Friday, December 14, 2012
Alternative News: Global Announcements have begun, time to start celebrating: free energy and good-bye dark cabal
Alternative News: Global Announcements have begun, time to start celebrating: free energy and good-by dark cabal
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
12-21-2012 in Mount Shasta, Celebrate Our Global Transformation
Presenting LAARKMAA from the Pleiades, sharing pertinent information as we move magically into the New Golden Age. A Q/A will follow. Laarkmaa communicates through Cullen Baird Smith and Pia Smith Orleane. (Click to learn more about Cullen and Pia.)
Amazing crystal bowl sound activations by Beverly Ann Wilson of The Crystal Room before the channeling begins. Don’t miss this beautiful opportunity to be in Mount Shasta!
Plan to spend the weekend in Mount Shasta during this amazing vibrational shift! We would love to see you there!
Mount Shasta Resort
Siskiyou Room
1000 Siskiyou Lake Blvd.
Mount Shasta, CA 96067
Mount Shasta Resort
Siskiyou Room
1000 Siskiyou Lake Blvd.
Mount Shasta, CA 96067
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
SEO: You really don't wanna buy links and here is Google's Matt Cutts to tell you why (video)
This post explains the why Google will penalize your site for buying links to accomplish search engine optimization (SEO) or any other reason you can think of.
What is the difference between buying advertising to promote your site and buying links that link to you site?
Buying ads is a way to get potential buyers to notice you.
Buying links is a method to deceive search engines that you have more popularity than really exists.
Matt says it much better than me ....
What is the difference between buying advertising to promote your site and buying links that link to you site?
Buying ads is a way to get potential buyers to notice you.
Buying links is a method to deceive search engines that you have more popularity than really exists.
Matt says it much better than me ....
Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.
SEO: Google says do it naturally. Search engines are contextual - listen to Matt Cutts explain it (video)
This post has tips about how to naturally do search engine optimization (SEO) on your site - from Google.
Google's Penguin update penalized websites by people who confused spamming with search engine optimization. Buying hundreds of links on other websites is not search engine optimization.
Using tools that automatically create hundreds to thousands of backlinks on forum sites, blogs and other pages also has nothing to do with search engine optimization (SEO). These tools and services are spamming machines.
The rankings of websites that used these tools to get high rankings dropped dramatically after Google's recent updates.
Google's Matt Cutts said in a video that only 25,000 of the 700,000 messages that Google sent out in the first two months of this year were related to links.
600,000 of Google's notifications were about black hat SEO methods (for example cloaking).
Should I incorporate synonyms for important terms into my site? Watch the video from Matt below for a detailed answer.
Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.
Monday, December 3, 2012
You spent all this time to get a web site and now you have to make it mobile friendly. Why? Nine numbers you gotta see.
Here are a few statistics that will make you think a little more about the value of a mobile friendly website:
- 28% of Internet usage comes from a mobile phone.
- One-third of web traffic to The New York Times is mobile ( Source: 3dissue )
- Mobile internet usage is projected to overtake desktop internet usage by 2014. (Source:Microsoft Tag)
- 46% of consumers are unlikely to return to a mobile site if it didn’t work properly during their last visit. (Source: Gomez)
- 91% of all smartphone users have their phone within arm’s reach 24/7 – (Morgan Stanley, 2012)
- 70% of all mobile searches result in action within 1 hour. 70% of online searches result in action in one month. (Mobile Marketer, 2012)
- 9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to action, over half leading to purchase. (Search Engine Land, 2012)
- 61% of local searches on a mobile phone result in a phone call. (Google, 2012)
- More than half of the U.S. smartphone population used their phone to perform retail research while inside a store in 2011 (comScore 2012)
Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.
Computing on the go: mobile users doing search engine holiday shopping is a whopping 40% of all searches being done
This is short and to the point. Read the article if you like at link below. But here is the core message...
"Google’s latest trends report showed up a 20% spike in shopping-related searches, with an unprecedented 40% coming from mobile devices.
Indeed, the number of enquiries from mobiles and tablets has more than doubled in the last 12 months, according to the report, but only one in three retailers has a mobile-tailored website."
Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.
Guest Post: Power of social media in classrooms, digital skills are proving invaluable in class
Campbell Walsh was sick of waiting for his NAPLAN test results.
''I wanted to know how I'd done. It had already been about four months and I still hadn't got the results,'' says the year 5 student from Aitken Creek Primary in the outer Melbourne suburb of Craigieburn.
