NOTE: We are still reviewing this transcript, and it will change when we insert words that were difficult to hear due to the phone connection. I put it up in its raw draft state so the translators can get started on translating it to other languages. -AK
Updated: 1/5/2013 "contracts" corrected to "contrasts" -AK
Hello everyone Brian here from the American Kabuki ground crew. I am so incredibly thrilled to be here celebrating this beautiful moment of now with all of the amazing beings who will be listening to this call over the course of the coming days and weeks. Words couldn’t possibly express the level of gratitude I feel for being blessed with the opportunity to play part, even if it is a small one of this recent unfolding of events that have been taking place in this grand cosmic shift that we are currently undergoing.
Now, whether everyone in the world realizes it yet or not, it truly is the most exciting time to be alive in the history of humanity and I thank my creator everyday for sending me front row, VIP seats to all the action.
Now, from an inner knowing that goes beyond mental comprehension, I know that we all chose to be here at this time to experience the journey we all are embarking on right now, altogether as one people united. While we may have not been shot heralding into the new age on the 21st at least consciously, like a great many out there predicted, we absolutely are experiencing an enormous shift in energies and massive transformations to our inner as well as outer worlds. I know I speak for many when I say that I fully believe that the shift of the ages, which all of the ancients prophesized would occur in 2012 is in fact unfolding right before our eyes on a myriad of levels on each moment.
Now, Ascension isn’t what we are here to discuss today, but we are here to discuss the liberation of the planet, and the 7 billion of us that call the earth “home”.
For the past year, talk of prosperity funds, whether it be in the form of NESARA, the St Germaine Trust, the Leo Wanta Funds, theReagan-Mitterand protocol, all of the above have become a hot topic being discussed across every blog site and discussion board across the internet, leaving many very frustrated and losing hope that one day one of these funds would make it into mainstream media and pave the way into a new age for peace and prosperity.
Now, I am here to share with everyone that the moment we have all been waiting for is finally and very divinely here upon us. A few days ago, on December 25, an organization called “The One People’s Public Trust” (TOPPT) came exploding onto the scene with their first official “announcement.” This document appears to be announcing that the United Nations, the IMF, BIS (Bank of International Settlements), the Hague, the World Bank and others have been legally and officially foreclosed upon. The next part of the document which I will read here has triggered a tsunami of responses, much heated debate across the blogosphere and online forums everywhere. This passage reads,” The people, all people equally on earth have an individual, duly verified sum certain of 5 billion, that’s billion with a “B” in lawful money of the United States of America gold and silver. Over 3 quintillion, 500 quadrillion, (which, by the way is a 3 and a 5 followed by 17 zeros) just and duly verified equity debt against the debtors. There is an additionally duly verified sum of 5 billion in lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the debtors, over 3 quadrillion lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, in duly verified debt of damages against the debtors.”
Now, what this means exactly has been left to lots and lots of speculation, obviously, so today we are here in full transparency to discover the truth of this official announcement. These are just a few highlights of what will become official announcements by TOPPT, headed by the organization’s front man, or front woman I should say, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf.
B: Hi Heather, welcome to the call, are you there?
H: I am Brian, thank you. How are you this evening?
B: I am doing well, Heather. How are you?
H: It’s good, it’s good, thank you for having me.
B: Absolutely, and we also have on the call a special guest, D from the Removing the Shackles Blog site. D are you with us?
D: I am with you Brian. And hi Heather! Nice to talk to you again as well.
H: Hi D. Good to talk to you, too.
B: Welcome to you both. Before we dive in here ladies, let me give a little background. I have had the opportunity to get to know Heather a little bit over the last few days. I truly feel like we have known each other for a lot longer than that, but consciously speaking, our paths crossed for the first time last Friday, the 28 of December and since then we’ve exchanged a mountain of emails back and forth.
We were actually supposed to do this talk yesterday, but we ended up talking on Skype for about five hours so we weren’t able to get it in. Talking to Heather has personally answered so many questions I have myself, now in the spirit of full transparency and absolute truth, which are the watchwords as of late, it’s time to share that information with the people. What do you say, Heather? Sound like a plan? OK, perfect.
So for the purpose of this call today, Heather, my role and D’s role in this is going to be to give the public, or the people, I should say, a voice, and due to the scope of the subject matter we are dealing with here, which is obviously global in nature with the potential of effecting every person on the planet and because of that the people are obviously and rightfully so have lots and lots of questions.
Over the last couple of days, I have gathered many of those questions from Kauilapele’s blog, American Kabuki’s blog. You also sent me questions from emails that you have received; I know D’s probably got plenty of questions from her readers as well. So I will be using these to navigate the chat here as well and as best we can. Does that sound good?
