Teaching and learning science in U.S. K-12 schools just got more interesting. Working with the National Research Council (NRC), an advisory group of scientists, cutting-edge child education experts, and science teachers have developed the first set of science teaching standards in more than 15 years. This framework for science education offers students and teachers the means to engage with science through more hands-on experiences and includes a section on developing climate literacy, which has not previously been included.
Dr. Michael Wysession, science textbook author and associate professor of earth & planetary sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, served as a member of the NRC's Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New K-12 Science Education Standards, which helped put together the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Wysession is the lead-off speaker for the NGSS session at the meeting of The Geological Society of America in Denver this week. In his talk "Earth and Space Science in the Next Generation Science Standards," Wysession will emphasize the significant changes in the NGSS for the teaching of earth and space science.
Wysession says, "The greatest disservice you can do to American students is make them memorize long lists of facts." The new standards take the pressure off students and teachers by making experiential learning the focus, rather than working through a long list of facts. "Jargon is not the focus," he says, while asking questions is fundamental. Each of the eight science and engineering practices, presented in the NGSS, Wyession notes, "begins with a verb." These are 1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering); 2. Developing and using models; 3. Planning and carrying out investigations; 4. Analyzing and interpreting data; 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking; 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering); 7. Engaging in argument from evidence; and 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
Wysession points out that teachers are now being asked to meet a growing demand: U.S. businesses are calling for a work force that is educated in science and technology. These new standards, and the classroom dynamics that they will help to create, are a huge step forward for both educators and businesses, as well as for students.
Susan M. Buhr-Sullivan of the University of Colorado Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), who will also speak in the kick-off session, writes, "The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) represents the best opportunity for geosciences education since 1996, describing a vision of teaching excellence and placing Earth and space science on a par with other disciplines."
Read More: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/10/131027123419.htm
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Sorry, guys, life doesn't begin at 40 any more! Most men now only feel settled at 54
Sorry, guys, life doesn't begin at 40 any more! Most men now only feel settled at 54
The famous saying 'life begins at 40' doesn't now ring true for most men, if a recent survey is anything to go by.
According to new research, life begins at 54 for most men - that's the age of Simon Cowell, Hugh Laurie and Kevin Spacey.
The main reasons that men believe their life begins later are financial pressures and the trend towards late fatherhood.
Traditionally, 40 was the age when men were finally able to enjoy life as a 'real adult'.
When a man reached 40 he was supposed to have left behind the insecurities of his 20s and 30s and achieved a level of financial stability.
In the past, his children would have reached an age where they were approaching self-sufficiency.
But the average age of a first-time father has shot up to 32 - with two-thirds of babies in the UK born to fathers over the age of 30.
The survey looked at the top insecurities that have lead to men not feeling settled until they are 54 - just 11 years off the retirement age of 65.
Top of the list of insecurities was the fear that they will never be able to pay for their home.
The second biggest body insecurity for men is losing their hair, the third biggest fear is losing their job and the fourth is not being in a settled relationship.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2478374/Sorry-guys-life-doesnt-begin-40-Most-men-feel-settled-54-Simon-Cowell.html#ixzz2j2hoj4He
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Antibotics dont work any longer - they are no match for the rise of superbugs according to experts
The discovery of antibiotics in 1928 by Professor Alexander Fleming revolutionized medicine, allowing doctors to treat hundreds of millions of people suffering from illnesses that had been considered terminal for centuries.
But now the tides have turned as medicine and lifestyles have changed dramatically.
We've reached the end of antibiotics': Top CDC expert declares that 'miracle drugs' that have saved millions are no match against 'superbugs' because people have overmedicated themselves
A high-ranking official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared in an interview with PBS that the age of antibiotics has come to an end.
'For a long time, there have been newspaper stories and covers of magazines that talked about "The end of antibiotics, question mark?"' said Dr Arjun Srinivasan. 'Well, now I would say you can change the title to "The end of antibiotics, period.”'
The associate director of the CDC sat down with Frontline over the summer for a lengthy interview about the growing problem of antibacterial resistance.
Srinivasan, who is also featured in a Frontline report called 'Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria,' which aired Tuesday, said that both humans and livestock have been overmedicated to such a degree that bacteria are now resistant to antibiotics.
‘We're in the post-antibiotic era,' he said. 'There are patients for whom we have no therapy, and we are literally in a position of having a patient in a bed who has an infection, something that five years ago even we could have treated, but now we can’t.’.
Dr Srinivasan offered an example of this notion, citing the recent case of three Tampa Bay Buccaneers players who made headlines after reportedly contracting potentially deadly MRSA infections, which until recently were largely restricted to hospitals.
About 10 years ago, however, the CDC official began seeing outbreaks of different kinds of MRSA infections in schools and gyms.
‘In hospitals, when you see MRSA infections, you oftentimes see that in patients who have a catheter in their blood, and that creates an opportunity for MRSA to get into their bloodstream,’ he said.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2477273/Weve-reached-end-antibiotics-Top-CDC-expert-declares-miracle-drugs-saved-millions-match-superbugs-people-overmedicated-themselves.html#ixzz2iqkc6JJE
But now the tides have turned as medicine and lifestyles have changed dramatically.
We've reached the end of antibiotics': Top CDC expert declares that 'miracle drugs' that have saved millions are no match against 'superbugs' because people have overmedicated themselves
A high-ranking official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared in an interview with PBS that the age of antibiotics has come to an end.
'For a long time, there have been newspaper stories and covers of magazines that talked about "The end of antibiotics, question mark?"' said Dr Arjun Srinivasan. 'Well, now I would say you can change the title to "The end of antibiotics, period.”'
The associate director of the CDC sat down with Frontline over the summer for a lengthy interview about the growing problem of antibacterial resistance.
Srinivasan, who is also featured in a Frontline report called 'Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria,' which aired Tuesday, said that both humans and livestock have been overmedicated to such a degree that bacteria are now resistant to antibiotics.
‘We're in the post-antibiotic era,' he said. 'There are patients for whom we have no therapy, and we are literally in a position of having a patient in a bed who has an infection, something that five years ago even we could have treated, but now we can’t.’.
Dr Srinivasan offered an example of this notion, citing the recent case of three Tampa Bay Buccaneers players who made headlines after reportedly contracting potentially deadly MRSA infections, which until recently were largely restricted to hospitals.
About 10 years ago, however, the CDC official began seeing outbreaks of different kinds of MRSA infections in schools and gyms.
‘In hospitals, when you see MRSA infections, you oftentimes see that in patients who have a catheter in their blood, and that creates an opportunity for MRSA to get into their bloodstream,’ he said.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2477273/Weve-reached-end-antibiotics-Top-CDC-expert-declares-miracle-drugs-saved-millions-match-superbugs-people-overmedicated-themselves.html#ixzz2iqkc6JJE
Friday, October 25, 2013
Eating 30 almonds a day reduces hunger pangs and doesn't cause weight gain and 97% of Americans do snack every day
Snacking has become something of a national pastime, with an estimated 97 per cent of people munching their way through at least one snack a day.
While this habit may keep hunger at bay, it's fuelling an obesity epidemic.
Now new American research may hold the answer - munching on almonds can reduce hunger without increasing weight.
Researchers at Purdue University, in Indiana, found that eating 1.5oz of dry-roasted, lightly salted almonds every day reduced volunteers’ hunger, improved their Vitamin E levels and ‘good’ fat intake, and did not cause them to pile on the pounds.
1.50z of almonds is equivalent to 43g or around 30 individual nuts.
The researchers conducted a four-week trial to investigate the effects of eating almonds on weight and appetite.
The study included 137 adults at increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
The participants were divided into five groups - a control group that avoided all nuts and seeds, a group that ate 1.5oz of almonds at breakfast and one that ate the nuts at lunch.
There was also a group that snacked on them in the morning, and one that ate them in the afternoon.
The volunteers were not given any other rules other than to follow their usual eating patterns and physical activity.
The results showed that even though they were eating approximately 250 calories a day in the form of the almonds, they did not eat any more calories overall.
‘This research suggests that almonds may be a good snack option, especially for those concerned about weight,’ said Dr Richard Mattes, professor of nutrition science at Purdue University and the study's lead author.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2476628/Always-hungry-Eating-30-almonds-day-reduces-hunger-pangs-doesnt-cause-weight-gain.html#ixzz2ikfiK8wW
While this habit may keep hunger at bay, it's fuelling an obesity epidemic.
Now new American research may hold the answer - munching on almonds can reduce hunger without increasing weight.
Researchers at Purdue University, in Indiana, found that eating 1.5oz of dry-roasted, lightly salted almonds every day reduced volunteers’ hunger, improved their Vitamin E levels and ‘good’ fat intake, and did not cause them to pile on the pounds.
1.50z of almonds is equivalent to 43g or around 30 individual nuts.
The researchers conducted a four-week trial to investigate the effects of eating almonds on weight and appetite.
The study included 137 adults at increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
The participants were divided into five groups - a control group that avoided all nuts and seeds, a group that ate 1.5oz of almonds at breakfast and one that ate the nuts at lunch.