In another era, Campbell might have been told to sit down and be quiet.
Instead, his teacher Bec Spink suggested he post the question on social networking site Twitter. Campbell had an even better idea: why not tweet to the Prime Minister? Spink didn't skip a beat.
''Righto,'' she said.
Campbell composed the tweet: @JuliaGillard Why do I have to wait for so long for my NAPLAN results? What's the point? CW (Grade 5).
Spink then sent it on her iPad using the class Twitter account.
Campbell hasn't received a response from the Prime Minister, but there is little doubt the tweet has been seen by someone from her office. It was also retweeted by the class's 115 followers, which include classes in Ireland, New Zealand and the US.
Welcome to the social media revolution. An 11-year-old can ask the Prime Minister about education policy in the time it would take to lick a stamp. "It's fun because you get to tell the world what you've learnt,'' Campbell says.
According to the American author and international speaker on digital media Erik Qualman, social media has become the number one activity on the web.
On his socialnomics 2013 video, which tracks trends in digital media, Qualman says generation Y and Z consider email passe. Some universities have stopped distributing email accounts. Kids are learning on iPads in kindergarten and 92 per cent of children aged under two already have a digital footprint, he says. One billion people use Facebook; if Facebook was a country it would be the third largest in the world.
Despite this, Spink's use of social media in the classroom is unusual. In Australia, many schools block access to sites including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. A recent survey of more than 3000 educators by the Australian Teacher Magazine found 72 per cent disagreed that students should be allowed access to social media sites at school. "When asked if educators should be allowed to communicate with students via social media during school hours, just 3 per cent strongly agreed. About 17 per cent agreed with the statement, but interestingly, that figure jumped to 25 per cent among educators aged 21-30,'' the magazine reported.
Concerns tend to be centred on unprofessional behaviour such as teachers "friending" students on Facebook, something expressly prohibited by education departments. There are also fears students will waste time on social networking sites or be exposed to cyber bullying. The media focuses almost exclusively on the pitfalls, with headlines screaming "Teachers fall into Facebook trap" and "Teachers warned over befriending pupils on Facebook''.
But at the World Innovation Summit for Education in Doha last month, educators from across the globe questioned whether teachers could ignore social media as a learning tool when it is the currency of today's students. "'Teachers need to acquire strong technology skills to optimise their use of digital resources and teaching,'' the OECD deputy director for education, Andreas Schleicher, told the summit. "It's truly important that teachers today have a really good understanding of how young people learn, play and socialise outside their formal classroom.''
He pointed to Singapore's Future Schools - selected by the government to trial innovative teaching approaches using technology - where students tweet questions from their iPhones during class.
Singapore, which consistently places near the top in international tests, has large class sizes, particularly in secondary schools.
''In a classroom of 40 kids it's really impossible to get 40 students to ask questions at the same time,'' Adrian Lim, the principal of the Ngee Ann Secondary School in Singapore, explained in a video on the project that was screened at the summit.
"When we use the instant messaging tool we open 40 windows for 40 kids - they could ask 40 questions at the same time. The kids get really excited because they are using the tools they are very good at using, not just a pen and pencil. A lot of the younger teachers are a lot more savvy in their use of technology and communication tools and I see them teaching the more senior teachers.''
The Northern Beaches Christian School principal, Stephen Harris, who attended the summit, believes Australia has been "sadly sidelined" in its use of social media in the classroom. "It's the world kids are immersed in - if we don't become immersed in their world the gap between where we are and where they are will only grow. It's not hard to find like-minded people but unfortunately many of our governments are clearly on a different page.''
Harris says the fallback position of schools worried about cyber safety is to ban mobile phones or access to social networking sites. ''We have to tame social media to use it to advantage kids' learning," he says.
The slogan of Northern Beaches Christian School in Terrey Hills is Lead the Change. Teachers and students interact freely on Facebook group pages that have been created for subjects, such as engineering. Students post photos taken on their mobile phones during lessons and discuss questions and homework.
"They use Facebook to continue the conversation," Harris says. "It's quite straightforward for teachers to be invited to join group pages without breaking the protocols of friending."
Northern Beaches Christian School also uses social media to make a profound difference to the lives of children in countries such as Rwanda, Cambodia and Uganda.
Before students embark on their service-based learning trips to third-world countries, the school asks parents to donate old phones and laptops. The devices are given to children the students meet overseas, enabling them to keep in contact. Students help with English by chatting on social networks and send links to free online courses.
