
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Elections are coming - remember those that voted against education .....


Here are some examples of what senators voted down:
• Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) voted against more than $1.37 BILLION in immediate investments that would put at least 17,900 Pennsylvanians back to work.
• Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) voted against nearly $2.6 BILLION in immediate investments that would put at least 33,800 Texans back to work.

Voting Against Teachers
State and local budget crises, worsened by the GOP’s refusal to provide sufficient aid to states, have thrown tens of thousands of teachers, cops, and firefighters out of work across the country. The American Jobs Act would save 280,000 such jobs across the country.

Look at how many teachers these senators voted to take out of their states’ classrooms:
• Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) voted against keeping 25,900 teachers working in the Sunshine State.
• Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) voted against keeping 6,300 teachers in the Bay State’s schools.

Voting Against Good Schools For Our Kids
In addition to keeping teachers in the classroom, the president’s jobs plan also puts Americans back to work modernizing America’s schools, many of which are in a dire state of disrepair. The plan’s $30 BILLION investment would modernize a least 35,000 schoolsacross the country – about one-third of all the schools in America.

Here’s how many construction workers these senators chose to keep unemployed rather than back to work fixing up schools in their communities:
• Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) voted to keep 1,200 Mainers out of work.
• Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV), whose state has the highest unemployment rate in the nation, voted to keep 2,200 Nevadans out of work.

Survey Says: Americans Strongly Support the President’s Jobs Plan & Higher Taxes for the Wealthy, Corporations.While Senate Republicans may have voted down the job plan, a new NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll out today shows the plan is extremely popular:
• 63 PERCENT of Americans support the president’s jobs plan, with just 32 percent opposed.
• 64 PERCENT agree that it’s a “good idea” to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations, while just 31 percent disagree.

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