There was also a group that snacked on them in the morning, and one that ate them in the afternoon.
The volunteers were not given any other rules other than to follow their usual eating patterns and physical activity.
The results showed that even though they were eating approximately 250 calories a day in the form of the almonds, they did not eat any more calories overall.
‘This research suggests that almonds may be a good snack option, especially for those concerned about weight,’ said Dr Richard Mattes, professor of nutrition science at Purdue University and the study's lead author.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2476628/Always-hungry-Eating-30-almonds-day-reduces-hunger-pangs-doesnt-cause-weight-gain.html#ixzz2ikfiK8wW
Who is your Daddy? No phone call, no Internet transaction, isn't recorded by the NSA
Whistle-blower Edward Snowden has hit back at claims by a U.S. government official that collating phone records is not ‘surveillance’.
Senator Dianne Feinstein wrote in a newspaper recently that what the NSA is gathering is not protected under the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches.
She wrote in USA Today on Sunday: ‘The call-records program is not surveillance. It does not collect the content of any communication, nor do the records include names or locations.’
She added: ‘The NSA only collects the type of information found on a telephone bill: phone numbers of calls placed and received, the time of the calls and duration. The Supreme Court has held this "metadata" is not protected under the Fourth Amendment.’
However Snowden, although he didn’t name the lawmaker, clearly had her comments in mind when he gave a statement to the American Civil Liberties Union about phone tracking.
He said: ‘In the last four months, we've learned a lot about our government.
‘We've learned that the U.S. intelligence community secretly built a system of pervasive surveillance. Today, no telephone in America makes a call without leaving a record with the NSA. Today, no internet transaction enters or leaves America without passing through the NSA's hands. Our representatives in Congress tell us this is not surveillance. They're wrong.’
He made the statement in support of a demonstration against government privacy invasion taking place in Washington D.C on Saturday.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that U.S. spying on allies has shattered trust in President Obama's administration
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2476731/Edward-Snowden-fires-U-S-government-surveillance-denials.html#ixzz2ikeHcnPW
Senator Dianne Feinstein wrote in a newspaper recently that what the NSA is gathering is not protected under the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches.
She wrote in USA Today on Sunday: ‘The call-records program is not surveillance. It does not collect the content of any communication, nor do the records include names or locations.’
She added: ‘The NSA only collects the type of information found on a telephone bill: phone numbers of calls placed and received, the time of the calls and duration. The Supreme Court has held this "metadata" is not protected under the Fourth Amendment.’
However Snowden, although he didn’t name the lawmaker, clearly had her comments in mind when he gave a statement to the American Civil Liberties Union about phone tracking.
He said: ‘In the last four months, we've learned a lot about our government.
‘We've learned that the U.S. intelligence community secretly built a system of pervasive surveillance. Today, no telephone in America makes a call without leaving a record with the NSA. Today, no internet transaction enters or leaves America without passing through the NSA's hands. Our representatives in Congress tell us this is not surveillance. They're wrong.’
He made the statement in support of a demonstration against government privacy invasion taking place in Washington D.C on Saturday.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that U.S. spying on allies has shattered trust in President Obama's administration
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2476731/Edward-Snowden-fires-U-S-government-surveillance-denials.html#ixzz2ikeHcnPW
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Where in the U.S. should you live? Graphic shows which state matches your personality
Where in the U.S. should you live? Graphic shows which state matches your personality
- 13 year study used personality test data taken from over 1.6 million people
- West Virginia found to be the most neurotic state
- South Carolina is the most conscientious, while Maine is the least hard working
- Washington DC is both the least agreeable and the most open
The age old belief that people living on the West Coast of the United States are more relaxed and creative than those living in the east is now scientifically proven, following a 13 year study to map the moods of America.
Researchers led by psychologist Jason Rentfrow, an American now working at the University of Cambridge in the U.K., analyzed personality test data from over one million people to identify three distinct personality regions.
They found people living in north eastern states tended to be temperamental and uninhibited, while those living along the West Coast were more creative and relaxed.
Meanwhile people living in the central and southern region were found to be more friendly and conventional.
The study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, collected data from over 1.6 million people over a 13-year period.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2473707/Where-U-S-live-Graphic-shows-state-matches-personality.html#ixzz2ia75IV7H
- 13 year study used personality test data taken from over 1.6 million people
- West Virginia found to be the most neurotic state
- South Carolina is the most conscientious, while Maine is the least hard working
- Washington DC is both the least agreeable and the most open
The age old belief that people living on the West Coast of the United States are more relaxed and creative than those living in the east is now scientifically proven, following a 13 year study to map the moods of America.
Researchers led by psychologist Jason Rentfrow, an American now working at the University of Cambridge in the U.K., analyzed personality test data from over one million people to identify three distinct personality regions.
They found people living in north eastern states tended to be temperamental and uninhibited, while those living along the West Coast were more creative and relaxed.
Meanwhile people living in the central and southern region were found to be more friendly and conventional.
The study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, collected data from over 1.6 million people over a 13-year period.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2473707/Where-U-S-live-Graphic-shows-state-matches-personality.html#ixzz2ia75IV7H
Wide ranging study on sex habits in America: the National Health and Social Life Survey
Filling 130 pages of a special issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the study offers detailed findings on how often Americans have sex, with whom, and how they respond. In all, 5,865 people, ranging in age from 14 to 94, participated in the survey.
The lead researchers, from Indiana University's Center for Sexual Health Promotion, said the study fills a void that has grown since the last comparable endeavor – the National Health and Social Life Survey – was published 16 years ago. Major changes since then include the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the types of sex education available to young people, the advent of same-sex marriage, and the emergence of the Internet as a tool for social interaction.
Dr. Dennis Fortenberry, a pediatrics professor who was lead author of the study's section about teen sex, said the overall findings of such a huge survey should provide reassurance to Americans who are curious about how their sex lives compare with others.
"Unless, like al-Qaida, you feel there's something abnormal about the American people, what these data say is, 'This is normal – everything in there is normal.'"
The researchers said they were struck by the variety of ways in which the subjects engaged in sex – 41 different combinations of sexual acts were tallied, encompassing vaginal and anal intercourse, oral sex, and partnered masturbation.
Read more: http://www.nationalsexstudy.indiana.edu/
The lead researchers, from Indiana University's Center for Sexual Health Promotion, said the study fills a void that has grown since the last comparable endeavor – the National Health and Social Life Survey – was published 16 years ago. Major changes since then include the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the types of sex education available to young people, the advent of same-sex marriage, and the emergence of the Internet as a tool for social interaction.
Dr. Dennis Fortenberry, a pediatrics professor who was lead author of the study's section about teen sex, said the overall findings of such a huge survey should provide reassurance to Americans who are curious about how their sex lives compare with others.
"Unless, like al-Qaida, you feel there's something abnormal about the American people, what these data say is, 'This is normal – everything in there is normal.'"
The researchers said they were struck by the variety of ways in which the subjects engaged in sex – 41 different combinations of sexual acts were tallied, encompassing vaginal and anal intercourse, oral sex, and partnered masturbation.
Read more: http://www.nationalsexstudy.indiana.edu/
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Oreos are as addictive as cocaine, say scientists
The chocolate cookies have been found to trigger the same neurons in the brain's 'pleasure centre' as the outlawed drug during extensive lab testing on rats.
Neuroscientist Joseph Schroeder from Connecticut College in New London, Connecticut, led research into the addictive effect of the indulgent treat.
His team discovered that the hungry rodents' reaction to the biscuit was comparable to that of rats who had been offered cocaine in earlier tests.
As well as finding that, like humans, rats prefer to eat the cream part of their Oreo first, scientists also saw similarities between the levels of addiction in 'Oreo rats' and their cocaine hooked cousins.
To arrive at the conclusion, Schroeder placed rats in a maze which had two routes to different treats.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2462624/Oreos-addictive-cocaine-Connecticut-College-scientists.html#ixzz2hwYUrxpM
Acupuncture Diet: a natural, safe, and effective way to lose weight and keep it off
Jump Start Your New image With Natural Care That Treats Your Whole Being: A Sustainable Image and Health Improvement Without Drugs and Prescriptions
Looking for a safe and effective way to lose weight and keep it off?
You’re not alone. One of the No. 1 questions I get asked as an acupuncturist is “Can you help me lose weight?” “I’ve tried everything and nothing works!” The answer is “Yes!” But, first let’s discuss what this word diet really means. When people talk about following a “diet” it usually means they are eating a certain way, that is different than how they normally eat, and after a certain goal weight is achieved they will then go off their “diet” and eat the way they did before. The problem with this is people often deprive themselves in a way that their body is not used to or in a way that makes them feel very imbalanced, and what happens is just that – the body becomes very imbalanced and the weight that was lost is not only regained, but then some. The other problem with this is that people who go on “diets” never really learn how to eat wholesome foods and take care of their body the way they need to all the time.
How is the Acupuncture Diet different?
