Affiliate advertising programs are endorsed by some of the largest online companies. How is that so? Many online giants are using affiliate marketing to make money and here are a few: Google adwords, Amazon Affiliates, Commission Junction, and ClickBank.
The big difference with Abundant Living Affiliate Program is that it's designed toward smaller merchants that have little or no depth in an online presence.
I have worked with small businesses for many years, along with doing a sizable tour in the corporate world, in building a successful web presence for marketing purposes. From that experience, I have learned the main reasons a small business fails in the online market place:
- lack of funds to do what is "right" in marketing
- lack of skills and initiative to maintain a blog or web site
- lack of funds to hire skilled people to do the "right" tech stuff
One of the "right" actions in marketing is establishing some street cred about your product or service. When you become an advertiser in the Abundant Living Affiliate Program by August 15, 2012, we will write a review of your product or service. Plus, we will SEO that article and put it on a web site that has a page rank of three or higher. AND, we will submit it to 100 search engines every week for the next four months.
You, the merchant, doesn't have to do anything to build, maintain, or optimized your launch page in the Abundant Living Affiliate Network. We will do it all - you just have to keep running you business and doing the "normal" stuff that you do so well. We take care of the tech stuff for you - forever.
One more perk to advertisers is worth mentioning here. When you become an advertiser we waiver the annual fee. That's correct. You pay a one time fee to be in the Abundant Living Affiliate Program when you join by August 15, 2012. After that, all you will ever pay is the commission to affiliates when they sell your stuff.
In summary, Abundant Living Affiliate Program takes care of their merchant advertisers by establishing some credibility about their wares with a highly visible educational article, takes care of the tech stuff, and helps 'em expand their sales force. Plus, when merchants jump in by August 15, 2012 - they pay a one time fee to be an advertiser - forever.
To get more information about the Abundant Living Network Program visit this page:
Blessings, Steu
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Affiliate Program Basics
Affiliate programs have become a standard component of most online businesses. With thousands of companies and dozens of networks offering affiliate programs, it can be hard to know where to begin. Understanding the basics will help you make good decisions as you begin affiliate marketing on your website.
There are three types of affiliate marketers:
Full-time: Exist solely to promote other businesses.
Part-time: Employ affiliate programs as a major part of their business plan, creating a significant percentage of their annual revenues.
Side-line: Promote just one or two companies. For example many promote their Web host, in order to help cover their costs of hosting.
The amount of time required to implement an affiliate program is minimal as these programs will most commonly be placed on your existing website(s), and most programs provide ad copy, images and tracking links. Of course, the most compelling reason to begin affiliate marketing is income generation. So regardless of your type of online business you should at least consider some form of affiliate marketing.
Monetize Your Traffic:
You work hard to create traffic for your site – you build a busy street. Now, if you create some billboards on this busy street, you’ll make more money. Of course, with affiliate programs you receive payment for creating an action, not just for displaying an ad, but if you can create more revenue from the same amount of traffic – well that just makes good business sense.
Some popular affiliate networks are:
AffiliateFuel: their advertisers represent the major industries, with criteria that are stricter than Commission Junction (see below).
Click Bank: primarily digital products, including downloadable e-books.
Commission Junction: covers every major industry: travel, retail goods, marketing, and even automotive.
Google AdSense: primarily text ads and payment is for "clicks", not transaction based.
Questions to ask yourself:
As you begin planning, there are some decisions to be made:
Will I work with just one affiliate network or many?
Initially, it’s often best to choose one, and then expand once you learn what works and what is profitable.
Will I work directly with the company, or through a network?
Many sites have an "Affiliate Page" on their site, and it’s a great way to choose your favorite vendor and promote them on your site. Because each program has to be setup individually, this can take some time if you need more than a few. With a network, you can apply for many programs at the click of a mouse.
Do I have the volume to generate significant revenue on clicks alone?
You’ll need a very busy street to realize any profits from click programs. Of course, it doesn’t cost anything to try, but many webmasters learn that transaction based affiliate programs produce better than pay-per-click programs.
Is my site better suited to specific product endorsements?
If you run an online travel agency, for example, you could also promote travel insurance, luggage, pre-paid calling cards, and other travel related products. Because your affiliate products directly relate to your clients interests, you are more likely to have success, than if you have Google text links, promoting weight loss or home repair services.
How much control do I want regarding ad content?
Some ad networks ask for a location on your site, and they decide the content. Sometimes it relates to your site, sometimes it’s totally unrelated. Others allow you to choose the specific content, the graphics and message.
Will the ads I choose fit with both my site design, and my company image?
Would I be happy with weight loss products displaying on my financial services website?
Or with dating ads appearing on my children’s bookstore site?
What steps will I take, to ensure that I don’t unintentionally abuse the trust of my visitors?
Some ad campaigns promote services of questionable quality, or even of questionable legality / morality. Your visitors will hold you accountable, so it’s wise to visit the site of a prospective affiliate and see what they offer, if they have a guarantee, etc.
Too see if they are a reputable company run this simple test. Of course, even the best company will get complaints, but notice the volume of complaints. Simply Google the name of the company with the term "complaint" or "sucks" after it. For example: "ABC Company sucks." Don’t forget the quotation marks, and please excuse the choice of words. To see what people are saying, you need to Google with the words they use.
Program Details to Consider:
Payment details: Some programs pay a finder’s fee – ranging from $0.50 to over $100 per lead or sale. Others offer a percentage of any sales generated from the referral from your site (from 1% up to over 75%).
How they pay: Some fringe programs might never pay. It's best to stick to established programs, at least at first, to ensure that you get paid. Some require PayPal accounts or a mailing address for checks.
Refunds: When a refund is made on a product, your account will be deducted the amount of the commission for that order. It’s good to confirm other details on refunds with the program.
Tracking: Does the program provide a method to track clicks, purchases, leads? Without this, how will you know if they are paying you correctly? Most sites have a dashboard of your account, showing daily, weekly and monthly traffic stats.
Use of cookies: A larger program should make use of 14 or 30 day cookies, which means that if you refer a visitor to a site, and they leave without making a purchase, but return next week and then buy, you’ll get credit for the referral and you’ll get your commission.
Allowable marketing techniques: Some programs prohibit specific means of marketing, use of trademarked content (logos, images and slogans) or use of their company name in search marketing.
Common Requirements
Not all programs are the same, but many will require:
- A functioning, and well-programmed, website
- Confirmation that your site doesn’t violate specific terms and conditions
- A valid business registration, Social Security or Social Insurance number.
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Creating a Successful Affiliate Program
Affiliate marketing is often termed as one of the best online marketing programs that are available to small business. Why? There is no risk when it comes to affiliate marketing, you only pay after the results are delivered. Using an affiliate marketing program you agree to pay your affiliate partners a referral fee for each lead or sale that is generated.
There are many affiliate program available on the Internet today, so it's important to make yours stand out and catch the attention of professional affiliate marketers. Once you've done that you are well on your way to a successful campaign. Here are some tips on how you can make your affiliate program stand out from the multitudes that are available:
1. Claim a niche market. Don't try to sell everything to everyone. This is the quickest way to fail in your adventure.
2. Locate niche partners. Once you've claimed your niche market research and find web sites that have viewers interested in your niche market. You will want to find partners that have already built traffic and would benefit from your affiliate offer. Your offer should be a win-win for both you and your affiliate partners.
3. Develop compelling creative. Provide your affiliate partners with creative and promotional material. You want to make their job of marketing your products or services as easy as possible. The less work they have to do and the more conversions they see the more likely they are to promote your products or services.
4. Continually be on the look out for new affiliate partners. Don't rest on your laurels just because you have a few good partners, you never know when they may decide to jump ship. Protect yourself by actively recruiting new partners. You can find new partners by advertising your affiliate program on your web site, listing or advertising in affiliate directories, or by contacting potential affiliates directly.
5. Take care of your partners. Communicate with them by welcoming them to your affiliate program send out updates on product additions or changes. Give them tips and advise on how to be successful in marketing your products. Always pay them on time.
A successful affiliate marketing program takes time to build, but with a bit of effort it has the ability to increase your Internet sales noticeably. It's worth the effort and it can become on of the best time and financial investments in your marketing plan.
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15 Affiliate Marketing Tips: Copywriting That Sells
One of the skills that successful affiliate marketing requires to increase your income is the craft of copywriting. The most powerful copywriting doesn’t overtly sell, it captures attention and retains it. It weaves persuasion around the reader.
Here are 15 tips on how to make your copywriting a compelling read for your prospects to increase your income:
Keep sentences short. The average sentence should be in the region of 16 words. Waffling will lose the attention of the reader.
Research, research, research. Know your topic – without doing research beforehand you will end up using dribble.
Benefit in the headline. Use the biggest benefit as the headline. You can always edit it later on.
Benefits will sell your product. Clearly spell out the benefits to the readers – don’t rely on their imagination. Give it all to them on the plate.
Believe in your product. You need to feel passionate about your product to sell it. This is why it’s best to stick to products that you know something about and have an interest in. Use common sense backed by enthusiasm. Explain features and what the benefits of those features are.
Vary your sentence length. Long and then short will keep the flow sweeter to read and will retain the attention of your reader.
Split long sentences. If they are getting too long, split them into two. The use of good copywriting can really boost your affiliate marketing revenue, so is well worth the extra effort.