Harris discovered via Facebook that Jean, who lives close to the Congolese border, was being pulled out of school. His father had died soon after the genocide and his mother, who has AIDS, could no longer afford to support him.
"I was able to find someone prepared to give him $600 to give directly to the school principal so he could go to school next year," Harris says.
"This is all happening via Facebook. Kids in Africa, in the poorest of countries, are starting to mimic our use of social media. Social media is going to make a real difference in the developing world, because it's a free way of communicating. I see immense potential.''
Many Australian schools are now faced with another contentious issue: whether to allow students to bring their own smartphones and tablets to school. The trend, known as BYOD - Bring Your Own Device - raises equity questions because not all parents can afford to buy computers.
Spink, the year 5 and 6 teacher at Aitken Creek Primary, became a Twitter convert after attending a conference. She experimented with year 2s: "What's the chance it will rain in your country?" the class tweeted during a chance and probability lesson. Responses came in from all over the world. Spink was blown away by the real world learning opportunities Twitter provided.
She went to her principal, Peter Katsikapis, and requested the school network be unblocked so she could use Twitter and have a class blog. Spink says she is lucky Katsikapis is so supportive: "I've worked in NSW where they didn't even let us Skype."
This year she wrote to parents inviting them to follow the class on Twitter and keep up to date with the class blog and website. "Please note: Twitter is a network for people aged 13 years and older - our class account will be managed by Miss Spink, NOT students. We will be connecting with other students and schools throughout the world," she wrote.
Not a single parent raised any objection. And if they had?
''I would have explained that it is the 21st century and I believe it is crucial for kids to develop their digital learning skills.''
Jewel Topsfield attended the World Innovation Summit for Education as a guest of the Qatar Foundation.
Pope on Twitter, with more than one account, He is serious about the reach of social media.
Well, what can I say, the Pope has more than one Twitter account from which to propagate da biz of religion. I had to do a double take on this one when I was researching tonight. May be just wants more so he opened the second account. Hard to day.
I guess if the people don't come to your places then you go to their places ....
On Feb. 24, 2012 there was this article ....
Then, today - December 3, 2012 - there is this article .....
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I guess if the people don't come to your places then you go to their places ....
On Feb. 24, 2012 there was this article ....
The number of people following Pope Benedict XVI on Twitter has increased 400 percent over the last 24 hours.
On Feb. 23 his account had 2,500 subscribers, but today that figure is at more than 12,500 and is rising.
“It is quite incredible,” said Monsignor Paul Tighe, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, to EWTN News on Feb. 24.
“And not just the numbers who are now following the Pope’s Tweets but also the number who are then re-Tweeting his message to others. It’s great.”
The dramatic upsurge in interest in the Pope’s Twitter presence coincided with the beginning of Lent on Feb. 22.
The dramatic upsurge in interest in the Pope’s Twitter presence coincided with the beginning of Lent on Feb. 22.
On that day, Vatican officials began Tweeting part of the Pope’s Lenten message, an innovation they will continue every day until Easter.
Anyone can sign up to follow the Pope, whose messages are tweeted in English, Italian, Spanish, German and French, via @Pope2YouVatican. Soon they will also be available in Portuguese.
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Then, today - December 3, 2012 - there is this article .....
God's representative on Earth will soon be spreading his holy message via Twitter
He already has 1.2 billion 'followers' in the standard sense of the word but the Pope now has another type after entering what for any 85-year old is the brave new world of the social media site.
It was today announced that Pope Benedict's official handle on Twitter will be @Pontifex and within hours of the account going live this morning, the feed had attracted more than 70,000 followers.
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Facebook accused of massive 'data grab' with new service that automatically uploads your phone pictures
Facebook has been accused of a massive 'data grab' after encouraging users to allow it to automatically synchronise photos from their mobile devices to the social networks servers.
The social network from Friday began asking users of its mobile apps to activate its new Photo Sync, which will automatically upload each picture to a private album.
Whether or not users decide share the photos on their public newsfeed, Facebook itself will still have access.
That means it will be able to mine those files for their metadata, including the location where the photo was taken, as well as use its facial recognition technology to spot those pictured.
Folks, as long as we have the likes of Facebook, we can release all those alphabet agency employees have to snoop around the old fashioned way with warrants and court approved guidelines.