The Acupuncture “Diet” is different because it’s not really a diet at all. The goal is to get you to stop dieting forever and to commit to taking care of yourself every single day in a way that is right for you. (read more)
Looking for a safe and effective way to lose weight and keep it off?
You’re not alone. One of the No. 1 questions I get asked as an acupuncturist is “Can you help me lose weight?” “I’ve tried everything and nothing works!” The answer is “Yes!” But, first let’s discuss what this word diet really means. When people talk about following a “diet” it usually means they are eating a certain way, that is different than how they normally eat, and after a certain goal weight is achieved they will then go off their “diet” and eat the way they did before. The problem with this is people often deprive themselves in a way that their body is not used to or in a way that makes them feel very imbalanced, and what happens is just that – the body becomes very imbalanced and the weight that was lost is not only regained, but then some. The other problem with this is that people who go on “diets” never really learn how to eat wholesome foods and take care of their body the way they need to all the time.
How is the Acupuncture Diet different?
The Acupuncture “Diet” is different because it’s not really a diet at all. The goal is to get you to stop dieting forever and to commit to taking care of yourself every single day in a way that is right for you. (read more)
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Bloomberg News: If USA Defaults The USA Is Doing What Created Nazi Germany
Bloomberg News points out that the USA, if it defaults on its' debt, would be following the steps of Nazi Germany.
"Germany unilaterally ceased payments on long-term borrowings on May 6, 1933, three months after Adolf Hitler was installed as Chancellor. The default helped cement Hitler’s power base following years of political instability as the Weimar Republic struggled with its crushing debts."
The world economy is changing and the largest economy on Earth, China, is calling for a de-Americaniznation of the globe. Remember that when you go to the polls over the next fours years.
We need a fresh team of politicians in DC - no more unkept promises and politicians who act like children.
Read Bloomberg here: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-13/u-s-risks-joining-1933-germany-in-pantheon-of-deadbeat-defaults.html
"Germany unilaterally ceased payments on long-term borrowings on May 6, 1933, three months after Adolf Hitler was installed as Chancellor. The default helped cement Hitler’s power base following years of political instability as the Weimar Republic struggled with its crushing debts."
The world economy is changing and the largest economy on Earth, China, is calling for a de-Americaniznation of the globe. Remember that when you go to the polls over the next fours years.
We need a fresh team of politicians in DC - no more unkept promises and politicians who act like children.
Read Bloomberg here: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-13/u-s-risks-joining-1933-germany-in-pantheon-of-deadbeat-defaults.html
The Shift In Our Planet Economy Is Here, Do You See It? What Does This Mean To You?
The USD - United States Dollar - glory years are over. For more than a century the USD has been the go-to global currency but that is unraveling before our very eyes in the political theater around the world.
In the last six months we have hear the Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF (International Monetary Fund), talk about the need to phase out Unconventional Monetary Policy (UMP). Exactly, what is she talking about in UMP? The Fiat money system created by the Federal Reserve Bankers around the globe. On the surface it may be referred to as Quantitative Easing, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantitative_easing, but what makes that possible is Fiat money - fractional banking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMTyKduYrUk.
The Vatican Bank is, or has been until the new Pope arrived, the most secret - and some say corrupt - bank in the world. It never published an annual report until two weeks ago. http://www.dw.de/vatican-bank-tables-first-ever-annual-report/a-17129211 and http://www.cnbc.com/id/100857768?__source=yahoo|finance|inline|story|story&par=yahoo&doc=101076990|Vatican%20bank%20opens%20its%20bo
A few months ago Basel III was implemented around the globe. We see that Russia and China openly announced going to a gold or “metal backed” monetary system; http://rbth.ru/international/2013/07/19/china_reportedly_planning_to_back_the_yuan_with_gold_28229.html. Basel III, simply put, requires financial institutions to have their reserves be in gold rather than paper money. This is contrary to Fiat money because that UMP is not backed by anything than thin air.
While the world governments seem to be quietly changing the course of the forces driving our planetary economy, the signs are becoming more obvious.
#1 A USA government shut down and politically polarized environment in DC is the final straw to set the stage for the global population perception that the USD is unstable and needs to be replaced as the global reserve currency. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-09-17/canadian-billionaire-predicts-end-dollar-reserve-currency-warns-its-likely-get-ugly
#2 World perception builds that USA is an unstable economy http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2458273/China-advising-world-Americanise-threat-US-default-looms.html and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24511283
#3 Pope Francis appointed a longtime Vatican diplomat, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, as secretary of state, replacing Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, a powerful, and divisive, figure in the Vatican hierarchy, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/01/world/europe/pope-fills-key-vatican-post.html?_r=0
#4 Russia and China are moving into a gold back economy http://www.futuresmag.com/2013/07/01/russia-and-china-building-their-gold-reserves
What does this mean to you?
In your day to day life you won’t see much change. But the dollar will lose it buying power. Make no mistake, the purchasing power of the dollar has already shrunk considerably. See the detailed explanation at http://www.measuringworth.com/calculators/uscompare/index.php.
To preserve your retirement and your investments you might consider buying gold, silver, or currencies that are backed by gold and silver. There is a global currency reset taking place. This means currencies are being revalued based on and intrinsic system developed and monitored by the IMF.
Make no mistake, I am not predicting doom and gloom. Anyone who does, IMHO, is just plain creating trouble for them self. With this shift in global economics there is a real opportunity to grow your own financial security. Here are five easy steps.
A. Invest in gold coins or silver coins.
B. Reduce your debt - get out from underneath your debt.
C. Turn off your television and stop listening to main stream media (MSM)
D. Spend time reading and researching true self improvement technniques and methods
E. Discover your own inherent power that dwells within you and is independent of the opinion of others
In the last six months we have hear the Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF (International Monetary Fund), talk about the need to phase out Unconventional Monetary Policy (UMP). Exactly, what is she talking about in UMP? The Fiat money system created by the Federal Reserve Bankers around the globe. On the surface it may be referred to as Quantitative Easing, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantitative_easing, but what makes that possible is Fiat money - fractional banking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMTyKduYrUk.
The Vatican Bank is, or has been until the new Pope arrived, the most secret - and some say corrupt - bank in the world. It never published an annual report until two weeks ago. http://www.dw.de/vatican-bank-tables-first-ever-annual-report/a-17129211 and http://www.cnbc.com/id/100857768?__source=yahoo|finance|inline|story|story&par=yahoo&doc=101076990|Vatican%20bank%20opens%20its%20bo
A few months ago Basel III was implemented around the globe. We see that Russia and China openly announced going to a gold or “metal backed” monetary system; http://rbth.ru/international/2013/07/19/china_reportedly_planning_to_back_the_yuan_with_gold_28229.html. Basel III, simply put, requires financial institutions to have their reserves be in gold rather than paper money. This is contrary to Fiat money because that UMP is not backed by anything than thin air.
While the world governments seem to be quietly changing the course of the forces driving our planetary economy, the signs are becoming more obvious.
#1 A USA government shut down and politically polarized environment in DC is the final straw to set the stage for the global population perception that the USD is unstable and needs to be replaced as the global reserve currency. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-09-17/canadian-billionaire-predicts-end-dollar-reserve-currency-warns-its-likely-get-ugly
#2 World perception builds that USA is an unstable economy http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2458273/China-advising-world-Americanise-threat-US-default-looms.html and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24511283
#3 Pope Francis appointed a longtime Vatican diplomat, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, as secretary of state, replacing Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, a powerful, and divisive, figure in the Vatican hierarchy, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/01/world/europe/pope-fills-key-vatican-post.html?_r=0
#4 Russia and China are moving into a gold back economy http://www.futuresmag.com/2013/07/01/russia-and-china-building-their-gold-reserves
What does this mean to you?
In your day to day life you won’t see much change. But the dollar will lose it buying power. Make no mistake, the purchasing power of the dollar has already shrunk considerably. See the detailed explanation at http://www.measuringworth.com/calculators/uscompare/index.php.
To preserve your retirement and your investments you might consider buying gold, silver, or currencies that are backed by gold and silver. There is a global currency reset taking place. This means currencies are being revalued based on and intrinsic system developed and monitored by the IMF.
Make no mistake, I am not predicting doom and gloom. Anyone who does, IMHO, is just plain creating trouble for them self. With this shift in global economics there is a real opportunity to grow your own financial security. Here are five easy steps.
A. Invest in gold coins or silver coins.
B. Reduce your debt - get out from underneath your debt.
C. Turn off your television and stop listening to main stream media (MSM)
D. Spend time reading and researching true self improvement technniques and methods
E. Discover your own inherent power that dwells within you and is independent of the opinion of others
Friday, October 11, 2013
Simple and free method to view the social stats on your web site or blog
This is a proven technique to view the social stats on your web site or blog.
In other words, find out exactly how many visitors to your web site or blog are sharing your pages to their network.
First you have to download the Chrome browser. Here is a ling to the English version....
Once you have that installed on your computer or phone you have to download the Social Analytic Extension for Chrome .... (this is the link to English version)
Again, both of these are free.
Once that Extension is installed, visit your blog posts using Chrome or go to your web pages .... the cool part is that viewing that extension, you will see the number of times your pages have been shared.