Write for every level of reader. Remove unnecessary words and language that couldn’t be read by a young teenager. If you over complicate your writing, you will be excluding potential buyers. The goal is to write as though you are having a one to one conversation with your reader in the same room.
Brevity. Use every word and sentence to make your point. Readers won’t hang around all day waiting for you to get to your argument.
Short paragraphs. These are easier to read online and allows the reader to scan the information.
Use bullets. Again, these make the copy easy to read. Benefits of a product are ideal to list in a list with bullets.
Simple language. Don’t use jargon or technical words, you’ll lose readers this way.
Positive language. Inspire your readers by telling them what they can achieve and attain by using your products. Don’t dampen their mood with negativity.
Use bold text. Aid skimming over your text with the use of bold, sub headings and bullets.
Use power words. Words such as ‘Free’, ‘proven’ and ‘new’.
When I write my copy, I usually try to do it all in one sitting. I will then return to it several hours later to refine it. Before using the copy, I will read it aloud. If there is anything in it that makes me cringe or that I would be too embarrassed to read out to another, then I know there’s something to be fixed.
Learning how to do good copywriting takes an investment of effort. One of the best ways to learn is to study the copywriting of others and learn what you feel works well and not so well. Once you’ve nailed it, you’ll see that your profits will definitely benefit from the time spent.
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Sugary drinks lead to alterations in muscles similar to those in people with obesity problems and type 2 diabetes
The research, by Bangor University and published in the European Journal Of Nutrition, reported that soft drinks actually alter metabolism, so that our muscles use sugar for energy instead of burning fat.
It seems that exposure to liquid sugar causes genes in our muscles to change their behaviour, perhaps permanently.
Not only do we pile on weight, but our metabolism becomes less efficient and less able to cope with rises in blood sugar, say the researchers.
This, in turn, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
‘Having seen all the medical evidence, I don’t touch soft drinks now,’ says Dr Hans-Peter Kubis, a biological scientist and expert in exercise nutrition who led the research.
'I think drinks with added sugar are, frankly, evil.’
In fact, the Bangor study is only the latest in a long line of reports warning of the link between soft drinks and serious health problems.
A study in March, for example, warned that men who drink a standard 12oz can of sugar-sweetened beverage every day have a 20 per cent higher risk of heart disease compared to men who don’t drink any sugar-sweetened drinks.
The research published in the American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation, followed more than 42,000 men for 22 years.
Blood tests found soft-drink fans had higher levels of harmful inflammation in their blood vessels, and lower levels of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol.
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Abundant Living Affiliate Network:
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Monday, July 30, 2012
Affiliate Networks Robust Alternative To Traditional Marketing
Affiliate marketing helps businesses, large and small, who want to expand. I don't think I have ever seen a business, that is running correctly, who isn't looking for affordable methods to promote their wares and improve their income, especially in an economic downturn.
Since sales done by affiliates are based on commission, businesses - affiliate advertisers - have minimal upfront cost to get some fresh exposure in brand new places. In case you are wondering, affiliate marketing is not MLM or Multi Level Marketing.
The internet is as global as you can get; with affiliate advertising, at the very least, there is an enhanced audience compared to the local paper, local yellow pages, or local bulletin board. I see it as a win-win for all who participate. This is why Abundant Living Affiliate Network is alive and thriving.
Abundant Living Affiliate Network: http:// abundantliving
Best Critic Reviews: http://www.
Wellness Directory: http://www.
Community Resource Shop Local Directory: http://www.
Abundant Living Network Opens Its Doors
Online marketplace offers unprecedented opportunities to reach potential customers
Affiliate marketing is a simple, century old approach to marketing: friends telling friends about good things. Advertisers, aka suppliers, display their product/service which enables affiliates to sell them and earn a commission. There is a multitude of online technology making all the transactions seamless including payments. Being a marketer, affiliate network member, costs nothing and provides access to bushels of advertiser discounts/offers not found elsewhere.
Forrester Research reports that affiliate marketing is a low-risk, high-return strategy for businesses. In the US alone affiliate marketing spending will exceed $4 billion by 2014. Within the next five years, retailers, financial services firms, and online education providers will be the top three spenders in the affiliate marketing arena. At they claimed to have achieved $6.5 million in sales with 50 active affiliates.
Read press release:
Best Critic Reviews: http://www.
Wellness Directory: http://www.
Community Resource Shop Local Directory: http://www.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Poof Sunday the 29th: A Promise is a Promise
Subject: A Promise is a Promise
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 16:15:59 -0400 v=2oKR9MYYdBM&feature=related
(Words & music by Chuck Berry)
I left my home in Norfolk Virginia
California on my mind
I straddled that Greyhound
And rode on into Raleigh
And on across Caroline
We had motor trouble that turned into a struggle
Halfway across Alabam'
Well that hound broke down and left us all stranded
In downtown Birmingham
Right away I brought me a through train ticket
Ridin' across Mississippi clean
And I was on that midnight flyer out of Birmingham
Smoking into New Orleans
Somebody help me get out of Louisiana
Just to help me get to Houston Town
There are people there who care a little about me
And they won't let the poor boy down
Sure as your born they bought me a silk suit
Put luggage in my hand
And I woke up high over Albuquerque
On a jet to the promised land
Working on a T-bone steak a la carte
Flying over to the golden state
Ah when the pilot told us in thirteen minutes
He would set us at the terminal gate
Swing low chariot come down easy
Taxi to the terminal zone
Cut your engines and cool your wings
And let me make it to the telephone
Los Angeles give me Norfolk Virginia
Tidewater four ten o nine
Tell the folks back home this is the promised land calling
And the poor boy is on the line
Greetings and Salutations;
Not much I will say, in a public forum. Work is done and it's all over but the shouting. The skies have been rumbling and the weather forecasts rain on all the crops. A harvest for the world, as it were. Reagan's appointee can finally take a much needed vacation from the labors and I can go sit my butt on a nice beach and drink umbrella drinks...and never speak of this change over again. It'll make into the history books, called, "After the World moved On" or "Before the World moved On"...depending on your taste. Leading up to it is recent article that lets you see, the secret's put. Now the real work begins. 48349503
Last but not least, hold on to your shorts, it's coming and Man, is it Huge. v=gBzJGckMYO4
Love and Kisses,
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 16:15:59 -0400
(Words & music by Chuck Berry)
I left my home in Norfolk Virginia
California on my mind
I straddled that Greyhound
And rode on into Raleigh
And on across Caroline
We had motor trouble that turned into a struggle
Halfway across Alabam'
Well that hound broke down and left us all stranded
In downtown Birmingham
Right away I brought me a through train ticket
Ridin' across Mississippi clean
And I was on that midnight flyer out of Birmingham
Smoking into New Orleans
Somebody help me get out of Louisiana
Just to help me get to Houston Town
There are people there who care a little about me
And they won't let the poor boy down
Sure as your born they bought me a silk suit
Put luggage in my hand
And I woke up high over Albuquerque
On a jet to the promised land
Working on a T-bone steak a la carte
Flying over to the golden state
Ah when the pilot told us in thirteen minutes
He would set us at the terminal gate
Swing low chariot come down easy
Taxi to the terminal zone
Cut your engines and cool your wings
And let me make it to the telephone
Los Angeles give me Norfolk Virginia
Tidewater four ten o nine
Tell the folks back home this is the promised land calling
And the poor boy is on the line
Greetings and Salutations;
Not much I will say, in a public forum. Work is done and it's all over but the shouting. The skies have been rumbling and the weather forecasts rain on all the crops. A harvest for the world, as it were. Reagan's appointee can finally take a much needed vacation from the labors and I can go sit my butt on a nice beach and drink umbrella drinks...and never speak of this change over again. It'll make into the history books, called, "After the World moved On" or "Before the World moved On"...depending on your taste. Leading up to it is recent article that lets you see, the secret's put. Now the real work begins.
Last but not least, hold on to your shorts, it's coming and Man, is it Huge.
Love and Kisses,
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Colorado killing EXPOSED !!
Colorado killing EXPOSED !!
july 21, 2012 - James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter who reportedly opened fire at a Batman movie premiere, was a medical student at the University of Colorado, pursuing a PhD in neuroscience, reports ABC News.
As part of the attack, Holmes painted his hair red and referred to himself as "The Joker," one of the arch enemies in the DC Comics-inspired Batman movie series.
According to news reports, this sudden violent rampage was completely out of character for James Holmes, who was described as "shy."
The New York Times is now reporting:
Billy Kromka, a pre-med student at the University of Colorado, Boulder, worked with Mr. Holmes for three months last summer as a research assistant in a lab of at the Anschutz Medical Campus. Mr. Kromka said he was surprised to learn Mr. Holmes was the shooting suspect. "It was just shocking, because there was no way I thought he could have the capacity to do commit an atrocity like this," he said.
"He spent much of his time immersed in the computer, often participating in role-playing online games..."
There is already conjecture that James Holmes may have been involved in mind-altering neuroscience research and ended up becoming involved at a depth he never anticipated. His actions clearly show a strange detachment from reality, indicating he was not in his right mind. That can only typically be accomplished through drugs, hypnosis or trauma (and sometimes all three).
His behavior doesn't add up
His behavior already reveals stark inconsistencies that question the mainstream explanation of events. For example, he opened fire on innocent people but then calmly surrendered to police without resistance. This is not consistent with the idea of "killing everyone."
