromelain too (at least 1000 mg per day), which greatly speeds healing - but remember that bromelain is a powerful binder and it might potentiate any other items you are taking. For example, it will give 2 1/2 as much absorption of amoxicillin as happens with amoxicillin alone.
  • Here is an old folk remedy from Russia and the Ukraine: Take a small piece of garlic, or fresh grated piece of garlic and put it onto the opposite wrist for 20 minutes.  Sounds strange, but many Russians swear by this old folk remedy, claiming that the toothache should be gone by the next day.

Sources included:

About the author:
Tony Isaacs is a natural health advocate and researcher and the author of books and articles about natural health including Cancer's Natural Enemy.  Mr. Isaacs is a contributing author for SANEVAXand his articles are regularly featured at Natural News, the Health Science Institute's Healthiertalk website, CureZone, the Crusador online, AlignLife, the Cancer Tutor, the American Chronicle and several other venues. Mr. Isaacs also has The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. In addition, he hosts the Yahoo Oleandersoup Health group of over 2000 members and the CureZone "Ask Tony Isaacs - Featuring Luella May" forum.


  1. Yogurt is a great natural and organic way to help prevent and fight toothache pain because it provides essential beneficial bacteria that help fight off infections within the mouth. Eating yogurt while suffering from toothache pain may also provide temporary pain relief and even reduce the swelling of any mouth sores.

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  3. Always remember that the tooth pain is your body telling you that something is not right. Never delay seeing a dental professional before your problem increases. Thanks for the post, Steu.


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