
Monday, October 3, 2016

Trump - Clinton: battle between the corruption on Capitol Hill

Believe it or Not .....
You are not going to read this in Main Stream Media ......
This is not a battle between two great candidates. This is a battle between the corruption on Capitol Hill and it happens to be Trump on the other side. 
The same result would unfold with anyone who was an outsider even if Trump was not making stupid comments here and there. So once again; It ain’t over til the fat lady sings.

There is a very interesting rumor from behind the curtain. What they are concerned about is that Trump has raised more from small donors under $200 than any previous Republican in history. Even John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012 collected less than $64 million. They are concerned that more small people are donating to Trump and that means it is the small people who vote, whereas hedge fund managers and bankers can give her millions, but one vote.

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