When Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced Quantitative Easing III, it became very apparent to me that one of two things will happen and happen fairly soon: 1) The funds he intends to invest in those worthless mortgage-backed derivatives created from 2005 until the present time – the ones that should have bankrupted the too big to jail banksters on Wall Street long ago – will further depreciate the dollar and we will soon have rampant inflation. Or, 2) The bottom will fall from under the markets as the world recognizes the worthless mortgage-backed derivatives for what they are and the economy will contract severely, causing prices to fall, banks to fail, etc. Neither is a good scenario.
If I go the usual publishing route with the Lee Wanta book, it will take at least 18 months to get it into print. I don’t think we have 18 months… and if people have this information available to them, it could make a big difference in our economic future. Most people are unaware of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols… funds that would put an immediate $1.575 trillion in America’s treasury, over $200 billion in the treasury of the State of Virginia, and would be used to build a national high-speed railway that would create an immediate 2,000,000 (that’s two million) well-paying jobs with full benefits for workers. Lee also has plans to use his funds to train our veteran’s as they return from service in the Middle East. He wants to help them by helping America re-establish its manufacturing base and will train tradesmen, some of whom will further their educations and learn how to produce basic plumbing, electrical, carpentry and other tools needed by tradesmen… tools Made in America!
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