Furthermore, he then admitted to police that his apartment was booby-trapped with explosives. If you were really an evil-minded Joker trying to kill people (including cops), why would you warn them about the booby trap in advance? It doesn't add up.
"Holmes was taken into custody shortly after the shooting, police said, adding he didn't resist when he was arrested," reports a local CBS news affiliate
"After his arrest, Holmes told police about 'possible explosives in his residence,' Oates said. When police searched his apartment, they discovered it was booby-trapped and evacuated surrounding buildings, police said. Oates said bomb technicians are determining how to disarm flammable or explosive material in the third-floor apartment. He said police could be there some time."
None of this checks out. If you're a killer bent on causing mayhem, why tell the police about your surprise bomb waiting for them back at your apartment?
Holmes was clearly provided with exotic gear
Continuing from CBS:
"He said pictures from inside the apartment are fairly disturbing and the devices look to be sophisticated, adding the booby-traps were 'something I've never seen.' One rifle, two handguns, a knife, a bullet proof vest, a ballistic helmet, a gas device, a gas mask, military SWAT clothing and unidentified explosives were also found in Holmes' car, a law enforcement source told CBS News. Oates said Holmes wore a gas mask, a ballistic helmet and vest as well as leg, groin and throat protectors during the shooting."
In other words, this guy was equipped with exotic gear by someone with connections to military equipment. SWAT clothing, explosives, complex booby-traps... c'mon, this isn't a "lone gunman." This is somebody who was selected for a mission, given equipment to carry it out, then somehow brainwashed into getting it done.
"Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Holmes' apartment is booby-trapped with a 'sophisticated' maze of flammable devices. It could take hours or days for authorities to disarm it," reports Yahoo News.
This is not your run-of-the-mill crime of passion. It was a carefully planned, heavily funded and technically advanced attack. Who might be behind all this? The FBI, of course, which has a long history of setting up and staging similar attacks, then stopping them right before they happen. See four documented stories on these facts:
As you soak all this in, remember that the FBI had admitted to setting up terror plots, providing the weapons and gear, staging the location of the bombings and even driving the vehicles to pull it off! This is not a conspiracy theory, it's been admitted by the FBI right out in the open. Even the New York Times openly reports all this in stories like this one:
THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years -- or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts. But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. ...the F.B.I. provided a van loaded with six 55-gallon drums of “inert material,” harmless blasting caps, a detonator cord and a gallon of diesel fuel to make the van smell flammable. An undercover F.B.I. agent even did the driving...
On top of all this, Holmes apparently has no background. "He's not on anybody's radar screen -- nothing," said a peace officer in a NYT article. "This guy is somewhat of an enigma. Nobody knows anything about him."
Mr. Holmes's only criminal history is a traffic summons, the authorities said. He earned a bachelor's degree with honors in neuroscience in 2010 from the University of California, Riverside, and was a graduate student in neurosciences at the University of Colorado at Denver's Anschutz Medical Campus... He was currently collecting unemployment...
Question: How does an unemployed medical student afford $20,000 in weapons gear?
If you start to look at the really big picture here, the obvious question arises: How does an unemployed medical student afford all the complex weapons gear, bomb-making gear, "flammable" booby trap devices, ammunition, multiple magazines, bullet-proof vest, groin protection, ballistic helmet, SWAT uniform and all the rest of it?
A decent AR-15 rifle costs $1,000 or more all by itself. The shotgun and handgun might run another $800 total. Spare mags, sights, slings, and so on will run you at least another $1,000 across three firearms. The bullet-proof vest is easily another $800, and the cost of the bomb-making gear is anybody's guess. With all the specialty body gear, ammunition, booby-trap devices and more, I'm guessing this is at least $20,000 in weapons and tactical gear, much of which is very difficult for civilians to get in the first place.
The mere manufacture of an explosive booby-trap device is, all by itself, a felony crime by the way. And remember: "Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Holmes' apartment is booby-trapped with a 'sophisticated' maze of flammable devices. It could take hours or days for authorities to disarm it," reported Yahoo News.
Question: Where does an unemployed, introverted medical school student get the training to deploy sophisticated booby traps, tactical body armor, weapons systems and more? Certainly not in graduate school!
All this leads to an obvious third party influence over all this. Someone else taught this guy these skills and funded the acquisition of the equipment.
Note: Some readers have questioned the $20,000 figure estimated here, saying this gear could have been acquired for only $10,000 or so. I doubt that, as all the extras that you need to effectively run these guns cost a lot of money: training courses, spare magazines, etc. Just a decent AR-15 battle sight (a holographic red dot sight) can run $1,000 - $2,000. Search "ACOG" if you don't believe me. It is also reported that Holmes bought 6,000 rounds of ammo, which definitely isn't cheap either. It's clear this guy was spending big bucks. Whether it's $10k or $20k isn't really that much of a point.
Staged just in time for a vote on the UN small arms treaty?
More and more, this shooting is looking like a deliberate plot staged by the government itself much like Operation Fast and Furious pulled off by the ATF which helped smuggle tens of thousands of guns into Mexico for the purpose of causing "gun violence" in the USA, then blaming the Second Amendment for it.
All this looks like James Holmes completed a "mission" and then calmly ended that mission by surrendering to police and admitting everything. The mission, as we are now learning, was to cause as much terror and mayhem as possible, then to have that multiplied by the national media at exactly the right time leading up the UN vote next week on a global small arms treaty that could result in gun confiscation across America.
Even wrote about this quite extensively, warning readers about the coming gun confiscation effort related to the UN treaty. The story was authored by Larry Bell and says the UN treaty could "override our national sovereignty, and in the process, provide license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights."
In other words, this has all the signs of Fast & Furious, Episode II. I wouldn't be surprised to discover someone in Washington was behind it all. After all, there's no quicker way to disarm a nation and take total control over the population than to stage violence, blame it on firearms, then call for leaders to "do something!" Such calls inevitably end up resulting in gun confiscation, and it's never too long after that before government genocide really kicks in like we saw with Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and other tyrants.
Governments routinely murder millions
Here's a short list of government mass murder carried out throughout history, almost always immediately following the disarmament of the public (and usually involving staged false flag events to justify the disarmament):
12+ million dead: Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1939-1945) - concentration camps, civilian deaths and dead Russian POWs
6+ million dead: Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39)
So yes, James Holmes and other crazed shooters kill a number of people each year in random acts of violence. It's horrifying and wrong, but it's nothing compared to the millions of lives that governments tend to destroy when they gain total power over the populace.
The most dangerous thing in the world, it turns out, is not a crazy person with a rifle; it's a government with a "monopoly of force" over the entire population. And that's exactly what the UN spells out as its goal for the world: Stripping all power from individual citizens and handing "monopolies of force" to the governments of the world, shoring up their positions as the only "legitimate" power on the planet.
( via )
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WOW! James Holmes (CO Shooter) FatherVIP with American Credit Score and about to appear before Congress for LIBOR
WOW! James Holmes (CO Shooter) FatherVIP with American Credit Score and about to appear before Congress for LIBOR
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
WOW! James Holmes (CO Shooter) FatherVIP with American Credit Score and about to appear before Congress for LIBOR
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-Jul-2012 09:12:13
Date: Thursday, 26-Jul-2012 09:12:13
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
This is the BIG week - read it from Drake
The Drake Show, Sunday, July 22, 2012 - Transcript
The Drake Show, Sunday, July 22, 2012
Welcome Drake and Lady Dragon. Minute Man will be in soon.
I have capabilities of getting copies of liens, Neil hasn’t filed yet.
First ones open will deal with the US, then the others.
Found out: Many are on my site. Go to right, scroll, subscribe, put in your email and get it right away.
I will address some things that are going around.
Lady Dragon:
What Drake is explaining about Friday is extremely important. Watch. Will be pivotal day. Will be better for us either way. Friend from Dubai says no homes, just dorms and people work. Import people, they go to work, then they go to the dorm. Can’t talk to their loved ones, no passports, can’t leave. Live 24/7 with boss. Slavery. This is how they want the whole world to be.
Genicide here in Canada. This is coming, that’s why important to wake up.
South Africa: Michael Dillinger filed papers against bank. Now it goes many more banks. New Era, declare all money lending systems fraudulent and unconstitutional. Not just happening here, but everywhere.
David Wilcock article put a lot of detail. Very informative. Where all the wealth is in detail. Now the news is getting to more and more people.
Mega Uploads website. Case we need to watch. News came out about mega uploads, US dept of justice makes up own rules. Currently unfolding, and could shut down. Watch court case viligently.
Orders for Pentagon to monitor media for info leak. New York Times and LA TImes are going to start talking. LA Times, state park had millions in surplus, but threatened to close parks because they had no money. LIE. Plot revealed. LA TImes found and reported.
Read Cobra. Very intense this week! Sunday meditation on LD’s website.
Drake: Judicial admissions of improper hearing of a case in Indiana, Sheriff Arpai found Hawaii, birth certificate factory. This goes to Merit.