One impact of this data grab by Facebook is that they will be able to build up a comprehensive database of where users have been, and with whom, from information they automatically give to the company.
Emma Carr, deputy director of civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch, said: 'This provides a stark warning about the loss of control experienced once you have installed an application to your mobile phone.
'Privacy is clearly at the very back of the Facebook's mind when creating an application that enables this kind of uploading of photographs to be easier when it, in fact, it should be made more difficult.'
Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Email Hacking Yahoo: I always tell my clients to use gmail and this is another reason why
Hey, Yahoo is a great email service, no doubt about it. Yes, I have some email account there but not my main ones.
Just keep in mind that Yahoo it is owned by Microsoft - so that tells you something - right? Gmail offers more features to manage your email. Plus, most important to me and my clients, it offers free email forwarding. To do that in Yahoo you're gonna have to pay a subscription.
Gmail also also you to receive email from multiple account in one place for free. But i don't want to rant about how I enjoy email today. I just want to share this news story about someone hacking yahoo accounts (see below). Be safe.
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Just keep in mind that Yahoo it is owned by Microsoft - so that tells you something - right? Gmail offers more features to manage your email. Plus, most important to me and my clients, it offers free email forwarding. To do that in Yahoo you're gonna have to pay a subscription.
Gmail also also you to receive email from multiple account in one place for free. But i don't want to rant about how I enjoy email today. I just want to share this news story about someone hacking yahoo accounts (see below). Be safe.
An internet hacker has offered to sell code that will allow a person to hijack Yahoo email accounts.
The hacker, said to be an Egyptian who goes by the username TheHell, has offered an exploit for the price of $700 on an underground cyber crime community called Darkode.
It works when AN unsuspecting email user clicks on a malicious hyperlink, sent in an email. By clicking on the link they unwittingly allow a cyber attacker access to their Yahoo Mail account.
'After the victim clicks the link, he will be redirected to the email page again,' a YouTube video advertising the hack said.
Online security blogger Brian Krebs noticed the publicity from the suspected hacker last week.
The exploit 'targets a “cross-site scripting” (XSS) weakness in that lets attackers steal cookies from Yahoo! Webmail users,' he explained in a blog posting on his website Krebs on Security.
'Such a flaw would let attackers send or read email from the victim’s account. In a typical XSS attack, an attacker sends a malicious link to an unsuspecting user; if the user clicks the link, the script is executed, and can access cookies, session tokens or other sensitive information retained by the browser and used with that site. These scripts can even rewrite the content of the HTML page,' he added.
Krebs informed Yahoo about the intended attack and the internet company said their security team is responding by fixing any potential vulnerabilities.
'Fixing it is easy,' Ramses Martinez, Yahoo director of security told Krebs.
'Once we figure out the offending URL, we can have new code deployed in a few hours.'
Krebs informed Yahoo about the intended attack and the internet company said their security team is responding by fixing any potential vulnerabilities.
'Fixing it is easy,' Ramses Martinez, Yahoo director of security told Krebs.
'Once we figure out the offending URL, we can have new code deployed in a few hours.'
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Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Power of blogging to get attention, using discernment on the internet
The internet is surely a place for news and info you won't ever see on main stream media.
But, the essential element is using your own discernment to see if the news is worthy or just disinformation being placed as a campaign to dumbify viewers. IMHO, there is plent of worthy news and even more disinfo being published by those whose want to control one something or another.
Anyways, in China this morning there is a blogging story that cost a top political boss his job and reputation. I would call this a quality example of the power of the internet proving real news.....
Communist party official sacked after pictures of him having sex with his mistress are leaked online
A Chinese Communist Party official has been sacked after images of him having sex with his mistress were posted on blogging websites.
Lei Zhengfu, a district party chief in the southwestern city of Chongqing, was fired after an investigation by the party's discipline watchdog confirmed that it was he who appeared in the video, the state-run Xinhua news agency said.
The case highlights the influence of China's fast-growing blogging community, and the ruling Communist Party's increasing sensitivity to public anger over abuse of power, official impunity and corruption.
The agency reported on Thursday that Lei had told a reporter the video, shot in 2007, was a fake.
The party has stepped up its rhetoric against corruption, seeking to counter anger from citizens over regular reports of graft and debauchery among officials - but efforts to root out the problem are reported to have been ineffective.
Bo, who also faces possible charges of corruption and abuse of power, has yet to stand trial.
