
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Alternative News: Not all families of Sandy Hook favor gun control

Alternative News: Not all families of Sandy Hook favor gun control
The family of one prominent Sandy Hook shooting victim is speaking out against what they feel is a politicization and dishonest portrayal of gun control sentiment.

Though Rachel D'Avino, a teacher at the Newtown, CT., elementary school, was shot to death by a crazed gunman, her family still owns firearms - including an assault-style rifle - and is against any measures to control their purchase, according to her sister Hannah.

The family wants the public to know that, despite politicians' best efforts to group the families together into one big gun-opposed lot, the D'Avinos don't share that opinion. They are speaking up now because Rachel's name is attached to proposed federal gun control legislation.

'We're very frustrated mainly because the 26 families got lumped together. We're 26 families made of individuals that all have different opinions,' Hannah D'Avino told the Republican-American.

'It's like people are speaking for me and speaking for my sister,' she added, 'they don't know her and they don't know us.'

The family then recalled to the paper Thanksgiving 2009 when they took turns firing rounds into a tree on their five acres of land with an AR-15 - the same semi-automatic firearm used to kill their beloved Rachel, 20 first-grade students and five other school staffers.

The family takes pride in their marksmanship and record of gun safety, Hannah D'Avino told the paper, adding that Rachel was a good shot herself.

Despite a constant presence of guns in the family's lives, the only gun-related incident they have ever had was Rachel's shooting death, her angry sister noted.

The family still looks back on that Thanksgiving dinner, followed by several rounds of target shooting, as a cherished family memory, one that couldn't possibly be tainted by a madman the likes of Adam Lanza, she added.

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