Several of people who use my things on my website to use on their sites. MORE THAN WELCOME. Dept. of Homeland Security had a plan to take over. Making riots in streets, shooting in streets, etc. Planned!!!!! One problem: Some of their plans have been outed, by me and others. More people are looking at improper hearings or merit. Lot of people are in legal hot water. Most politicians has fun and games going on. Some are clean and try to do the right thing, but can’t. HS: Valerie Jerrit, Queen bee of white house, she tells everyone what to do. From upper office to lower, Eric Holder, can cause order of murder to our security guards, gun runners. He is the fire wall. He is keeping the legalists from finding out stuff about Obama. Let’s make sure this doesn’t happen again, and remove crooks, influence peddlers, money launderers, financer/bankers. Need to remove Eric Holder no matter what.
This planning from Homeland Security. Was also a suspension of elections. I don’t think they are going to have them. HS doesn’t plan to have them, they plan to have a false flag. They will kill no matter how many. 9/11, Oklahoma City (kill babies, they don’t care). We just had an order stated that we are in a state of emergency. And we kept this emergency order alive due to uranium in Russia incident. Suspension of Elections, and the probability of our military making a military coups. The military take over, no martial law, but will be making arrests. So we can keep a structure running that runs for a specific amount of time. We will have an office holder, accountant. IRS researching.
Plan: Suspension of elections. Instead of them. US. We the People, plus militias, our military, what do you need, and where can I help you?
Dubai: Prison camp for workers. I found out that there are no publicly accessible video cameras. Why? What hides in secrecy is something wrong. People from foreign countries get owned while looking for work.
I posted a video, think and relate: Sounds of Silence. Pray to the neon god we made. Lady Dragon mentioned genocide. Work you til your dead, starve you, or put you in a deadly situation. Just got a report from Japan, been out awhile. Tokyo Electric Power company, nuclear problem. Fukushima, is not shutting down soon. Point is: These turkeys sent workers in and the crew leader that his badge said that he was being cooked, got everyone out of there. Lead shields from radiation, so badges don’t go off. They just took people and radiated them. These people were climbing all over it. Messes with reproduction, among other things. Intentionally radiated this people And the official statement was, “Im sorry, we just made a mistake.”
My next subject about service people, and Rick Light has more:
Minute Man: Good news. Our militias are growing like you wouldn’t believe. Looks like small arms treating is back firing. If you are going to join a militia, get with people in your states, your group near you. Easy to do. In RAM has lots of info on how to do it. Drake has info on his site too.
Some of our military boys have been told that they owe no allegience to our constitution. Some of these people are in special forces. Talk to your law enforcement. Many patriots are out there. We need to reach out to them. If they have been told that they owe no oath of allegience to constitution. Disturbing that some in our military are being taught that. Needs to be addressed really quick. Need to pass that along. FEderal, local, state, all them folks. Reach out more than every. In a blink of an eye, Friday will be here. They will be accountable for what transpires Friday.
Drake: PTSD teaches you how to fight back, to where it doesn’t bug you all the time, so you can control your actions and reactions. Everybody has a little bit of this. This gives you control over that thing that makes you react in appropriately, and has thought controls. No one gets in your head, you can use it on your own. As long as you follow basics, you will be able to get control. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, in the extreme of combat, when you are triggered, it goes to the bottom of who you are, the cave man part. You have to do certain things. Manchurian Candidate talks about brain washing. I did this for me. I woke up screaming for the first two years I came back. I can turn it down, the noise, I take the color out of it, take the light out of it, and close it up and lock the dog down, doesn’t bother me. I used to be triggered by noises, but not so much anymore. I laugh in its face now, and it goes away. I go into specifics. Treatment system, it isn’t a program, no leader but you.
I read an article in Time Magazine, stated one military personnel in reserves or retired or active duty. One a day was blowing their brains out. As they say in the marine corps. you can’t die without permission. I know how nasty it is to have PTSD and all you want to do is turn it off. This system helps you turn it off.
I addressed the troops worldwide. Each person has a service manuel, tells you how to conduct yourself. Open service to support constitution, you abide the rules of constitution. This is in your service manual. If you don’t have one, go on line or to the library. US code military justice says the same thing. Those are your basic walking orders. It’s there. You won’t engage civilians, only as crowd control. Your allegiance is first to the country and exists under the Constitution, and so do we. The day we are set free, all the church bells will ring out.
The excitement people feel when fireworks go off, the thrill you get when someone you love comes up the hill. That first look in the morning when you wake up next to the one you love, nothing like it. They don’t want you to have this, they want to steal this from you. We are at the break point. We got until Friday, 5 days to find out if we are going to maintain our freedom or not. I have heard that this disinfo, we aren’t going to take your guns. There is a problem with that. I got a copy of the one not changed. Anything over 38 disallowed- that’s a shotgun, hunting rifles.
They know how to put out fires, but they haven’t done it. I know how to do it. They make an effort with airplanes. Firefighters are extraordinary. If we had a truly national militia- people who specialized in militia. People who have made enough and who have the time necessary to be an extra set of hands. 100 from each state. 5,000 could take out one of them forest fires, if there are flood problems. Make sure river is dredged, like it used to. ...
I want everyone out there to think about everything. Our judicial system needs to be restructured badly. What’s legal ain’t lawful, what’s lawful ain’t legal. If you can pay it you’re in good shape, if not, you go to jail, etc. I need people to think about how to go about getting excited. What kind of excitement would get people excited?
Drake: The Transpacific Partnership. Strictly corporate deal. Lot’s of slave places all over planet like they are in Dubai. When you can’t eat, you will do anything. Neon God = consumerism. The corps first took all our privacy. On the internet, ads, programs on TV and radio. They know what color underwear you wear, where you put your keys, purse down, where you park. They know where you go in the house what you first look at, the first time of drink you get. They know the brands. They know the color of container. They know which coffee maker you have and color. If you get into it and look, google search yourself, then go into marketing, you will find out how much they know. They don’t care about your credit rating. They just care that you are buying things. They have decided to put this all to use. When you apply psychology to the Neon God. You remember stuff if it is done in a certain way. From the person selling, you have the other end of the scale. Slavery. No security camera open to the public.
Corporate side: You give up your passport, if you want a job. Expendability. Your labor, our efforts (expect reward, bonus, etc). You don’t get one. Fact: Corporate Fascism which is the pre existing condition of full out communism. Corporations have NO SOUL. No conscience there, only oriented to what they make. Tokyo Power company frying their people. Expendable assets. TPP is the same as Corporate Fascism. It’s a corporate agreement. It’s not a treaty.
Freedom efforts: Talk to people, open up slowly. You gotta! We are running out of time. Once you start something, it’s going to keep going. There’s documentation that I have access to that is going to blow people’s mind. Paper work is prepared, only thing left is to file it, then banking system is done. Military doesn’t want to take over. Notification process was put into record and put into int’l court of Hague. Won’t say name of project, told not to. Paper work is made, valid and validity is that it was not rejected. This tells me that it has validity as it stands. A majority of states submitted freedom paper work. Original documents of how this country was put together, package contained cover letter stated clearly: We are as a group making the Declaration that we are no longer under the corporate thumb. It is oppressive and against the people, and we are not going to be ruled under that. The approval of the paper work. “They” are surprised at how quickly we got it done.” Can take military action to replace govt. If there is a military take over. Paper work gives them civilian authority to take over after mass arrests. Provisional operational govt. The people placed in these provisional offices are squeaky clean. Temporary as the power will be returned to the people. This is what they have agreed to do. By agreeing to follow plan, that is a brave stand, this is why I suggest everyone be ready to be called on. Be willing to put everything in to it. These people for the first time! 75% of govt on our side. I’m looking forward to happen.
I AM NOT calling for an uprising on Friday, but depending on the vote, depends on the reaction of some people I don’t have control over. I am not advocating violence. Go to sheriff and say we need to put some criminals away. Get an affidavit of truth by a citizen, and it is an executable warrant. Put them in the slammer. Start educating yourself to be prepared. The person you see in the mirror is your white knight.
Minute Man: When you are talking to people, make sure you have a smile on your face.
Lady Dragon: On Tuesday the House of ?? is expected to vote on Tuesday on bill that would allow congressional audit of Federal Reserve. Bernake told the House, it would open the door to a nightmare scenario. (for them, not us). Tuesday, Ron Paul have found 274 sponsors. Find those supporters, call them and thank them. If the ones are not supporting, call and tell them they are wrong. Be polite and nice. Have a polite educated conversation with them.
Drake: The people on TV know what is going on but they aren’t allowed to something.
Denise: Thanks to many for helping keep this going. When you listen to archives, please take a moment to click on Advertisement when the play back comes on helps me pay for the radio station and domain. Global Voice. us website, donate button. Monthly costs are in excess of 350 dollars, every month, I will put out a monthly statement of what we receive and what our expenses are.
Questions: Any validity to European report to the military taking Obama out. Now they have several people who could serve in the capacity. yes, this is real.
What about Bill Ayers, his wife and son, are they on the list: They are on a whole bunch of different lists. To be taken out of the positions they are in. None of it is a pretty picture. Anyone in a critical position can be replaced
Coup de etat? How is this action defined. Either the military takes a part. The first arrest. WE THE PEOPLE have to do this. If someone can do it, then I can do it too. The military is looking to join with us in making sure it is non violent. Want to take people into custody, no shooting. DON”T GO SHOOTING PEOPLE> We are better than they are. They need to be shown that there is a law about that and we intend to enforce it.
Can people be arrested at the signing of the treaty: It’s a matter of public record, so it doesn’t matter to me when they get arrested. It;s not critical that they can arrest them there, would be nice.
