
Monday, March 12, 2012

Benjamin Fulford. March 13, 2012

[UPDATED 3-12-12 0908 HST: I received this comment from a well-respected (by me) reader currently remaining anonymous (by me), with which I am in complete agreement. "In my opinion, Benjamin Fulford has again chosen to communicate with the warring parties thru his directive to us. So disregard his duplicitous statements of possible disruptive actions in the first paragraph [of Ben's report below; and I believe this applies to selected statements in several paragraphs]. They won’t happen!”]
This is a rather extensive list of “great” news occurring and/or about to occur on the planet. Ben describes a three-pronged effort to liberate humanity from the cabal-installed energy grid, ending hunger and poverty, and a secret third prong effort to start a bottom up revolution. All I can say is that it is highly unlikely that any type of nuclear attempts “to sink the La Palma rock formation” and cause a tsunami to hit the East Coast US and Europe would be permitted by the Galactics.
“The financial war that has been raging intensively at least since 2001 may be finally ending. This week a three pronged effort to convince the Luciferian banking cabal to surrender is being carried out. In one prong, the Chinese government has announced it will start the mass installation of wind and solar power devices on rooftops world-wide in order to free humanity from the cabal controlled energy grid. In another prong, the cabal controlled central banks will be asked to make good on broken promises by redeeming financial instruments backed by gold stolen from holocaust victims during World War 3. The third prong is still being kept secret but essentially it is a promise to start a bottom-up revolution in cabal controlled countries like Italy, France, Germany, the UK and the US unless these countries stop their ceaseless war-mongering.”
Highlights ....
  • The financial war that has been raging intensively at least since 2001 may be finally ending.
  • This week a three pronged effort to convince the Luciferian banking cabal to surrender is being carried out.
  • …mass installation of wind and solar power devices… world-wide… cabal controlled central banks will be asked to make good on broken promises by redeeming financial instruments… The third prong… still… kept secret… a promise to start a bottom-up revolution in… countries like Italy, France, Germany, the UK and the US unless these countries stop their ceaseless war-mongering.
  • The arrest of Bill Gates, the announcement in an Italian paper that the pope will resign on April 15th, and the presence of a US marshal accompanying cabal operatives like Timothy Geithner are all signs that very little, if any, opposition remains.
  • …a revolutionary roof-top wind turbine and solar panel combination will be distributed with no initial down-payment necessary… Other “free energy” technologies… may be used… Toyota has… begun… producing cars, now on the market, that get over 100 kilometers to per liter or over 300 miles per gallon.
  • …the banking cabal will be asked to make… a $15 trillion donation for the purposes of ending war, ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and freeing humanity from drudgery, poverty and disease.
  • There will be an announcement, aired live on March 13th on the internet, by the hacker group anonymous, the gnostic Illuminati faction and the White Dragon Society. If this announcement is not heeded, there will be revolution
  • …Western embassies in Tokyo will all be shutting down on March 20th…
  • …he Chinese and Japanese military have finalized preparations to sink the La Palma rock formation into the ocean and cause a 100 meter tsunami to hit the US East coast and Southern Europe in retaliation for the planned attack on Tokyo.
  • …an informant has provided this writer with more details on how the banking cabal has manipulated the Japanese political system.
  • The first anniversary of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attacks has come and the Japanese corporate media provided extensive coverage while carefully avoiding saying it was a natural disaster.
  • They need to understand that Satan has already left this universe. Humanity will finally be set free.