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But, the essential element is using your own discernment to see if the news is worthy or just disinformation being placed as a campaign to dumbify viewers. IMHO, there is plent of worthy news and even more disinfo being published by those whose want to control one something or another.
Anyways, in China this morning there is a blogging story that cost a top political boss his job and reputation. I would call this a quality example of the power of the internet proving real news.....
Communist party official sacked after pictures of him having sex with his mistress are leaked online
A Chinese Communist Party official has been sacked after images of him having sex with his mistress were posted on blogging websites.
Lei Zhengfu, a district party chief in the southwestern city of Chongqing, was fired after an investigation by the party's discipline watchdog confirmed that it was he who appeared in the video, the state-run Xinhua news agency said.
The case highlights the influence of China's fast-growing blogging community, and the ruling Communist Party's increasing sensitivity to public anger over abuse of power, official impunity and corruption.
The agency reported on Thursday that Lei had told a reporter the video, shot in 2007, was a fake.
The party has stepped up its rhetoric against corruption, seeking to counter anger from citizens over regular reports of graft and debauchery among officials - but efforts to root out the problem are reported to have been ineffective.
Bo, who also faces possible charges of corruption and abuse of power, has yet to stand trial.
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Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Social Media Power - Real Time: NBC host sparks Twitter storm over everything from mispronunciation to his thinning hair during Thanksgiving Day parade coverage
Like it or not, social media can and does cause waves of attention, be 'em good or bad, for just about anyone. I keep saying that social media is tool to manage your web reputation. This is a real time news story about how this poor guy at NBC getting hammered on Twitter; one of the top three social media tools.
'Dear Matt Lauer, RETIRE': NBC host sparks Twitter storm over everything from mispronunciation to his thinning hair during Thanksgiving Day parade coverage
It has not been a good week for Matt Lauer, nor is it shaping up to be a happy Thanksgiving.
Following the allegations he is set to be axed from the Today show over plummeting ratings, the NBC host has become the butt of a number of jokes on Twitter for his coverage of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
Users of the microblogging site commented on everything from his mispronunciation of a popular Gershwin song to his lackluster presenting skills and his ageing appearance.
Other comments were just general anti-Lauerisms.
When he introduced the popular George Gershwin hit 'SWonderful, he pronounced it as 'Ess-Wonderful', despite it being a well-known song, with notable versions recorded by everyone from Bing Crosby to Rod Stewart.
Tweets about the gaffe included: 'Matt Lauer announces that @niceworkbway will be performing "Ess Wonderful". Which is what Jewish families say before eating turkey'; 'Really Matt Lauer? "S. Wonderful" Try "S'Wonderful," one of the most popular Gershwin songs ever written. Heard of the Gershwins?' and 'Matt Lauer's enunciation of 'S Wonderful makes it clear that he is totally devoid of funk.'
Other viewers commented on how old the 54-year-old looks and noted his thinning hair.
'Matt Lauer doesn't age that well. Look at his hair though. I have a picture of him from awhile ago and he looks so much better', 'Dear Matt Lauer, RETIRE. YOU LOOK LIKE A CROTCHETY OLD MAN' and 'I remember when back when Matt Lauer had hair.'
On his presenting style, viewers tweeted: 'Matt Lauer's coverage of branded thanksgiving floats is indistinguishable from his coverage of the Olympic opening ceremony'; 'Matt Lauer should get a lifetime achievement award for saying ridiculous things with deadpan, absolute sincerity. Way to go Matt' and 'Is there a device to delete Matt Lauer's voice while watching the Macy's parade?'
The long-time host, who earns a staggering $21.5 million a year, is being blamed for the NBC morning show's dismal performance over the past three months and sources claim ratings will only improve if he is replaced.
He was also criticized last week for allegedly refusing to take a pay cut so that he could save some of the staffers from getting sacked, as Jay Leno did in the summer.
According to The National Enquirer, weatherman Al Roker is plotting to push the 54-year-old TV veteran out of his anchor chair and is lobbying a newly appointed Today producer for help.
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'Dear Matt Lauer, RETIRE': NBC host sparks Twitter storm over everything from mispronunciation to his thinning hair during Thanksgiving Day parade coverage
It has not been a good week for Matt Lauer, nor is it shaping up to be a happy Thanksgiving.
Following the allegations he is set to be axed from the Today show over plummeting ratings, the NBC host has become the butt of a number of jokes on Twitter for his coverage of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
Users of the microblogging site commented on everything from his mispronunciation of a popular Gershwin song to his lackluster presenting skills and his ageing appearance.