Many people are curious if Drake thinks Aurora is a false flag attack: Yes. Brainwashing. There is control of any individual. Anyone can be programmed to be violent. A trigger can be used to control someone now. I find it odd that this man could get these kinds of weapons, and odd that he left them in his car. Too many things in the twin towers, too. I would say it’s a staged deal.
Could you please say something about people from other countries, like Brazil. The impact is simple. If you take central banking system down, lots of countries will suffer for short time. A lot of smaller countries rely on support of a central bank, and it runs through our system generally, most are. The inpact could be extraordinary for a short time. There is a lot of assistance coming from our country.
No treaty can superceded constitution, so why are they even trying. Obama and Hilary are guilty of treason. Other agreements in place that subjugate our freedoms from the back door. Possible to put things in place that people didn’t see in a treaty or agreement. Look what’s in Obamacare! This treaty does have holes in it where people could come get our guns.
How Sheriff Joe’s info on birth certificate would get him out: I believe that the take on fraudulent position is the easiest and best.
No govt should use fraud against anyone? For or against? For!
Why have ET’s not arresting bad guys since they are arrested. Don’t like to get into ET’s. We look at plan. We are to take care of our problems as much as we can, before our time table runs out. They want to see us do as much on our own as possible. They have to stand back and watch. We are watching for military, and they are watching us to do something.
Is the 20 million or so ET’s underground still planning to take action. Cobra said 50-60 million before, but 20 million can help. They are here and on standby, and waiting for citizens of US to remove them.
Good guys, are they going to take radio and air waves soon? Or will they be waiting for something to happen like on the 27th?
Lady Dragon: Everyone should have walkie talkies, CBs ham radio. Even if they shut down internet. Alien spaceships in Dakotas stopped a missle.If they do, it would be for one day.
Please let Drake know we appreciate all notifications and keeping up to date.
You say citizens should work with law officials, should we coordinate that we have the right, the jurisdiction, etc lined up.
Drake: Yes, coordination between law enforcement, FBI, etc. You can do recon and get a good idea when they will be home, if you are going to do it at their house. If office, you need to know something about office, need to know exits, so they don’t get away.
Rather than small groups, could we have a central point where more gathered to back up.
I would suggest individual small group basis. Evidence is known to disappear, they have fires. If you find hard documented evidence... copy, and make sure origninal is in safe place. Offer copy, but offer original upon incarceration. When the original is put with copy and seen to be as the copy, no question. It supports all actions taken.
Oath Keeper: Are the joint chiefs of staff are traitors... DId the joint chiefs say everyone to shove it.
Drake: Can’t find it. I would love to get a hold of that info. You would be hero if you want to be known, but I would do it for you if you don’t want to be known.
A lot of corruption at the higher level of commands. Truth is a problem of validation. I won’t know if clean or dirty based on evidence.
People like this rapid fire questioning:
Isn’t general Martin Dempsey a good guy? Yes
Minute Man: Can one join a militia without being a gun toting type. Yes they can.
If Obama knows 75% is against the cabal, how does he expect to enforce martial law?
Drake: Why do you think nothing hasn’t happened?
Carl Rove arrest attempt, and trespassing conviction. Why did this fail. Local police refused to do anything. how could they have avoided the trespassing charges.
Drake: Only takes one officer, need a federal officer (marshall or FBI) variety of different federal officer. When you have that in place, then you take your actions. Carl Rove does need to be arrested, but do it right.
Why does your site have a green light? Can turn it off. Next green light is the next major green light.
Who do we go to for arrests if our sheriff is corrupt? Assistants, run down chain of command. Each one has a sworn oath to help you. If not, they need to be jailed. If sheriff won’t cooperate, and next in command will. Simple.
How do we get military support if our military is out of country. The amount of military has not been tapped. You have national guard all over the place, you have the standing active military all over the US. You have situation where militia is in state, unless there is a need to combine. Variety of things that go into this. Militia is made up of people in local, county, state. That is your militia area, but you can combine.
Do the good guys have track of Jesuits and Vatican? There are some things that are coming about that will be surprising. Won’t say anymore.
For Lady Dragon. how is hte freedom movement progressing in Canada, and if the Canadians are wanting to get involved, who do they get in touch with? Canada has more and more are awake. If they need info contact me. Every day new news of what we are doing. On site you will find cutting edge of the knowledge. You will always be in the loop. I have a back log of at least three days of news. I talk to Drake every single day. Canada has done a lot of things lately. People are coming forward with lawsuits.
Is Canada taking the same steps that US has done, and if so, how does it stand. They have been working on paper work for over 12 years, and ready to move forward at the right time.
Who can I contact in North Carolina. RAM (didn’t get site spelling), get NC group from there.
Same for Nebraska.
Minute Man: Drake’s site is info site for current and upcoming news. My site is for people to join, communicate and build their groups. It’s good to join your state group and message everyone in your group.
About Hilary signing UN ban. What do we do if she actually signs it? She’s so guilty I don’t know which way she needs to be thrown. Doesn’t matter. Secretary of State doesn’t have authority to sign anything dealing with legislation.
Who is putting on weird posts on websites that don’t pertain to his website? Please clarify and send to
Drake: One I sent today is weird is about psychology. It makes a lot of sense. The neon god we made. Fruit loops.
For Rick: I had written to the RAM site, contacted Nebraska two weeks ago, no response. Other avenues. Create your own group. Many don’t have groups in their area. Someone has to take responsibility to take bull by horns and get going.
Mike from Seattle: One comment for Lady Dragon: 200 people. Many times you have stipulated you are a nationally known journalist, we have found no proof. you report news that is two days old from other sites. I know you mentioned filing of papers. Where are the filing of papers? Any link to a page that you have done any filing? Other than the Vatican issue, no
Drake, two weeks ago, you said that there would be a financial green light, what is going on with that and why didn’t you go to California and arrest those people? Why didn’t you go to California...
Lady Dragon... Drake....
That was supposed to be a comment. Let Lady Dragon respond. You called in to start trouble. This is a place to help people, I have been around before google. Be careful about slandering my name. The paper work will be out in it’s due time, just like Neil Keenan.
Gloria from Orlando: Last week they had a part of the glacier fall off into the ocean, is that going to cause any coastal flooding if this continues? I would say don’t go riding on the Titanic now. Take a couple of a little stakes, where the surf stops on high tide, continue two feet til you have beach. This is about Planetary Alignment. It’s actually getting colder. There is going to be some global ice melting. You aren’t going to have something similar to tsunami, and won’t be near that quick and will be over several years.
Grammy J: Really thrilled that most of the people are getting the importance of all the info that has been coming out in the last couple of days. White Hat Report, the Neil Keenan email, David Wilcock, the great revealing and that people are passing it out. And that people are getting informed about what is about to happen. The majority of people are getting it and seeing the enormity of all this with you, White Hats and Wilcock. Sometimes it gets confusing and most are getting it and I am super impressed they are getting it. I believe the majority people are realizing how hard we are all working to wake up the planet. I’m there, at your side. Love to all of you.
Denise: Would like to interject, the message that Drake is putting out to all of us. Drake is a messenger. He is not the head hauncho. He has no control over time constraints. He has info that he cannot yet divulge, but as he is able to, he does so immediately. We are all working tirelessly. Whether you support Drake or not, or the freedom movement or not, we try to answer everyone’s questions and concerns. This is a very volatile and emotional time for the planet, and I would ask that everyone understand taht we are all human beings, and every single person plays a part in this freedom. It’s important to everyone on the planet.
Grammy J: Each one of us has a right to make choices, and this is our show. This was made for Drake, the messenger. We have all been call upon. If anyone calls in to attack anyone. The rule is we get to ask one question, I am sure everyone will be more than happy to answer question, to the best of our ability, but no more time should be wasted when the wonderful people are waiting to ask their questions.
Denise: If you have a personal opinion or disagreement with anyone of us. We have email addresses, we have a chat room. If you are calling in with a personal opinion it’s a waste of time here.
Kate: I want to make a comment .. google, is blocking your email. I have signed up for ANmilitia, when I got on the Hilary. I can’t get on the site, no emails. I rebooted. Nothing. Google is not happy with your site. I am a Vietnam intelligence veteran. Google is doing a pretty good job of blocking.
Drake: When you go to make a search. You have options. Use another one. (She has no problem getting in on yahoo). It’s happening, and maybe you can correct it on your end.
Denise, I can set up emails through my website. If need be.
Lady Dragon: There is good and bad in google. Please good people, step it up!
Buck from Atlanta: David Wilcock came up with something this past week (didn’t get it all), critical steps have been taken to remove cabal. Do you agree?
Drake: Sometimes people get it first to get an ok.... Yes, this is valid. I knew about the struggle two months worth of time ago, that the military was having serious problem. They are clamping down on the trouble and taking care of it.
Kari from California: She’s the one who bakes the cookies. Send my email, and I will send freedom chocolate chip cookies. I had a question, but I am going to wait to email it. I would like to say God bless all of you, I love all of you. What everyone is doing is great. Yesterday I was (for Rick) on the militia website after reading emails about Drake. I was trying to inform other members on RAM. They didn’t want to listen and calling Drake a fake and propagandist. Do people not even care in the militia. Unfortunately everyone has their opinion. Sometime the sharing of info gets off point. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion whether they believe in Drake or not.
