
Friday, October 11, 2013

Simple and free method to view the social stats on your web site or blog

Simple and free method to view the social stats on your web site or blog
This is a proven technique to view the social stats on your web site or blog.

In other words, find out exactly how many visitors to your web site or blog are sharing your pages to their network.

First you have to download the Chrome browser. Here is a ling to the English version....

Once you have that installed on your computer or phone you have to download the Social Analytic Extension for Chrome .... (this is the link to English version)

Again, both of these are free.

Once that Extension is installed, visit your blog posts using Chrome or go to your web pages .... the cool part is that viewing that extension, you will see the number of times your pages have been shared.

Sometimes that extension takes a while to load depending on the speed of your internet connection. Give it a few minutes to have the number appear. That number shows you the total shares, click on the extension icon in Chrome to see the details of those shares.

Steu Mann, 541.210.4375,

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