Sometimes that extension takes a while to load depending on the speed of your internet connection. Give it a few minutes to have the number appear. That number shows you the total shares, click on the extension icon in Chrome to see the details of those shares.
Steu Mann, 541.210.4375, www.EzWebManifesting.com
In other words, find out exactly how many visitors to your web site or blog are sharing your pages to their network.
First you have to download the Chrome browser. Here is a ling to the English version....
Once you have that installed on your computer or phone you have to download the Social Analytic Extension for Chrome .... (this is the link to English version)
Again, both of these are free.
Once that Extension is installed, visit your blog posts using Chrome or go to your web pages .... the cool part is that viewing that extension, you will see the number of times your pages have been shared.
Sometimes that extension takes a while to load depending on the speed of your internet connection. Give it a few minutes to have the number appear. That number shows you the total shares, click on the extension icon in Chrome to see the details of those shares.
Steu Mann, 541.210.4375, www.EzWebManifesting.com
Monday, October 7, 2013
Natural home health care for flu and colds - Dr Cage
It has become obvious that the conventional medical system is in the process of failing. They no longer are interested in the role of primary care doctors (a 2008 study by the Physicians Foundation found that half the primary care medical doctors currently in practice plan to cut back or quit entirely, and 60% would not recommend medicine as a career. A separate study in 2008 found that only 2% of 4th year medical students planned to enter Primary Care as their specialty).
As a result, the conventional system really doesn’t effectively treat minor illnesses. Furthermore, they are failing at long term health care and prevention, as evidenced by the still increasing epidemic levels of the chronic disease as a group, and heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity in particular. The CDC listing the top 10 causes of death in the U.S. Except for accidents, they are all caused primarily by nutritional problems, and all are taking place at rates roughly ten time higher than 100 years ago.
Read entire article: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/home-care.html
As a result, the conventional system really doesn’t effectively treat minor illnesses. Furthermore, they are failing at long term health care and prevention, as evidenced by the still increasing epidemic levels of the chronic disease as a group, and heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity in particular. The CDC listing the top 10 causes of death in the U.S. Except for accidents, they are all caused primarily by nutritional problems, and all are taking place at rates roughly ten time higher than 100 years ago.
Read entire article: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/home-care.html
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Putting Your Butt and Home on the Line: A True Story of Taking on a Corporate Giant
Putting Your Butt and Home on the Line:
A True Story of Taking on a Corporate Giant
While it isn’t usually a person’s plan to experience a financial downturn and find one’s way into financial struggle, the way the real estate loan modification or refinancing programs have been set up in the U.S. has potential to drive one into financial and mental mayhem. A “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” philosophy seemed to be an advantage in my experience.
In May of 2007 I applied for a loan modification with the bank and was informed I would have to be delinquent over 45 days in my payments in order to even begin the process. So I stopped making payments.
As a realtor I learned first-hand what many of my clients experience when dealing with this process. It is not a pretty picture. Once I entered the refi program in July, several months passed as I endured the frustration of lost paper work, misunderstandings and misinformation, resending the same information multiple times, new unexpected “but we told you” documents to be added to the procedure and rarely the same person to communicate with through all of this.
Finally in December 2007, at the eleventh hour, with foreclosure eminent, I was informed that my effort to refinance the loan had been denied, which gave me only four short weeks to face foreclosure and vacate the property. Shocked and dismayed are minor descriptions of my reaction.
Dusting myself off, I rallied to create not one but two short sale offers to provide a way to satisfy the outstanding loan. One offer to purchase was never acknowledged by the bank; a second was finally recognized, although not accepted.
Read more - case was won in court and is now a landmark decision in foreclosures: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/truse-story.html
A True Story of Taking on a Corporate Giant
While it isn’t usually a person’s plan to experience a financial downturn and find one’s way into financial struggle, the way the real estate loan modification or refinancing programs have been set up in the U.S. has potential to drive one into financial and mental mayhem. A “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” philosophy seemed to be an advantage in my experience.
In May of 2007 I applied for a loan modification with the bank and was informed I would have to be delinquent over 45 days in my payments in order to even begin the process. So I stopped making payments.
As a realtor I learned first-hand what many of my clients experience when dealing with this process. It is not a pretty picture. Once I entered the refi program in July, several months passed as I endured the frustration of lost paper work, misunderstandings and misinformation, resending the same information multiple times, new unexpected “but we told you” documents to be added to the procedure and rarely the same person to communicate with through all of this.
Finally in December 2007, at the eleventh hour, with foreclosure eminent, I was informed that my effort to refinance the loan had been denied, which gave me only four short weeks to face foreclosure and vacate the property. Shocked and dismayed are minor descriptions of my reaction.
Dusting myself off, I rallied to create not one but two short sale offers to provide a way to satisfy the outstanding loan. One offer to purchase was never acknowledged by the bank; a second was finally recognized, although not accepted.
Read more - case was won in court and is now a landmark decision in foreclosures: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/truse-story.html
Vegetables ward off Alzheimer's
Eating a diet rich in vegetables may be one way to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, research suggests.
US scientists found that a diet high in unsaturated, unhydrogenated fats - found in vegetables and some oils - may help lower risk.
However, a separate study found antioxidant vitamins - widely touted as good for general health - offer no such protective effect against Alzheimer's.
In the first study, scientists from Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center in Chicago, examined 815 people aged 65 and older over a four year period.
"There are studies to suggest that a diet high in unsaturated fat and low in saturated fat may raise levels of good cholesterol and lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood."
Dr Martha Clare Morris
At the start of the study none of the volunteers had Alzheimer's, but by its end 131 had developed symptoms.
The researchers found that the risk of developing the disease was highest among those who consumed the highest levels of saturated fat - found in meat and dairy products.
Read more: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/Vegetables1.html
US scientists found that a diet high in unsaturated, unhydrogenated fats - found in vegetables and some oils - may help lower risk.
However, a separate study found antioxidant vitamins - widely touted as good for general health - offer no such protective effect against Alzheimer's.
In the first study, scientists from Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center in Chicago, examined 815 people aged 65 and older over a four year period.
"There are studies to suggest that a diet high in unsaturated fat and low in saturated fat may raise levels of good cholesterol and lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood."
Dr Martha Clare Morris
At the start of the study none of the volunteers had Alzheimer's, but by its end 131 had developed symptoms.
The researchers found that the risk of developing the disease was highest among those who consumed the highest levels of saturated fat - found in meat and dairy products.
Read more: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/Vegetables1.html
Rosalie Hurd: Original Genesis Diet
Every minute in the United States someone dies of heart disease and
another of cancer. Heart disease, America’s top killer, is the cause of
40 percent of American deaths. People want good health, but are confused
about where to find it. Self-destructive lifestyles habits, many
diet-related, have led to over-crowded hospitals and increased
health-care costs. So what is the answer?
Read article: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/heatlh-living.html
Read article: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/heatlh-living.html
Saturday, October 5, 2013
New Report: Essential Oils As Herbicide
Could essential oils extracted from lavender be used as a natural herbicide to prevent weed growth among crops? Research carried out in Italy and reported in the current issue of the International Journal of Environment and Health suggests the answer may be yes.
Elena Sturchio of the National Institute of Health and Safety at Work in Rome and colleagues there and at the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, and the Department Crop Production, at Tuscia University, in Viterbo, have investigated the inhibitory effects on weed growth of aromatic oils, or mixtures of phytochemicals, from plants such as lavender, Lavandula officinalis.
Essential oils, are as the name suggests, often the plant's "essence" in terms of odour. Essential oils are complex chemical mixtures of natural products made by the plant for its own purposes, including terpenes, alcohols, aldehydes and phenols. Indeed, several plant essential oils are present as natural inbuilt herbicides and pesticides.
Read More: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/essential-oils-herbicide.html
Elena Sturchio of the National Institute of Health and Safety at Work in Rome and colleagues there and at the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, and the Department Crop Production, at Tuscia University, in Viterbo, have investigated the inhibitory effects on weed growth of aromatic oils, or mixtures of phytochemicals, from plants such as lavender, Lavandula officinalis.
Essential oils, are as the name suggests, often the plant's "essence" in terms of odour. Essential oils are complex chemical mixtures of natural products made by the plant for its own purposes, including terpenes, alcohols, aldehydes and phenols. Indeed, several plant essential oils are present as natural inbuilt herbicides and pesticides.
Read More: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/articles/articles/essential-oils-herbicide.html
Essential Oils Fight Superbugs
Essential oils could be a cheap and effective alternative to antibiotics and potentially used to combat drug-resistant hospital superbugs, according to research presented at the Society for General Microbiology's spring meeting in Edinburgh.
Professor Yiannis Samaras and Dr Effimia Eriotou, from the Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands, in Greece, who led the research, tested the antimicrobial activity of eight plant essential oils. They found that thyme essential oil was the most effective and was able to almost completely eliminate bacteria within 60 minutes.