The financial war that has been raging intensively at least since 2001 may be finally ending. This week a three pronged effort to convince the Luciferian banking cabal to surrender is being carried out. In one prong, the Chinese government has announced it will start the mass installation of wind and solar power devices on rooftops world-wide in order to free humanity from the cabal controlled energy grid. In another prong, the cabal controlled central banks will be asked to make good on broken promises by redeeming financial instruments backed by gold stolen from holocaust victims during World War 3. The third prong is still being kept secret but essentially it is a promise to start a bottom-up revolution in cabal controlled countries like Italy, France, Germany, the UK and the US unless these countries stop their ceaseless war-mongering.
The arrest of Bill Gates, the announcement in an Italian paper that the pope will resign on April 15th, and the presence of a US marshal accompanying cabal operatives like Timothy Geithner are all signs that very little, if any, opposition remains.
Last week a Chinese delegation met with a representative of the White Dragon Society in Tokyo. At the meeting an informal agreement was reached in which the Chinese side promised to provide manufacturing facilities and financing for new energy technology. To start with a revolutionary roof-top wind turbine and solar panel combination will be distributed with no initial down-payment necessary to householders and enterprises world-wide. These householders will then pay the installers the equivalent of their current energy bill for 5 years after which they will become energy independent. This is a concrete and realistic way to give the atomic and fossil fuel based energy cartels time to find a new line of business.
Other “free energy” technologies, if proven to exist, may be used in lieu of these devices but only after safety testing. The installation of these devices would also be phased in so that existing energy corporations would have plenty of time to transition into new lines of enterprise. Toyota has also already begun its assault on the fossil fuel industry by producing cars, now on the market, that get over 100 kilometers to per liter or over 300 miles per gallon.
In a different, and more direct move, the banking cabal will be asked to make a $15 trillion donation for the purposes of ending war, ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and freeing humanity from drudgery, poverty and disease. This will involve a specific actual move that we cannot write about in detail at this time other than to say it involves asking the Odessa/Bush Nazis to pay back the gold they stole from holocaust victims. The only other thing that can be said about this particular maneuver at this time is to tell the Romans to “beware the ides of March.”
There will be an announcement, aired live on March 13th on the internet, by the hacker group anonymous, the gnostic Illuminati faction and the White Dragon Society. If this announcement is not heeded, there will be revolution according to both anonymous and the gnostics.
In other news, Western embassies in Tokyo will all be shutting down on March 20th, ostensibly to celebrate the vernal equinox. If this embassy closure is a pretext to evacuate personnel in preparation for a mass terror attack against Tokyo, there will be unfathomable consequences for the Western ruling oligarchs and their extended families. In addition, nuclear weapons have already been placed in both Jerusalem and Rome by gnostic agents and these two cities will vanish forever if Tokyo is attacked. We urge all citizens of these two cities to evacuate immediately should Tokyo be terrorized by the Romans.
Furthermore, the Chinese and Japanese military have finalized preparations to sink the La Palma rock formation into the ocean and cause a 100 meter tsunami to hit the US East coast and Southern Europe in retaliation for the planned attack on Tokyo. The world will no longer tolerate Roman terror. The Romans must renounce Satan and the Vatican must be purged of all Satanists. This is not negotiable.
In other news, an informant has provided this writer with more details on how the banking cabal has manipulated the Japanese political system. Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, a freemason Satanic agent, was bribed by the bankers with the promise his son would be the “first prime minister of a world government.” The source of this information is a friend of Hatoyama’s wife.
Hatoyama and Banri Kaeda, along with Seiji Maehara are some of the top Satanic P2 lodge agents in the current Democratic Party of Japan government. This source also confirmed at former Prime Minister Naoto Kan is a North Korean Satanic P2 lodge agent. Power broker Ichiro Ozawa tried to switch sides and “join the Chinese,” but he was in fact an agent for J. Rockefeller who was trying to infiltrate the Asian secret societies.
The Japanese magazine Kami no Bakudan (paper bomb) has also reported in its latest edition that current Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is part of a homosexual network of agents linked to Panasonic founder Konosuke Matsushita and the CIA international homosexual network centered at Georgetown University. Any government official worldwide who was sent to Georgetown for graduate studies is likely to be part of this network. However, as far as we can tell, the gay network is supportive of the White Dragon Society and its aims to end poverty, end war and stop environmental destruction.
We would like to ask this network to fully activate itself in order to dismantle the remaining Satanic agents still working to terrorize Japan into submission to their plans for a world fascist government. They know the specific agents who have been carrying out this traitorous work and they must all be put into preventative custody this week.
The first anniversary of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attacks has come and the Japanese corporate media provided extensive coverage while carefully avoiding saying it was a natural disaster. This is a clear sign the media moguls here are still cowards who are sitting on the fence and waiting to see who wins the financial war.
They need to understand that Satan has already left this universe. Humanity will finally be set free.

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