Disclosure as such is important to us but
not as much as the subsequent developments, and the dark Ones try by
any means to block the announcement as it spells the end of their
covert activities. It is also the beginning of a closer relationship
between us, that will see a great coming together in the Brotherhood
of Light. We are therefore pressing our allies to commence Disclosure
as soon as possible, but if necessary we will make it happen. We have
long referred to the divine date for it, and that looms near so any
delay will be short lived.
It is not that you will be unprepared for
Ascension, as it has been happening for a very long time. Also once we
can openly communicate with you, we will make the details clearly
known to you. As it stands, those of you who have elected to ascend
have diligently followed the advice that has been given. You have
found your own path, and many already live their lives as one who
walks in the Light. There are different ideas as to the way in which
the end-times play out, but that is accepted as it is your choice as
to where your journey takes you. Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a
major upliftment, yet only the beginning of another cycle of
experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to
leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.
You may have fond memories of the Earth,
but do not forgot that the majority of you will be ascending with her
to enjoy the beauty and harmony of the higher dimensions. You will not
have any regrets for leaving the present Earth, and in fact you will
feel quite privileged to have shared her journey. You will have moved
from the unreal to the Creator's expression of what life should really
be like. Duality was given to you to experience exactly as you
wished, and you had total freewill. Now, you are stepping into the
heavenly realms where the Creator's Laws are manifest, and powers of
creation are given to you. By then you will have become Cosmic Beings
without any limitation whatsoever. However, the Laws of the Universe
still apply but at your higher level of achievement and understanding,
you would not do anything that would go against them.
After living through the depths of
darkness, and the continuing erosion of your rights it was to be
expected that you would turn against those who imposed it upon you.
Because so many of you turned to the Light and sought freedom from
your oppressors, it allowed the Brotherhood of Light to authorize our
presence in your lives. With help you have risen up quite rapidly, and
by so doing have lifted the consciousness levels to a new height. The
effect has helped your fellow travelers to also awaken, and the
impetus is such that nothing will stop it going to its natural
conclusion. That is of course what you have been working towards for a
long time, and our presence is your guarantee of completion.
Knowing that your present life is just but
one of many that will continue ad infinitum, you will realize that it
is all for your experience as you grow in consciousness. It will
gradually expand so that eventually it could embrace a whole planet,
and way into your future some of you may chose to experience being a
planetary logos. This may give you an idea as to what a great being
you have in Mother Earth, who like you is still growing in
consciousness. It is why you are ascending together, and if you think
about it, it is truly an astonishing fact. Who would otherwise think
that the Earth is a fully conscious Being. That is why you are asked to
acknowledge what she has done for you out of her love for humankind.
She feels your love and receives your prayers, and is re-assured by
them as she goes ahead with the cleansing of the planet.
The more you understand the truth about
yourselves and your purpose for being here, the easier it will become to
accept the changes that are taking place. We would say, go with the
flow knowing that all will work out well regardless of how it appears
now. Just think of how little time remains before Ascension, and enjoy
the thoughts of how exciting it is to be part of it. It is why you
incarnated for this particular time, and you were fully aware of what
your experiences would involve. Think again of the wise souls that
have joined you in recent years, bringing a higher level of
consciousness that is necessary to ensure the upliftment continues.
You call them Indigo children, Starseeds and other names that identify
them as the special ones, that bring you much needed knowledge. They
left the comfort and harmony of the higher dimensions, to serve you at
a time when their presence is needed.
Treat all as your Brothers and Sisters and
give of your love as freely as you can. If you can do that and see
the Light within them, you will be helping uplift them as every soul
responds to the love vibration. When you can do this, you have truly
reached a new level of Christ Consciousness that will hold good for
the future. Simply do your best and you can do no more, and no caring
soul will fault you for the occasions when you cannot maintain such
levels. It will become easier as you progress towards the higher
dimensions, and eventually take your place within them.
The truth will come with the revelations
that we shall bring you, but prepare to be astonished at how much you
have been misled. Much will seem incredible and hard to accept because
you have been mind controlled for so long. However accept as much as
you can, and anything left undecided will still find place in your
heart at the appropriate time. Most revelations will make good sense,
and explain some of the mysteries that have been deliberately put
before you to keep you under control. The last thing the dark Ones
want, is for you to become independent of them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and the more I
understand about you, the more I appreciate how resilient you are and
how duality has toughened you to life's ups and downs. No wonder other
civilizations will look up to you and seek your help. You have left
the comfort and joy of being in the of the higher dimensions, to have a
total experience of duality with all of its pain and sorrow to help
others. I bow before you and acknowledge the beautiful loving souls
that you are, I love you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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