Denise, you said it keeps 350 a month to keep everything going? We have the radio, website, chat rooms, but the domains to host. It costs right around 350. The radio station is 250. Donations would help, so far it is coming out of my income (Denise). Let me add another 350!
Minute Man: These efforts do cost, and they are not for free, we aren’t being asked to be paid for. Sometimes it comes out of our pockets and we dont’ mind.
Siggy from South Carolina: Comment. The reason it is so hard to get people to listen is because it is such a heinous idea that all these in the govt who are here to serve us are so crooked and corrupt. It’s unbelievable. What I tell people- the Thrive movie, Explosive 9/11, and Inside Job that’s on some of the channels. Matt Damon narrates it. Once you get people seeing these things. We have to get people to understand this and not scare them.
Marilyn from San Francisco: I want to know where I go to find local police officers for the DA’s oath of office, if they don’t have one, what do I do about it? County building, police office?
Minute Man: Google it online in your state or county. Most have something online and you should be able to get the info off of that.
Denise: Some at police station, or city hall. Or just contact your local mayors office to find it
Lady Dragon: Newspaper, bankruptcies. Everyone in local area. Business section. Legal notices. You have phone number and people to reach in their office. This is where you can find sheriff.
Rob from Melbourne Florida: When they sign the document on Friday, is there something you can comment on when you can put that info out so we know?
Drake: As soon as the result is known, it will be posted.
Denise: This will be the shot that is heard around the world. Youstream and everywhere.
Sheila from California: Thank everyone for not being perfect, makes you human. A lot of the freedom workers get on my nerves sometimes, but I love you. If you want perfect go to the pope. If you would educate me and expand on Incas of South America and their relationship with the Zaroastrians, Jehova and Elohim. Can you talk about these things if you would. Thanks again for not being perfect.
Drake: Please put that in an email and send that to us. I have someone who could answer that really well. They did move from northern and southern hemisphere several times.
Eagle: Rick, I have a problem here, I don’t want to be left out in cold. I don’t have internet. How do I get the info? I don’t carry fire arms. I don’t need to have one, I understand. I don’t have a means to get a hold of you other than telephone, and you could call me, so you can tell me how I can get in and participate.
Rick: I would be glad to do that.
I would like to talk to Drake off line, too.
Denise: Will do !
Ed from California: Heyyyyyyy. Doing a good job. There are still people who are a lightworker. He told the federal marshalls to stand down and not arrest the bankers. George Soros, he wanted to leave on a jet with an extra tank. He and his henchmen were supposed to be going to Chicago on a business deal. Didn’t make it to Chicago, and he went back to France. President is not on our side. Guys like Drake and me, and other veterans, we were in your spot. We the People ... this affects YOU and your family members, if the marshalls and Et’s do nothing, YOU have to move and doing something. Keep the faith and pray. I hope the military is listening.
Bob from South Dakota: Thank Drake for his PTSD article! contacted both my state senators, and through his mouthpiece, the comment was in regards to global arms treaty, the second amendment stay in place, then i got a long pause. He said he would not support it. Makes me think he will vote along party lines, and troubles me considerably. Contacted Sen. John Boone’s office, came straight, would not support or sign on to it. I do have some questions about senator Johnson.
If we don’t make it to your question, please write into And plan to set up a frequently asked questions posted on our site and drakes.
Andrea: Has anybody heard of the possible assassination against Hillary Clinton.
Drake: I find it interested that it didn’t do any good. Generally they fly people, don’t let them run under ground. It’s bogus. They are setting to stage assassination spin on Obama. Propaganda. That’s what that is.
Minute Man: Bosnia incident where she mispoke.
Phil from Mexico: Do you know one of the people if one of the people that authored ?? the idea of a new pearl harbor, they were behind the 9/11. They aren’t our friends you know what I mean.
We are out of time.
(Last five questions can be found in the archives of this show
Welcome Drake and Lady Dragon. Minute Man will be in soon.
I have capabilities of getting copies of liens, Neil hasn’t filed yet.
First ones open will deal with the US, then the others.
Found out: Many are on my site. Go to right, scroll, subscribe, put in your email and get it right away.
I will address some things that are going around.
Lady Dragon:
What Drake is explaining about Friday is extremely important. Watch. Will be pivotal day. Will be better for us either way. Friend from Dubai says no homes, just dorms and people work. Import people, they go to work, then they go to the dorm. Can’t talk to their loved ones, no passports, can’t leave. Live 24/7 with boss. Slavery. This is how they want the whole world to be.
Genicide here in Canada. This is coming, that’s why important to wake up.
South Africa: Michael Dillinger filed papers against bank. Now it goes many more banks. New Era, declare all money lending systems fraudulent and unconstitutional. Not just happening here, but everywhere.
David Wilcock article put a lot of detail. Very informative. Where all the wealth is in detail. Now the news is getting to more and more people.
Mega Uploads website. Case we need to watch. News came out about mega uploads, US dept of justice makes up own rules. Currently unfolding, and could shut down. Watch court case viligently.
Orders for Pentagon to monitor media for info leak. New York Times and LA TImes are going to start talking. LA Times, state park had millions in surplus, but threatened to close parks because they had no money. LIE. Plot revealed. LA TImes found and reported.
Read Cobra. Very intense this week! Sunday meditation on LD’s website.
Drake: Judicial admissions of improper hearing of a case in Indiana, Sheriff Arpai found Hawaii, birth certificate factory. This goes to Merit.
Several of people who use my things on my website to use on their sites. MORE THAN WELCOME. Dept. of Homeland Security had a plan to take over. Making riots in streets, shooting in streets, etc. Planned!!!!! One problem: Some of their plans have been outed, by me and others. More people are looking at improper hearings or merit. Lot of people are in legal hot water. Most politicians has fun and games going on. Some are clean and try to do the right thing, but can’t. HS: Valerie Jerrit, Queen bee of white house, she tells everyone what to do. From upper office to lower, Eric Holder, can cause order of murder to our security guards, gun runners. He is the fire wall. He is keeping the legalists from finding out stuff about Obama. Let’s make sure this doesn’t happen again, and remove crooks, influence peddlers, money launderers, financer/bankers. Need to remove Eric Holder no matter what.
This planning from Homeland Security. Was also a suspension of elections. I don’t think they are going to have them. HS doesn’t plan to have them, they plan to have a false flag. They will kill no matter how many. 9/11, Oklahoma City (kill babies, they don’t care). We just had an order stated that we are in a state of emergency. And we kept this emergency order alive due to uranium in Russia incident. Suspension of Elections, and the probability of our military making a military coups. The military take over, no martial law, but will be making arrests. So we can keep a structure running that runs for a specific amount of time. We will have an office holder, accountant. IRS researching.
Plan: Suspension of elections. Instead of them. US. We the People, plus militias, our military, what do you need, and where can I help you?
Dubai: Prison camp for workers. I found out that there are no publicly accessible video cameras. Why? What hides in secrecy is something wrong. People from foreign countries get owned while looking for work.
I posted a video, think and relate: Sounds of Silence. Pray to the neon god we made. Lady Dragon mentioned genocide. Work you til your dead, starve you, or put you in a deadly situation. Just got a report from Japan, been out awhile. Tokyo Electric Power company, nuclear problem. Fukushima, is not shutting down soon. Point is: These turkeys sent workers in and the crew leader that his badge said that he was being cooked, got everyone out of there. Lead shields from radiation, so badges don’t go off. They just took people and radiated them. These people were climbing all over it. Messes with reproduction, among other things. Intentionally radiated this people And the official statement was, “Im sorry, we just made a mistake.”
My next subject about service people, and Rick Light has more:
Minute Man: Good news. Our militias are growing like you wouldn’t believe. Looks like small arms treating is back firing. If you are going to join a militia, get with people in your states, your group near you. Easy to do. In RAM has lots of info on how to do it. Drake has info on his site too.
Some of our military boys have been told that they owe no allegience to our constitution. Some of these people are in special forces. Talk to your law enforcement. Many patriots are out there. We need to reach out to them. If they have been told that they owe no oath of allegience to constitution. Disturbing that some in our military are being taught that. Needs to be addressed really quick. Need to pass that along. FEderal, local, state, all them folks. Reach out more than every. In a blink of an eye, Friday will be here. They will be accountable for what transpires Friday.
Drake: PTSD teaches you how to fight back, to where it doesn’t bug you all the time, so you can control your actions and reactions. Everybody has a little bit of this. This gives you control over that thing that makes you react in appropriately, and has thought controls. No one gets in your head, you can use it on your own. As long as you follow basics, you will be able to get control. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, in the extreme of combat, when you are triggered, it goes to the bottom of who you are, the cave man part. You have to do certain things. Manchurian Candidate talks about brain washing. I did this for me. I woke up screaming for the first two years I came back. I can turn it down, the noise, I take the color out of it, take the light out of it, and close it up and lock the dog down, doesn’t bother me. I used to be triggered by noises, but not so much anymore. I laugh in its face now, and it goes away. I go into specifics. Treatment system, it isn’t a program, no leader but you.
I read an article in Time Magazine, stated one military personnel in reserves or retired or active duty. One a day was blowing their brains out. As they say in the marine corps. you can’t die without permission. I know how nasty it is to have PTSD and all you want to do is turn it off. This system helps you turn it off.