Other comments were just general anti-Lauerisms.
When he introduced the popular George Gershwin hit 'SWonderful, he pronounced it as 'Ess-Wonderful', despite it being a well-known song, with notable versions recorded by everyone from Bing Crosby to Rod Stewart.
Tweets about the gaffe included: 'Matt Lauer announces that @niceworkbway will be performing "Ess Wonderful". Which is what Jewish families say before eating turkey'; 'Really Matt Lauer? "S. Wonderful" Try "S'Wonderful," one of the most popular Gershwin songs ever written. Heard of the Gershwins?' and 'Matt Lauer's enunciation of 'S Wonderful makes it clear that he is totally devoid of funk.'
Other viewers commented on how old the 54-year-old looks and noted his thinning hair.
'Matt Lauer doesn't age that well. Look at his hair though. I have a picture of him from awhile ago and he looks so much better', 'Dear Matt Lauer, RETIRE. YOU LOOK LIKE A CROTCHETY OLD MAN' and 'I remember when back when Matt Lauer had hair.'
On his presenting style, viewers tweeted: 'Matt Lauer's coverage of branded thanksgiving floats is indistinguishable from his coverage of the Olympic opening ceremony'; 'Matt Lauer should get a lifetime achievement award for saying ridiculous things with deadpan, absolute sincerity. Way to go Matt' and 'Is there a device to delete Matt Lauer's voice while watching the Macy's parade?'
The long-time host, who earns a staggering $21.5 million a year, is being blamed for the NBC morning show's dismal performance over the past three months and sources claim ratings will only improve if he is replaced.
He was also criticized last week for allegedly refusing to take a pay cut so that he could save some of the staffers from getting sacked, as Jay Leno did in the summer.
According to The National Enquirer, weatherman Al Roker is plotting to push the 54-year-old TV veteran out of his anchor chair and is lobbying a newly appointed Today producer for help.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
SEO: seven common errors that kill SEO and how to make your site trustworthy to Google
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is morphing as the web continues to expand and be a larger part of our personal and business endeavors. It’s no secret that Google and Bing are the new yellow pages. Anyone not coming to terms with that in their business plan is just working an old-school business model.
Is SEO Dead?
With the recent shakedown of site performance from the algo updates (Panda and Penguin); sites losing their ranking and positions in the search engine results, you might think that SEO techniques are no longer working or not effective.
But, that is not the case. The algo updates are continuing at a furious pace to bring some authentic search results to all search engine users In other words, there is no more tricks and short cuts being tolerated to getting to the top of the heap on the search engine result pages.
Here are seven reasons for low site performance in search engine visibility - in no specific order.
Keyword stuffing
Poor content writing
Automatic anchor text links
Unnatural links
Duplicate content
Content below fold
Hidden text
There are three emerging key perspectives in this “changing of the guard” of SEO: 1) site trustworthiness, 2) social signals, and 3) keywords as “natural” and “relevant”.
Site Trustworthiness
Have a meaningful content strategy. If you need to, hire writers and have them produce content that you can use in blogs and articles that is informational and educational about your products and services.
The days of benefiting from building links using free directory submissions are over. Kaput. Anywhere that accepts free inks is pretty much ignored by Google or in some cases it will actually hamper your pagerank.
Earn Google’s Trust
- Don’t stuff your site with keywords.
- Provide educational and informational content, that’s well written, on your site.
- Make your site easy to navigate. Don’t make visitors go in circles.
Social Signals
Use social media to discover where your target market is online: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, blogs, industry locations and then hang out there. Make some friends and make them aware of the helpful, informational, educational content on your web site. Share their content and ask them to share yours too.
Keywords “natural” and “relevant”
Google has gotten more synonym-savvy over the last couple of years, there's no need to cram keyphrases everywhere you possibly can. For example, always using "blue suede shoes" as-is (the entire, original keyphrase together), you can also use just "blue" and just "suede" and just "shoes" within the copy. This is what I have been teaching my clients over the last few years.
Here is what Matt Cutts, Google SEO Champ, has to say about keywords, “People can overdo it to the point that we consider it keyword stuffing, and it hurts. I would just make sure you use key words and phrases in natural ways where regular people aren't going to find the content stiff or artificial. That tends to be what works best.”
I will be providing more strategic information over the coming weeks about the new “how to” on SEO as the algo updates continue.
Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips in the future.
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