The essential oils of thyme and cinnamon were found to be particularly efficient antibacterial agents against a range of Staphylococcus species. Strains of these bacteria are common inhabitants of the skin and some may cause infection in immunocompromised individuals. Drug-resistant strains, such as meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are extremely difficult to treat. "Not only are essential oils a cheap and effective treatment option for antibiotic-resistant strains, but decreased use of antibiotics will help minimise the risk of new strains of antibiotic resistant micro-organisms emerging," said Professor Samaras.
Read more: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/artilces/essential-oils.html
Professor Yiannis Samaras and Dr Effimia Eriotou, from the Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands, in Greece, who led the research, tested the antimicrobial activity of eight plant essential oils. They found that thyme essential oil was the most effective and was able to almost completely eliminate bacteria within 60 minutes.
The essential oils of thyme and cinnamon were found to be particularly efficient antibacterial agents against a range of Staphylococcus species. Strains of these bacteria are common inhabitants of the skin and some may cause infection in immunocompromised individuals. Drug-resistant strains, such as meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are extremely difficult to treat. "Not only are essential oils a cheap and effective treatment option for antibiotic-resistant strains, but decreased use of antibiotics will help minimise the risk of new strains of antibiotic resistant micro-organisms emerging," said Professor Samaras.
Read more: http://www.naturalhealthproviderpages.com/articles/artilces/essential-oils.html
What is your new reality? How can that bring you natural health?
The world is changing. That is a simple fact. Whether we choose to fight those changes or help to create them, change is the nature of our evolutionary path. We are moving away from everything that is familiar to us into an unknown territory that we may call "the New Reality." What does this mean? It means that our familiar behaviors and interactions with each other will not bring the same results. It means that familiar ways of survival in the world will no longer work. It means that our familiar methods of exchange (work for money, money for food, etc.) may no longer be effective. Many of us have lost jobs or changed jobs as we struggle to find our place in the changing world. It means that even our weather can no longer be trusted to follow familiar patterns. (read more)
Natural Health Directory starts free link exchange program
A reciprocal link exchange program is good for web business and expanding your internet presence. To learn more about link exchange benefits check out this blog post.
If you have a natural health service or product then you will qualify for a link exchange program - all free - with the Natural Health Directory. To lean more click here.
If you have a natural health service or product then you will qualify for a link exchange program - all free - with the Natural Health Directory. To lean more click here.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
TOO much sleep can make you sick - new report
How too MUCH sleep can make you ill:
People who get more than 10 hours a night have an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity
Everyone knows that getting too little sleep can be bad for your health, but new research suggests having a regular lie in could be even worse.
Too little sleep and too much shut eye both increase the risk of serious illnesses including diabetes, new research suggests.
A study of more than 50,000 people found those who get too much or too little sleep are more likely to develop a range of physical and psychological conditions including coronary heart disease, diabetes, anxiety and obesity.
People who struggle to sleep for more than six hours a night are at greater risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and mental illness.
On the other hand, scientists claim lots of rest is not necessarily good for health either.
Sleeping for too long carries the same risks as reduced sleep, although the American Academy of Sleep Medicine study found the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes was even higher among people who sleep for a long time.
Getting the ‘optimum’ amount of sleep each night reduces the risk of developing the diseases and can help those who already suffer with health problems common among the over 45s.
Sleep expert Dr Safwan Badr said: ‘A healthy, balanced lifestyle is not limited to diet and fitness - when and how you sleep is just as important as what you eat or how you exercise.
‘It's critical that adults aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night to receive the health benefits of sleep, but this is especially true for those battling a chronic condition.
Too little sleep and too much shut eye both increase the risk of serious illnesses including diabetes
Too little sleep and too much shut eye both increase the risk of serious illnesses including diabetes
‘Common sleep illnesses - including sleep apnoea and insomnia - occur frequently in people with a chronic disease and can hinder your ability to sleep soundly.
‘So if you're waking up exhausted, speak with a sleep physician to see if there's a problem.
‘If you are diagnosed with a sleep illness, treating it could significantly improve disease symptoms and your quality of life.’
Dr Badr and colleagues analysed health records of 54,000 Americans over the age of 45 for the study published in the journal Sleep.
They found almost a third were classed as ‘short’ sleepers, who said they got six hours or less sleep a night.
Two thirds were classed as ‘optimal’ sleepers who had between seven and nine hours in a 24 hour period, while a small number said they were ‘long’ sleepers - they slept for more than ten hours a day.
They say it shows sleep patterns are associated with psychological, as well as physiological illnesses, the symptoms of which could be alleviated by getting the correct amount of rest each night.
Chronic disease expert Dr Janet Croft at the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said: ‘Some of the relationships between unhealthy sleep durations and chronic diseases were partially explained by frequent mental distress and obesity.
’This suggests that physicians should consider monitoring mental health and body weight in addition to sleep health for patients with chronic diseases.’
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2441851/How-MUCH-sleep-make-ill-increasing-risk-heart-disease-diabetes-obesity.html#ixzz2ggclP0za
People who get more than 10 hours a night have an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity
Everyone knows that getting too little sleep can be bad for your health, but new research suggests having a regular lie in could be even worse.
Too little sleep and too much shut eye both increase the risk of serious illnesses including diabetes, new research suggests.
A study of more than 50,000 people found those who get too much or too little sleep are more likely to develop a range of physical and psychological conditions including coronary heart disease, diabetes, anxiety and obesity.
People who struggle to sleep for more than six hours a night are at greater risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and mental illness.
On the other hand, scientists claim lots of rest is not necessarily good for health either.
Sleeping for too long carries the same risks as reduced sleep, although the American Academy of Sleep Medicine study found the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes was even higher among people who sleep for a long time.
Getting the ‘optimum’ amount of sleep each night reduces the risk of developing the diseases and can help those who already suffer with health problems common among the over 45s.
Sleep expert Dr Safwan Badr said: ‘A healthy, balanced lifestyle is not limited to diet and fitness - when and how you sleep is just as important as what you eat or how you exercise.
‘It's critical that adults aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night to receive the health benefits of sleep, but this is especially true for those battling a chronic condition.
Too little sleep and too much shut eye both increase the risk of serious illnesses including diabetes
Too little sleep and too much shut eye both increase the risk of serious illnesses including diabetes
‘Common sleep illnesses - including sleep apnoea and insomnia - occur frequently in people with a chronic disease and can hinder your ability to sleep soundly.
‘So if you're waking up exhausted, speak with a sleep physician to see if there's a problem.
‘If you are diagnosed with a sleep illness, treating it could significantly improve disease symptoms and your quality of life.’
Dr Badr and colleagues analysed health records of 54,000 Americans over the age of 45 for the study published in the journal Sleep.
They found almost a third were classed as ‘short’ sleepers, who said they got six hours or less sleep a night.
Two thirds were classed as ‘optimal’ sleepers who had between seven and nine hours in a 24 hour period, while a small number said they were ‘long’ sleepers - they slept for more than ten hours a day.
They say it shows sleep patterns are associated with psychological, as well as physiological illnesses, the symptoms of which could be alleviated by getting the correct amount of rest each night.
Chronic disease expert Dr Janet Croft at the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said: ‘Some of the relationships between unhealthy sleep durations and chronic diseases were partially explained by frequent mental distress and obesity.
’This suggests that physicians should consider monitoring mental health and body weight in addition to sleep health for patients with chronic diseases.’
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2441851/How-MUCH-sleep-make-ill-increasing-risk-heart-disease-diabetes-obesity.html#ixzz2ggclP0za
Expand Your Internet Marketing Studies prove that the most cost effective way to spend your marketing dollars on the internet include organic search results, social marketing, and decent content on your pages. Visit EzWebManifesting to learn more about SEO - search engine optimization.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Naturopathic Medicine: Treat the whole person
The third principle of Naturopathic Medicine is to “treat the whole person”. You may ask yourself how in the world do you not treat the whole person when they are sitting right there in front of you. Unfortunately, it happens far too often and has even become ingrained in the healthcare system.
The way we learn science and medicine has become increasingly compartmentalized starting in elementary school and going all the way through to medical school and post-graduate work. Therefore, the way many physicians practice medicine is compartmentalized. When you have a heart problem you go to the cardiologist. When you have a skin problem you go to the dermatologist. When you have a hormone problem you go to the endocrinologist. The list of specializations goes on and on. However, who do you go to see to put it all together? When the physicians and healthcare providers you utilize view you as an organ or body part instead of a “whole person” you are not receiving optimal healthcare.
We are much more than the sum of all of our parts. You cannot work on one area of the body without affecting other areas. In fact, the dividing lines between parts of our body that you may think are well defined are actually not. For example, what is the dividing line between a muscle and its tendon? What about the dividing line between the tendon and the bone? You may be surprised to find out that everything is not only attached and connected but so intimately connected that we don’t actually know where body parts like tendons, ligaments, bones, fascia, and connective tissue begin and end.
When a patient has a cardiovascular health concern I do not just investigate the cardiovascular system and then refer to a cardiologist. I look at all of the possible cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular connections to the concern. I look at nutrition, exercise, stress management, medication, and supplementation. I also look at the health of the other tissues and organs like the liver, kidneys, bowels, lymphatic system and so on to see if the cardiovascular condition is part of a greater health concern.