I addressed the troops worldwide. Each person has a service manuel, tells you how to conduct yourself. Open service to support constitution, you abide the rules of constitution. This is in your service manual. If you don’t have one, go on line or to the library. US code military justice says the same thing. Those are your basic walking orders. It’s there. You won’t engage civilians, only as crowd control. Your allegiance is first to the country and exists under the Constitution, and so do we. The day we are set free, all the church bells will ring out.
The excitement people feel when fireworks go off, the thrill you get when someone you love comes up the hill. That first look in the morning when you wake up next to the one you love, nothing like it. They don’t want you to have this, they want to steal this from you. We are at the break point. We got until Friday, 5 days to find out if we are going to maintain our freedom or not. I have heard that this disinfo, we aren’t going to take your guns. There is a problem with that. I got a copy of the one not changed. Anything over 38 disallowed- that’s a shotgun, hunting rifles.
They know how to put out fires, but they haven’t done it. I know how to do it. They make an effort with airplanes. Firefighters are extraordinary. If we had a truly national militia- people who specialized in militia. People who have made enough and who have the time necessary to be an extra set of hands. 100 from each state. 5,000 could take out one of them forest fires, if there are flood problems. Make sure river is dredged, like it used to. ...
I want everyone out there to think about everything. Our judicial system needs to be restructured badly. What’s legal ain’t lawful, what’s lawful ain’t legal. If you can pay it you’re in good shape, if not, you go to jail, etc. I need people to think about how to go about getting excited. What kind of excitement would get people excited?
Drake: The Transpacific Partnership. Strictly corporate deal. Lot’s of slave places all over planet like they are in Dubai. When you can’t eat, you will do anything. Neon God = consumerism. The corps first took all our privacy. On the internet, ads, programs on TV and radio. They know what color underwear you wear, where you put your keys, purse down, where you park. They know where you go in the house what you first look at, the first time of drink you get. They know the brands. They know the color of container. They know which coffee maker you have and color. If you get into it and look, google search yourself, then go into marketing, you will find out how much they know. They don’t care about your credit rating. They just care that you are buying things. They have decided to put this all to use. When you apply psychology to the Neon God. You remember stuff if it is done in a certain way. From the person selling, you have the other end of the scale. Slavery. No security camera open to the public.
Corporate side: You give up your passport, if you want a job. Expendability. Your labor, our efforts (expect reward, bonus, etc). You don’t get one. Fact: Corporate Fascism which is the pre existing condition of full out communism. Corporations have NO SOUL. No conscience there, only oriented to what they make. Tokyo Power company frying their people. Expendable assets. TPP is the same as Corporate Fascism. It’s a corporate agreement. It’s not a treaty.
Freedom efforts: Talk to people, open up slowly. You gotta! We are running out of time. Once you start something, it’s going to keep going. There’s documentation that I have access to that is going to blow people’s mind. Paper work is prepared, only thing left is to file it, then banking system is done. Military doesn’t want to take over. Notification process was put into record and put into int’l court of Hague. Won’t say name of project, told not to. Paper work is made, valid and validity is that it was not rejected. This tells me that it has validity as it stands. A majority of states submitted freedom paper work. Original documents of how this country was put together, package contained cover letter stated clearly: We are as a group making the Declaration that we are no longer under the corporate thumb. It is oppressive and against the people, and we are not going to be ruled under that. The approval of the paper work. “They” are surprised at how quickly we got it done.” Can take military action to replace govt. If there is a military take over. Paper work gives them civilian authority to take over after mass arrests. Provisional operational govt. The people placed in these provisional offices are squeaky clean. Temporary as the power will be returned to the people. This is what they have agreed to do. By agreeing to follow plan, that is a brave stand, this is why I suggest everyone be ready to be called on. Be willing to put everything in to it. These people for the first time! 75% of govt on our side. I’m looking forward to happen.
I AM NOT calling for an uprising on Friday, but depending on the vote, depends on the reaction of some people I don’t have control over. I am not advocating violence. Go to sheriff and say we need to put some criminals away. Get an affidavit of truth by a citizen, and it is an executable warrant. Put them in the slammer. Start educating yourself to be prepared. The person you see in the mirror is your white knight.
Minute Man: When you are talking to people, make sure you have a smile on your face.
Lady Dragon: On Tuesday the House of ?? is expected to vote on Tuesday on bill that would allow congressional audit of Federal Reserve. Bernake told the House, it would open the door to a nightmare scenario. (for them, not us). Tuesday, Ron Paul have found 274 sponsors. Find those supporters, call them and thank them. If the ones are not supporting, call and tell them they are wrong. Be polite and nice. Have a polite educated conversation with them.
Drake: The people on TV know what is going on but they aren’t allowed to something.
Denise: Thanks to many for helping keep this going. When you listen to archives, please take a moment to click on Advertisement when the play back comes on helps me pay for the radio station and domain. Global Voice. us website, donate button. Monthly costs are in excess of 350 dollars, every month, I will put out a monthly statement of what we receive and what our expenses are.
Questions: Any validity to European report to the military taking Obama out. Now they have several people who could serve in the capacity. yes, this is real.
What about Bill Ayers, his wife and son, are they on the list: They are on a whole bunch of different lists. To be taken out of the positions they are in. None of it is a pretty picture. Anyone in a critical position can be replaced
Coup de etat? How is this action defined. Either the military takes a part. The first arrest. WE THE PEOPLE have to do this. If someone can do it, then I can do it too. The military is looking to join with us in making sure it is non violent. Want to take people into custody, no shooting. DON”T GO SHOOTING PEOPLE> We are better than they are. They need to be shown that there is a law about that and we intend to enforce it.
Can people be arrested at the signing of the treaty: It’s a matter of public record, so it doesn’t matter to me when they get arrested. It;s not critical that they can arrest them there, would be nice.
Many people are curious if Drake thinks Aurora is a false flag attack: Yes. Brainwashing. There is control of any individual. Anyone can be programmed to be violent. A trigger can be used to control someone now. I find it odd that this man could get these kinds of weapons, and odd that he left them in his car. Too many things in the twin towers, too. I would say it’s a staged deal.
Could you please say something about people from other countries, like Brazil. The impact is simple. If you take central banking system down, lots of countries will suffer for short time. A lot of smaller countries rely on support of a central bank, and it runs through our system generally, most are. The inpact could be extraordinary for a short time. There is a lot of assistance coming from our country.
No treaty can superceded constitution, so why are they even trying. Obama and Hilary are guilty of treason. Other agreements in place that subjugate our freedoms from the back door. Possible to put things in place that people didn’t see in a treaty or agreement. Look what’s in Obamacare! This treaty does have holes in it where people could come get our guns.
How Sheriff Joe’s info on birth certificate would get him out: I believe that the take on fraudulent position is the easiest and best.
No govt should use fraud against anyone? For or against? For!
Why have ET’s not arresting bad guys since they are arrested. Don’t like to get into ET’s. We look at plan. We are to take care of our problems as much as we can, before our time table runs out. They want to see us do as much on our own as possible. They have to stand back and watch. We are watching for military, and they are watching us to do something.
Is the 20 million or so ET’s underground still planning to take action. Cobra said 50-60 million before, but 20 million can help. They are here and on standby, and waiting for citizens of US to remove them.
Good guys, are they going to take radio and air waves soon? Or will they be waiting for something to happen like on the 27th?
Lady Dragon: Everyone should have walkie talkies, CBs ham radio. Even if they shut down internet. Alien spaceships in Dakotas stopped a missle.If they do, it would be for one day.
Please let Drake know we appreciate all notifications and keeping up to date.
You say citizens should work with law officials, should we coordinate that we have the right, the jurisdiction, etc lined up.
Drake: Yes, coordination between law enforcement, FBI, etc. You can do recon and get a good idea when they will be home, if you are going to do it at their house. If office, you need to know something about office, need to know exits, so they don’t get away.
Rather than small groups, could we have a central point where more gathered to back up.
I would suggest individual small group basis. Evidence is known to disappear, they have fires. If you find hard documented evidence... copy, and make sure origninal is in safe place. Offer copy, but offer original upon incarceration. When the original is put with copy and seen to be as the copy, no question. It supports all actions taken.
Oath Keeper: Are the joint chiefs of staff are traitors... DId the joint chiefs say everyone to shove it.
Drake: Can’t find it. I would love to get a hold of that info. You would be hero if you want to be known, but I would do it for you if you don’t want to be known.
A lot of corruption at the higher level of commands. Truth is a problem of validation. I won’t know if clean or dirty based on evidence.
People like this rapid fire questioning:
Isn’t general Martin Dempsey a good guy? Yes
Minute Man: Can one join a militia without being a gun toting type. Yes they can.
If Obama knows 75% is against the cabal, how does he expect to enforce martial law?
Drake: Why do you think nothing hasn’t happened?
Carl Rove arrest attempt, and trespassing conviction. Why did this fail. Local police refused to do anything. how could they have avoided the trespassing charges.
Drake: Only takes one officer, need a federal officer (marshall or FBI) variety of different federal officer. When you have that in place, then you take your actions. Carl Rove does need to be arrested, but do it right.
Why does your site have a green light? Can turn it off. Next green light is the next major green light.
Who do we go to for arrests if our sheriff is corrupt? Assistants, run down chain of command. Each one has a sworn oath to help you. If not, they need to be jailed. If sheriff won’t cooperate, and next in command will. Simple.
