
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

SEO: You really don't wanna buy links and here is Google's Matt Cutts to tell you why (video)

search engine optimization seo
This post explains the why Google will penalize your site for buying links to accomplish search engine optimization (SEO) or any other reason you can think of.

What is the difference between buying advertising to promote your site and buying links that link to you site?

Buying ads is a way to get potential buyers to notice you.

Buying links is a method to deceive search engines that you have more popularity than really exists.

Matt says it much better than me ....

Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.

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