In the 1950’s Dr. Roger Williams, PhD wrote a book entitled “Biochemical Individuality” that introduced the world to the ground-breaking concept that each individual portrays a large degree of individuality on a biochemical level. This means that people of the same weight, height, age, and ethnicity can have staggering difference in the size and function of organs like the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach, intestines and so on. It was previously believed that the outside of the human body was a good indicator of the inside of the human body. However, this research showed that you truly can’t judge a book by its cover. Unfortunately, it seems as though this understanding of biochemical individuality is not being practiced in the clinical setting.
Many TV medical programs like House show doctors treating diseases instead of treating people. They portray medicine as something akin to solving a puzzle, math equation, or murder mystery. However, healthcare doesn’t and shouldn’t work this way. Many diseases are nothing more than a name for a picture of symptoms. The name of the disease often doesn’t tell you why it’s happening, what the causes are, and what the ultimate treatment needs to be. Good examples of this include fibromyalgia, arthritis, hypertension, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome to name a few. These diagnostic names describe what is happening but they don’t really answer the question of why they are happening and what their optimal treatment should be. These answers can not be found in the text books or protocols but can be found when you examine the individual and provide individualized healthcare.
Optimal healthcare should not be narrow minded or narrow focused. It should never lose sight of the fact that there is a real live human being receiving treatment not just an organ or region of the body. Good physicians and healthcare professionals do not treat disease they treat people who have disease. Optimal healthcare should embrace the concept of biochemical individuality and “treat the whole person” to provide truly individualized healthcare.
Article: http://www.castanet.net/news/Natural-Health-News/99042/Treat-the-whole-person
The way we learn science and medicine has become increasingly compartmentalized starting in elementary school and going all the way through to medical school and post-graduate work. Therefore, the way many physicians practice medicine is compartmentalized. When you have a heart problem you go to the cardiologist. When you have a skin problem you go to the dermatologist. When you have a hormone problem you go to the endocrinologist. The list of specializations goes on and on. However, who do you go to see to put it all together? When the physicians and healthcare providers you utilize view you as an organ or body part instead of a “whole person” you are not receiving optimal healthcare.
We are much more than the sum of all of our parts. You cannot work on one area of the body without affecting other areas. In fact, the dividing lines between parts of our body that you may think are well defined are actually not. For example, what is the dividing line between a muscle and its tendon? What about the dividing line between the tendon and the bone? You may be surprised to find out that everything is not only attached and connected but so intimately connected that we don’t actually know where body parts like tendons, ligaments, bones, fascia, and connective tissue begin and end.
When a patient has a cardiovascular health concern I do not just investigate the cardiovascular system and then refer to a cardiologist. I look at all of the possible cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular connections to the concern. I look at nutrition, exercise, stress management, medication, and supplementation. I also look at the health of the other tissues and organs like the liver, kidneys, bowels, lymphatic system and so on to see if the cardiovascular condition is part of a greater health concern.
In the 1950’s Dr. Roger Williams, PhD wrote a book entitled “Biochemical Individuality” that introduced the world to the ground-breaking concept that each individual portrays a large degree of individuality on a biochemical level. This means that people of the same weight, height, age, and ethnicity can have staggering difference in the size and function of organs like the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach, intestines and so on. It was previously believed that the outside of the human body was a good indicator of the inside of the human body. However, this research showed that you truly can’t judge a book by its cover. Unfortunately, it seems as though this understanding of biochemical individuality is not being practiced in the clinical setting.
Many TV medical programs like House show doctors treating diseases instead of treating people. They portray medicine as something akin to solving a puzzle, math equation, or murder mystery. However, healthcare doesn’t and shouldn’t work this way. Many diseases are nothing more than a name for a picture of symptoms. The name of the disease often doesn’t tell you why it’s happening, what the causes are, and what the ultimate treatment needs to be. Good examples of this include fibromyalgia, arthritis, hypertension, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome to name a few. These diagnostic names describe what is happening but they don’t really answer the question of why they are happening and what their optimal treatment should be. These answers can not be found in the text books or protocols but can be found when you examine the individual and provide individualized healthcare.
Optimal healthcare should not be narrow minded or narrow focused. It should never lose sight of the fact that there is a real live human being receiving treatment not just an organ or region of the body. Good physicians and healthcare professionals do not treat disease they treat people who have disease. Optimal healthcare should embrace the concept of biochemical individuality and “treat the whole person” to provide truly individualized healthcare.
Article: http://www.castanet.net/news/Natural-Health-News/99042/Treat-the-whole-person
Natural alternatives for relieving allergies
Plenty of medications are available to ease allergy symptoms. We’ve all seen the ads for meds for nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing, eye redness, etc.
We are used to treatments that attack the disease or suppress symptoms, but there is a downside to this approach, the first being side effects. From a wellness perspective, these drugs do not address the underlying cause, and it is always better to treat the cause than to suppress symptoms. Of course, if someone has a life-threatening allergy, it is certainly wise to have some emergency meds available, but for most allergy sufferers the condition is not so serious.
Besides medications, there are two main approaches to helping with allergies: lifestyle changes and wellness treatments, or therapies that work with the body’s own healing mechanisms to restore balance and normal function. When they first start care, most patients are in bad shape, so lifestyle changes alone are not enough. Once their allergies are controlled with treatment, then lifestyle changes become more important.
For most patients, addressing the causes of their allergies begins with the “leaky gut” problem in the digestive tract, which I discussed in last week’s column. Leaky gut is a source of chronic, low-grade immune system stimulation, which over time can cause it to overreact to even small irritants.
A first major step is finding and eliminating foods the person is sensitive to; this is best determined by using an elimination diet. Some practitioners recommend allergic patients stop eating all dairy and wheat products, because they are such common sources of irritation to the gut. This can be a major lifestyle change but the benefits are well worth it.
There are also supplements, both food-based and herbal, that help with irritation of the gut lining. They are most helpful in the beginning of care, but if there is a long history of inflammation, some patients benefit from taking them indefinitely.
Another step is to restore the normal bacteria balance in the gut. A diet of highly refined and processed foods, as well as antibiotic use, causes changes in the bugs in our intestines, and this also can overstimulate the immune system. “Probiotics” are supplements or foods that contain large amounts of the “good” gut bacteria, so the gut can be reseeded. Studies have shown that allergic patients benefit from taking probiotics in pill form. Children whose mothers took probiotics during pregnancy have fewer allergic problems than children whose mothers did not.
Fermented foods such as kimchi, yogurt and sauerkraut, and drinks such as kombucha and kefir are a great source of probiotics, but be sure to read the label — some commercial brands are pasteurized after they are fermented, so the bacteria are killed. A great source is homemade fermented vegetables; they are easy to make, and classes on preparing them (as well as the veggies themselves) are available in the Bangor area through Ripley Farm in Dover-Foxcroft.
Educating patients about the leaky gut effects of anti-inflammatory drugs, and then helping them to stop using them is a plus. These meds are a very common source of gastrointestinal stress and leaky gut problems. Easing chronic pain is an area where wellness treatments shine; this is especially important in a time when powerful, addictive painkillers are fast becoming a problem in our society.
Some sinus congestion problems are not due to allergies. Just because the sinuses are painful and inflamed does not automatically mean there is an allergic problem. Joint and muscle problems in the neck can interfere with sinus drainage, and can cause frontal headache and redness of the eyes. Many congested chiropractic patients leave the office with their sinuses draining for the first time in months, after treatment released blockages in the neck that were keeping the sinuses from letting go. By restoring normal function to the joints, muscles and nerves, manipulation can also help reduce stress on the whole system, and improve the over-reactivity that is typical for the allergic patient.
Because it has a calming effect, acupuncture can also be a great treatment for the allergic patient. It can be used for both the systemwide, underlying pro-allergic state (in acupuncture theory, sometimes known as “general excess”) as well as any specific symptoms such as sinus congestion, breathing difficulty, skin reactions, etc. There are many different styles of acupuncture, but they all have the same goal, as does any wellness treatment — to allow the body’s normal healing functions to restore balance.
Allergies are a very common, and increasing, problem. Chronic sinusitis is one of the most commonly reported chronic diseases, affecting up to 30 percent of the U.S. population. The increase in many chronic diseases in our society points to our need to change our health care system. Our health is worsening despite the fact that about 80 percent of the U.S. population is using either a prescription or over-the-counter drug daily. Clearly another approach is needed. To me, the only real options are a combination of lifestyle improvements and wellness care.
Dr. Michael Noonan practices chiropractic, acupuncture and other wellness therapies in Old Town.
Article: http://bangordailynews.com/2013/09/19/health/natural-alternatives-for-relieving-allergies/
We are used to treatments that attack the disease or suppress symptoms, but there is a downside to this approach, the first being side effects. From a wellness perspective, these drugs do not address the underlying cause, and it is always better to treat the cause than to suppress symptoms. Of course, if someone has a life-threatening allergy, it is certainly wise to have some emergency meds available, but for most allergy sufferers the condition is not so serious.