How do we get military support if our military is out of country. The amount of military has not been tapped. You have national guard all over the place, you have the standing active military all over the US. You have situation where militia is in state, unless there is a need to combine. Variety of things that go into this. Militia is made up of people in local, county, state. That is your militia area, but you can combine.
Do the good guys have track of Jesuits and Vatican? There are some things that are coming about that will be surprising. Won’t say anymore.
For Lady Dragon. how is hte freedom movement progressing in Canada, and if the Canadians are wanting to get involved, who do they get in touch with? Canada has more and more are awake. If they need info contact me. Every day new news of what we are doing. On site you will find cutting edge of the knowledge. You will always be in the loop. I have a back log of at least three days of news. I talk to Drake every single day. Canada has done a lot of things lately. People are coming forward with lawsuits.
Is Canada taking the same steps that US has done, and if so, how does it stand. They have been working on paper work for over 12 years, and ready to move forward at the right time.
Who can I contact in North Carolina. RAM (didn’t get site spelling), get NC group from there.
Same for Nebraska.
Minute Man: Drake’s site is info site for current and upcoming news. My site is for people to join, communicate and build their groups. It’s good to join your state group and message everyone in your group.
About Hilary signing UN ban. What do we do if she actually signs it? She’s so guilty I don’t know which way she needs to be thrown. Doesn’t matter. Secretary of State doesn’t have authority to sign anything dealing with legislation.
Who is putting on weird posts on websites that don’t pertain to his website? Please clarify and send to
Drake: One I sent today is weird is about psychology. It makes a lot of sense. The neon god we made. Fruit loops.
For Rick: I had written to the RAM site, contacted Nebraska two weeks ago, no response. Other avenues. Create your own group. Many don’t have groups in their area. Someone has to take responsibility to take bull by horns and get going.
Mike from Seattle: One comment for Lady Dragon: 200 people. Many times you have stipulated you are a nationally known journalist, we have found no proof. you report news that is two days old from other sites. I know you mentioned filing of papers. Where are the filing of papers? Any link to a page that you have done any filing? Other than the Vatican issue, no
Drake, two weeks ago, you said that there would be a financial green light, what is going on with that and why didn’t you go to California and arrest those people? Why didn’t you go to California...
Lady Dragon... Drake....
That was supposed to be a comment. Let Lady Dragon respond. You called in to start trouble. This is a place to help people, I have been around before google. Be careful about slandering my name. The paper work will be out in it’s due time, just like Neil Keenan.
Gloria from Orlando: Last week they had a part of the glacier fall off into the ocean, is that going to cause any coastal flooding if this continues? I would say don’t go riding on the Titanic now. Take a couple of a little stakes, where the surf stops on high tide, continue two feet til you have beach. This is about Planetary Alignment. It’s actually getting colder. There is going to be some global ice melting. You aren’t going to have something similar to tsunami, and won’t be near that quick and will be over several years.
Grammy J: Really thrilled that most of the people are getting the importance of all the info that has been coming out in the last couple of days. White Hat Report, the Neil Keenan email, David Wilcock, the great revealing and that people are passing it out. And that people are getting informed about what is about to happen. The majority of people are getting it and seeing the enormity of all this with you, White Hats and Wilcock. Sometimes it gets confusing and most are getting it and I am super impressed they are getting it. I believe the majority people are realizing how hard we are all working to wake up the planet. I’m there, at your side. Love to all of you.
Denise: Would like to interject, the message that Drake is putting out to all of us. Drake is a messenger. He is not the head hauncho. He has no control over time constraints. He has info that he cannot yet divulge, but as he is able to, he does so immediately. We are all working tirelessly. Whether you support Drake or not, or the freedom movement or not, we try to answer everyone’s questions and concerns. This is a very volatile and emotional time for the planet, and I would ask that everyone understand taht we are all human beings, and every single person plays a part in this freedom. It’s important to everyone on the planet.
Grammy J: Each one of us has a right to make choices, and this is our show. This was made for Drake, the messenger. We have all been call upon. If anyone calls in to attack anyone. The rule is we get to ask one question, I am sure everyone will be more than happy to answer question, to the best of our ability, but no more time should be wasted when the wonderful people are waiting to ask their questions.
Denise: If you have a personal opinion or disagreement with anyone of us. We have email addresses, we have a chat room. If you are calling in with a personal opinion it’s a waste of time here.
Kate: I want to make a comment .. google, is blocking your email. I have signed up for ANmilitia, when I got on the Hilary. I can’t get on the site, no emails. I rebooted. Nothing. Google is not happy with your site. I am a Vietnam intelligence veteran. Google is doing a pretty good job of blocking.
Drake: When you go to make a search. You have options. Use another one. (She has no problem getting in on yahoo). It’s happening, and maybe you can correct it on your end.
Denise, I can set up emails through my website. If need be.
Lady Dragon: There is good and bad in google. Please good people, step it up!
Buck from Atlanta: David Wilcock came up with something this past week (didn’t get it all), critical steps have been taken to remove cabal. Do you agree?
Drake: Sometimes people get it first to get an ok.... Yes, this is valid. I knew about the struggle two months worth of time ago, that the military was having serious problem. They are clamping down on the trouble and taking care of it.
Kari from California: She’s the one who bakes the cookies. Send my email, and I will send freedom chocolate chip cookies. I had a question, but I am going to wait to email it. I would like to say God bless all of you, I love all of you. What everyone is doing is great. Yesterday I was (for Rick) on the militia website after reading emails about Drake. I was trying to inform other members on RAM. They didn’t want to listen and calling Drake a fake and propagandist. Do people not even care in the militia. Unfortunately everyone has their opinion. Sometime the sharing of info gets off point. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion whether they believe in Drake or not.
Denise, you said it keeps 350 a month to keep everything going? We have the radio, website, chat rooms, but the domains to host. It costs right around 350. The radio station is 250. Donations would help, so far it is coming out of my income (Denise). Let me add another 350!
Minute Man: These efforts do cost, and they are not for free, we aren’t being asked to be paid for. Sometimes it comes out of our pockets and we dont’ mind.
Siggy from South Carolina: Comment. The reason it is so hard to get people to listen is because it is such a heinous idea that all these in the govt who are here to serve us are so crooked and corrupt. It’s unbelievable. What I tell people- the Thrive movie, Explosive 9/11, and Inside Job that’s on some of the channels. Matt Damon narrates it. Once you get people seeing these things. We have to get people to understand this and not scare them.
Marilyn from San Francisco: I want to know where I go to find local police officers for the DA’s oath of office, if they don’t have one, what do I do about it? County building, police office?
Minute Man: Google it online in your state or county. Most have something online and you should be able to get the info off of that.
Denise: Some at police station, or city hall. Or just contact your local mayors office to find it
Lady Dragon: Newspaper, bankruptcies. Everyone in local area. Business section. Legal notices. You have phone number and people to reach in their office. This is where you can find sheriff.
Rob from Melbourne Florida: When they sign the document on Friday, is there something you can comment on when you can put that info out so we know?
Drake: As soon as the result is known, it will be posted.
Denise: This will be the shot that is heard around the world. Youstream and everywhere.
Sheila from California: Thank everyone for not being perfect, makes you human. A lot of the freedom workers get on my nerves sometimes, but I love you. If you want perfect go to the pope. If you would educate me and expand on Incas of South America and their relationship with the Zaroastrians, Jehova and Elohim. Can you talk about these things if you would. Thanks again for not being perfect.
Drake: Please put that in an email and send that to us. I have someone who could answer that really well. They did move from northern and southern hemisphere several times.
Eagle: Rick, I have a problem here, I don’t want to be left out in cold. I don’t have internet. How do I get the info? I don’t carry fire arms. I don’t need to have one, I understand. I don’t have a means to get a hold of you other than telephone, and you could call me, so you can tell me how I can get in and participate.
Rick: I would be glad to do that.
I would like to talk to Drake off line, too.
Denise: Will do !
Ed from California: Heyyyyyyy. Doing a good job. There are still people who are a lightworker. He told the federal marshalls to stand down and not arrest the bankers. George Soros, he wanted to leave on a jet with an extra tank. He and his henchmen were supposed to be going to Chicago on a business deal. Didn’t make it to Chicago, and he went back to France. President is not on our side. Guys like Drake and me, and other veterans, we were in your spot. We the People ... this affects YOU and your family members, if the marshalls and Et’s do nothing, YOU have to move and doing something. Keep the faith and pray. I hope the military is listening.
Bob from South Dakota: Thank Drake for his PTSD article! contacted both my state senators, and through his mouthpiece, the comment was in regards to global arms treaty, the second amendment stay in place, then i got a long pause. He said he would not support it. Makes me think he will vote along party lines, and troubles me considerably. Contacted Sen. John Boone’s office, came straight, would not support or sign on to it. I do have some questions about senator Johnson.
If we don’t make it to your question, please write into And plan to set up a frequently asked questions posted on our site and drakes.
Andrea: Has anybody heard of the possible assassination against Hillary Clinton.
Drake: I find it interested that it didn’t do any good. Generally they fly people, don’t let them run under ground. It’s bogus. They are setting to stage assassination spin on Obama. Propaganda. That’s what that is.
Minute Man: Bosnia incident where she mispoke.
Phil from Mexico: Do you know one of the people if one of the people that authored ?? the idea of a new pearl harbor, they were behind the 9/11. They aren’t our friends you know what I mean.
We are out of time.
(Last five questions can be found in the archives of this show
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