After suffering post-concussion syndrome following a bicycle accident that left him hyper-sensitive to light and noise, Hollywood director Tom Shadyac changed his life dramatically.
He moved out of his 17,000-square-foot mansion in Pasadena and into a 1,000-square-foot mobile home at a trailer park in Malibu. He also traded his private jet for a bicycle and began to give away a lot of his possessions and money.
His movies - which include Ace Ventura, Patch Adams, Nutty Professor and Bruce Almighty - earned more than one billion dollars at the box office and at one stage he was able to commandeer millions as salary.
Speaking to CBS about his new life, he said: 'I believe I was my least successful when I "had it all".
'I was listening to the social notes of wealth which is all these private jets mansions, a lot of stuff.
'I didn't need a private jet. It costs $44,000 to fly for an hour and a half, someone doesn't even make that in a year.'
So he opened a homeless shelter in Virginia, gives to charities that fight poverty, protects the environment and animals.
'The more I give away the wealthier I feel,' he said. 'For everything I "gave up", so much more was returned. The trappings of fame and fortune are exactly that - a trapping. It's called the spoils of success for a reason.'
As well as the documentary, he has a book out called Life's Operating Manual - which is all about who you are and what your life is about and a depper truer wealth/
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