Besides medications, there are two main approaches to helping with allergies: lifestyle changes and wellness treatments, or therapies that work with the body’s own healing mechanisms to restore balance and normal function. When they first start care, most patients are in bad shape, so lifestyle changes alone are not enough. Once their allergies are controlled with treatment, then lifestyle changes become more important.
For most patients, addressing the causes of their allergies begins with the “leaky gut” problem in the digestive tract, which I discussed in last week’s column. Leaky gut is a source of chronic, low-grade immune system stimulation, which over time can cause it to overreact to even small irritants.
A first major step is finding and eliminating foods the person is sensitive to; this is best determined by using an elimination diet. Some practitioners recommend allergic patients stop eating all dairy and wheat products, because they are such common sources of irritation to the gut. This can be a major lifestyle change but the benefits are well worth it.
There are also supplements, both food-based and herbal, that help with irritation of the gut lining. They are most helpful in the beginning of care, but if there is a long history of inflammation, some patients benefit from taking them indefinitely.
Another step is to restore the normal bacteria balance in the gut. A diet of highly refined and processed foods, as well as antibiotic use, causes changes in the bugs in our intestines, and this also can overstimulate the immune system. “Probiotics” are supplements or foods that contain large amounts of the “good” gut bacteria, so the gut can be reseeded. Studies have shown that allergic patients benefit from taking probiotics in pill form. Children whose mothers took probiotics during pregnancy have fewer allergic problems than children whose mothers did not.
Fermented foods such as kimchi, yogurt and sauerkraut, and drinks such as kombucha and kefir are a great source of probiotics, but be sure to read the label — some commercial brands are pasteurized after they are fermented, so the bacteria are killed. A great source is homemade fermented vegetables; they are easy to make, and classes on preparing them (as well as the veggies themselves) are available in the Bangor area through Ripley Farm in Dover-Foxcroft.
Educating patients about the leaky gut effects of anti-inflammatory drugs, and then helping them to stop using them is a plus. These meds are a very common source of gastrointestinal stress and leaky gut problems. Easing chronic pain is an area where wellness treatments shine; this is especially important in a time when powerful, addictive painkillers are fast becoming a problem in our society.
Some sinus congestion problems are not due to allergies. Just because the sinuses are painful and inflamed does not automatically mean there is an allergic problem. Joint and muscle problems in the neck can interfere with sinus drainage, and can cause frontal headache and redness of the eyes. Many congested chiropractic patients leave the office with their sinuses draining for the first time in months, after treatment released blockages in the neck that were keeping the sinuses from letting go. By restoring normal function to the joints, muscles and nerves, manipulation can also help reduce stress on the whole system, and improve the over-reactivity that is typical for the allergic patient.
Because it has a calming effect, acupuncture can also be a great treatment for the allergic patient. It can be used for both the systemwide, underlying pro-allergic state (in acupuncture theory, sometimes known as “general excess”) as well as any specific symptoms such as sinus congestion, breathing difficulty, skin reactions, etc. There are many different styles of acupuncture, but they all have the same goal, as does any wellness treatment — to allow the body’s normal healing functions to restore balance.
Allergies are a very common, and increasing, problem. Chronic sinusitis is one of the most commonly reported chronic diseases, affecting up to 30 percent of the U.S. population. The increase in many chronic diseases in our society points to our need to change our health care system. Our health is worsening despite the fact that about 80 percent of the U.S. population is using either a prescription or over-the-counter drug daily. Clearly another approach is needed. To me, the only real options are a combination of lifestyle improvements and wellness care.
Dr. Michael Noonan practices chiropractic, acupuncture and other wellness therapies in Old Town.
Article: http://bangordailynews.com/2013/09/19/health/natural-alternatives-for-relieving-allergies/
Benefits of wellness care over drug treatments undeniable
The last column covered the largest “driver” of health care costs, which is lifestyle, and the benefits (including cost benefits) of living a wellness lifestyle. Now we’ll look at the second part of the wellness equation — the benefits of wellness care, especially when compared to today’s health care system.
Most people aren’t aware of the difference between wellness care and disease care. We just assume health care is primarily medical, with a few problems that can be helped by “alternative-type” treatments. But wellness care can — and some say should — be the cornerstone of a health care system.
The problem with a disease-based system is that while it does treat disease, it doesn’t necessarily improve health. Despite the fact that 81 percent of the U.S. population uses an over the counter or prescription medication regularly, our health is not improving, it is declining.
The number of people on multiple medications is steadily rising, along with rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Changing our health care system to one that is based on wellness care could save our state millions, not only in improved health outcomes but also in reducing our need for drugs, surgery, testing and hospitalizations. In contrast to our current system, where a disease is managed by drugs that improve one bodily function (say, blood pressure) but interfere with several others (“side effects”), wellness care focuses on improving all parts of a patient’s health without upsetting other functions. This includes treatments such as manipulation, acupuncture, exercise, dietary recommendations and supplements and herbals. These are very powerful treatments and the experiences had by millions of patients has shown them to be effective for most health problems, especially chronic diseases.
There is a lot of skepticism in our drug-oriented society for anything that isn’t in pill form, but research has shown chiropractic care to be very safe, effective and economical.
Of course, most of the research was done on back pain, since it is one of the most common health problems, but there is evidence that chiropractic helps other health problems such as asthma, vertigo, colic and blood pressure.
Many chiropractic doctors also argue that care of the spine benefits the whole body, and there may be improvements in health that seem to be unrelated to the treatment. Many patients report that they sleep better, are more relaxed and more. This is the nature of a wellness treatment — its “side effects” are actually an overall improvement in health.
There also is plenty of research that shows acupuncture to be effective. In fact, the World Health Organization’s website on acupuncture lists 28 conditions that have enough research behind them that it can be recommended as a treatment. This list includes very common problems, such as back and neck pain, depression, and headache, as well as unexpected conditions such as malposition of the fetus (breach babies), nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and high blood pressure. The site further list 63 conditions that acupuncture has been shown to be effective for, but further research is recommended. This list includes conditions such as ulcerative colitis, tobacco and drug addiction and shingles.
In 1996, an HMO in Chicago decided to test the idea that wellness care can be the basis for their health care system. They allowed their clients to choose chiropractic doctors as their primary care providers, and the chiropractic doctors were expected to provide wellness care to their patients. They were able to order tests for their patients, but would prescribe no drugs, do no surgery and only offer natural treatments including manipulation, acupuncture, nutrition and herbals. If a patient needed medical care, they were given a referral.
After five years, the average costs per patient for the wellness providers were compared to the costs for the traditional medical providers. The results were nothing short of amazing. The overall expenses for the wellness family doctors were 60 percent less than their medical counterparts. Their patients reduced prescription drug use by 85 percent and hospital admissions by 60 percent. An article published in the 2007 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics gives the details of this effort.
My advice? Try to be one of the 3 percent who truly live a healthy lifestyle. Even small improvements can make a big difference. And if you do get sick, be sure to start off with wellness care, going to the more aggressive disease attacking forms of health care only in emergencies or when wellness care fails.
Dr. Michael Noonan practices chiropractic, acupuncture and other wellness therapies in Old Town.
Most people aren’t aware of the difference between wellness care and disease care. We just assume health care is primarily medical, with a few problems that can be helped by “alternative-type” treatments. But wellness care can — and some say should — be the cornerstone of a health care system.
The problem with a disease-based system is that while it does treat disease, it doesn’t necessarily improve health. Despite the fact that 81 percent of the U.S. population uses an over the counter or prescription medication regularly, our health is not improving, it is declining.
The number of people on multiple medications is steadily rising, along with rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Changing our health care system to one that is based on wellness care could save our state millions, not only in improved health outcomes but also in reducing our need for drugs, surgery, testing and hospitalizations. In contrast to our current system, where a disease is managed by drugs that improve one bodily function (say, blood pressure) but interfere with several others (“side effects”), wellness care focuses on improving all parts of a patient’s health without upsetting other functions. This includes treatments such as manipulation, acupuncture, exercise, dietary recommendations and supplements and herbals. These are very powerful treatments and the experiences had by millions of patients has shown them to be effective for most health problems, especially chronic diseases.
There is a lot of skepticism in our drug-oriented society for anything that isn’t in pill form, but research has shown chiropractic care to be very safe, effective and economical.
Of course, most of the research was done on back pain, since it is one of the most common health problems, but there is evidence that chiropractic helps other health problems such as asthma, vertigo, colic and blood pressure.
Many chiropractic doctors also argue that care of the spine benefits the whole body, and there may be improvements in health that seem to be unrelated to the treatment. Many patients report that they sleep better, are more relaxed and more. This is the nature of a wellness treatment — its “side effects” are actually an overall improvement in health.
There also is plenty of research that shows acupuncture to be effective. In fact, the World Health Organization’s website on acupuncture lists 28 conditions that have enough research behind them that it can be recommended as a treatment. This list includes very common problems, such as back and neck pain, depression, and headache, as well as unexpected conditions such as malposition of the fetus (breach babies), nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and high blood pressure. The site further list 63 conditions that acupuncture has been shown to be effective for, but further research is recommended. This list includes conditions such as ulcerative colitis, tobacco and drug addiction and shingles.
In 1996, an HMO in Chicago decided to test the idea that wellness care can be the basis for their health care system. They allowed their clients to choose chiropractic doctors as their primary care providers, and the chiropractic doctors were expected to provide wellness care to their patients. They were able to order tests for their patients, but would prescribe no drugs, do no surgery and only offer natural treatments including manipulation, acupuncture, nutrition and herbals. If a patient needed medical care, they were given a referral.
After five years, the average costs per patient for the wellness providers were compared to the costs for the traditional medical providers. The results were nothing short of amazing. The overall expenses for the wellness family doctors were 60 percent less than their medical counterparts. Their patients reduced prescription drug use by 85 percent and hospital admissions by 60 percent. An article published in the 2007 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics gives the details of this effort.
My advice? Try to be one of the 3 percent who truly live a healthy lifestyle. Even small improvements can make a big difference. And if you do get sick, be sure to start off with wellness care, going to the more aggressive disease attacking forms of health care only in emergencies or when wellness care fails.
Dr. Michael Noonan practices chiropractic, acupuncture and other wellness therapies in Old Town.
Natural pain relievers are underused for chronic muscular pain and joint problems
Many conditions associated with chronic pain involve the musculoskeletal system. Myofascial problems and joint swelling are chief among them. There are several forms of arthritis that can lead to debilitating pain in all areas of the spine, as well as the various joints of the arms and legs. Joint pain, myofascial pain, arthritic pain and fibromyalgia, can improve significantly with several natural remedies now available.
Most people who suffer with chronic muscular pain and joint problems can derive significant benefits from exercising regularly. Stretching the muscles of the neck, back, arms, and legs helps to tone muscles. In some cases isometric and resistance exercising may also be beneficial. All of the major body joints respond remarkably well to mobilization. Active movement is therapeutic. In the upper extremities range of motion exercises from the shoulders to the fingers is essential. The same is true for the lower extremities, from the hips to the toes. People who suffer with serious muscle and joint problems should begin exercising under the direction of a qualified professional.
Inflammation is the culprit in most cases of chronic pain. Several natural anti-inflammatory herbs have shown to be quite effective in alleviating inflammation and thus easing pain. They are with few exceptions side-effect free. They include turmeric, boswelia, ginger, ginseng, and willow bark.
Several other natural products have shown significant effectiveness in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Glucosamine sulfate, 500 mg 3 times daily, taken with chondroitin sulfate 400 mg 3 times a day improves joint function and eases pain for most people with mild to moderate joint arthritis. Hyaluronic acid has also shown effectiveness.
A very helpful product that has of yet not received as much attention as glucosamine and chondroitin, are the ASUs, (avocado/soybean unsaponifiables). These products are extracts from avocado and soybean oils. They are available at health food stores and can be taken in 300-- 600 mg doses is daily.
SAMe, (or s-adenosylmethionine), has proven to be helpful for pain and inflammation associated with arthritis as well as fibromyalgia. 400-500 mg twice a day is optimal for arthritis and fibromyalgia. However, it is recommended that this product be taken in smaller doses initially to avoid any potential gastrointestinal distress.
Read more: http://www.irishcentral.com/story/advice/health-matters/natural-pain-relievers-are-underused-for-chronic-muscular-pain-and-joint-problems-225947741.html#ixzz2gZqkD3J0
Most people who suffer with chronic muscular pain and joint problems can derive significant benefits from exercising regularly. Stretching the muscles of the neck, back, arms, and legs helps to tone muscles. In some cases isometric and resistance exercising may also be beneficial. All of the major body joints respond remarkably well to mobilization. Active movement is therapeutic. In the upper extremities range of motion exercises from the shoulders to the fingers is essential. The same is true for the lower extremities, from the hips to the toes. People who suffer with serious muscle and joint problems should begin exercising under the direction of a qualified professional.
Inflammation is the culprit in most cases of chronic pain. Several natural anti-inflammatory herbs have shown to be quite effective in alleviating inflammation and thus easing pain. They are with few exceptions side-effect free. They include turmeric, boswelia, ginger, ginseng, and willow bark.
Several other natural products have shown significant effectiveness in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Glucosamine sulfate, 500 mg 3 times daily, taken with chondroitin sulfate 400 mg 3 times a day improves joint function and eases pain for most people with mild to moderate joint arthritis. Hyaluronic acid has also shown effectiveness.
A very helpful product that has of yet not received as much attention as glucosamine and chondroitin, are the ASUs, (avocado/soybean unsaponifiables). These products are extracts from avocado and soybean oils. They are available at health food stores and can be taken in 300-- 600 mg doses is daily.
SAMe, (or s-adenosylmethionine), has proven to be helpful for pain and inflammation associated with arthritis as well as fibromyalgia. 400-500 mg twice a day is optimal for arthritis and fibromyalgia. However, it is recommended that this product be taken in smaller doses initially to avoid any potential gastrointestinal distress.
Read more: http://www.irishcentral.com/story/advice/health-matters/natural-pain-relievers-are-underused-for-chronic-muscular-pain-and-joint-problems-225947741.html#ixzz2gZqkD3J0
Dr Oz: cluster headaches and natural health care solutions
Cluster Headaches
The pain of a cluster headache is often described as an ice pick in the head because of its concentrated stabbing feeling. The name comes from the fact that the headache occurs in a cluster of days over several weeks. The pain is often followed by a runny nose or fever, so they are often known as “histamine headaches." Cluster headaches are common in the winter due to temperature changes.
Capsaicin Cream
The active ingredient in this cream is cayenne pepper. Apply a small amount to the inside of your nostril that’s on the side of your head where you are experiencing pain. The cream works to block nerve pain signals. This effective remedy can be purchased for about $11 in a health food store.
Migraine Headaches
This one-sided throbbing pain causes sensitivity to light and sound and may cause nausea. Migraines run in families and women are three times more likely to have them than men. Experts believe that migraines may be caused by nerve signals that the brain misinterprets as pain.
In clinical trials, this supplement from the sunflower family has been shown to be effective for treating migraines. It reduces inflammation, which takes pressure off the nerves and helps to prevent migraines entirely. It costs around $12 and comes in capsule form.
Acupressure Massage
This ancient Chinese healing method involves applying pressure to certain points on the body to relieve pain. Place your finger in the depression between your first and second toe and press firmly for 3 to 5 minutes.
Article: http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/all-natural-headache-cures?page=2
The pain of a cluster headache is often described as an ice pick in the head because of its concentrated stabbing feeling. The name comes from the fact that the headache occurs in a cluster of days over several weeks. The pain is often followed by a runny nose or fever, so they are often known as “histamine headaches." Cluster headaches are common in the winter due to temperature changes.
Capsaicin Cream
The active ingredient in this cream is cayenne pepper. Apply a small amount to the inside of your nostril that’s on the side of your head where you are experiencing pain. The cream works to block nerve pain signals. This effective remedy can be purchased for about $11 in a health food store.
Migraine Headaches
This one-sided throbbing pain causes sensitivity to light and sound and may cause nausea. Migraines run in families and women are three times more likely to have them than men. Experts believe that migraines may be caused by nerve signals that the brain misinterprets as pain.
In clinical trials, this supplement from the sunflower family has been shown to be effective for treating migraines. It reduces inflammation, which takes pressure off the nerves and helps to prevent migraines entirely. It costs around $12 and comes in capsule form.
Acupressure Massage
This ancient Chinese healing method involves applying pressure to certain points on the body to relieve pain. Place your finger in the depression between your first and second toe and press firmly for 3 to 5 minutes.
Article: http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/all-natural-headache-cures?page=2
Walking for health works
Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier.
It's underrated as a form of exercise but walking is ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels who want to be more active.
Regular walking has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, stroke and some cancers.
Use this guide to increase the amount of walking you do every week and maximise the health benefits.
Try to walk 10,000 steps a day. Most of us walk between 3,000 and 4,000 steps a day anyway, so reaching 10,000 isn't as daunting as it might sound.
If, to begin with, you can only walk fast for a couple of minutes, that's fine. Don't overdo it on your first day.
You can break up your activity into 10-minute chunks, as long as you're doing your activity at a moderate intensity.
Read article: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/getting-started-guides/Pages/getting-started-walking.aspx
It's underrated as a form of exercise but walking is ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels who want to be more active.
Regular walking has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, stroke and some cancers.
Use this guide to increase the amount of walking you do every week and maximise the health benefits.
Try to walk 10,000 steps a day. Most of us walk between 3,000 and 4,000 steps a day anyway, so reaching 10,000 isn't as daunting as it might sound.
If, to begin with, you can only walk fast for a couple of minutes, that's fine. Don't overdo it on your first day.
You can break up your activity into 10-minute chunks, as long as you're doing your activity at a moderate intensity.
Read article: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/getting-started-guides/Pages/getting-started-walking.aspx
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