B: So Heather for the purposes of the conversation, this is not an interview. It is a talk. My role in this and D’s role in this is to give the people a voice for everybody who has been following this story since last Friday. It’s global, it’s universal. It has the potential of affecting everyone on the planet. A lot of questions have been flowing in consistently. We’ve gathered these questions from various blogs, Removing the Shackles, Kauilapele, American Kabuki and emails that you’ve sent me.
B: but before we start, I have one little request of you, Heather.
H: I am not agreeing (laughter) until you tell me what it is.
B: You are obviously very well educated, you have a very uncanny ability to articulate and express yourself around anything that you have done with your legal experience. I know you have been a lawyer for ten years . . . The format has been too “legalese”. You put out an announcement that that was for very good reason – the people were not the intended audience. It was very legal stuff that you put out. But I want to keep this as street level in style and format as possible, is that fair?
H: That’s excellent, that’s more natural.
B: I already know the answer to this first question. But we need to hear it from you. . .there’s a lot of people who want to believe with heart and soul that the story we are here to discuss is true, but because they have never heard of you or TOPPT, there’s been a fairly substantial amount of resistance. Let’s start out with who is Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and how on earth did you get involved in all this?
H: Ok, well, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is just one of the people, when it boils down to it all of the roles I play, I am just like all of you guys, like everyone else on the planet. I got involved for the same reasons all you guys got involved. I was searching for the truth. And here we are, I am on this call. As far as when did I get involved? I was working overseas basically, in high levels of banking trade and finance and international law and we all made a choice to go in and clean things up. It wasn’t just me, it wasn’t just the people I was working with, it was a whole slew of people within what we term as the slavery systems. And that happened, basically, the choice was made on how it was going to go in 2009. Does that answer that question?
D: Basically enough.
B: So, what happened in March 2009?
H: Actually we had been working on an investigation for approximately 3 months, maybe less regarding mirror loans at the World Bank. And we found through that mirror loans investigation that we were doing, regarding Panama, the Republic of Panama, we found Freddie Mac /Fannie Mae fraudulent paper, significant amounts of it. Out of curiosity, for one of the people that was on the investigation team, I went back behind the screens and way back to... I randomly selected some of the houses out of the Freddie and Fannie Paper, I went all the way back to the homes, that this paper, these securities of about $50 million dollars and it was probably worth, based on property that was worth, maybe, if you were lucky, 10 percent of that amount. Maybe less. So with that, that is basically what started it. It was a personal issue, a personal matter. I was a person, one of the people helping another one of the people.
We just sat there. We adjusted, we prioritized, we really just reflected. What are we doing, why are we doing it and what can we do about it, do we want to do anything about it? We sat there and thought about it and a choice was made. A choice was made. How do we make people understand no loans were made? There’s no such thing as lawful current funds. There is lawful money, but there is no lawful current funds.
These are the decisions we had to make. We were watching everyone suffer, we were suffering. Even those in the high levels of banking are suffering.
Even those in the highest levels of purported government are suffering. All the way down. You get tired of it. So that was the very beginning. Does that answer that? As far as what ended up to this phone call.
B: Absolutely, and I know your background . . . and we could sit here for hours if not days, but from here, what I kind of want to... everybody wants to see us go... The next phase in your journey was the decision to start the investigation that culminated in the putting out of the Paradigm report. Is that accurate?
H: Yeah, in fact, I mentioned the Freddie and Fannie papers, that it was taking the culmination of all of the investigations and at that point at the time when we made the decision in between the time that we saw the papers and the decision to do the investigation, we needed to figure out exactly what needed to be done, It was sort of a (muffled word) type of protocol where we had to go in and to figure out the many aspects of the investigations to alter them based on the results real time. So that was what the Paradigm Report was, it was a field (muffled) report, so there are lots of mistakes in there, typing wise, grammatical, spelling, the point is the substance of what is inside the report. That was the important part. Really we were asking can the private system be saved? Is it worth saving? and the answer is no, it could not be saved. And why put energy into something that cannot be saved?
B: Ok, so the research for the Paradigm Report spanned over 2 years? What were you researching and what was the final outcome? . . . Ultimately what was the objective of you and the people that were involved in putting that paper out?
H: What went into it? Body and soul. The goal was to go in and find the problems and identify a solution. Could the solution incorporate some of the frame work that was already existing? Would it have to be completely mowed down and built from scratch? That is basically the essence. It had to do with banking, obviously it was the nexus point for every problem on the planet. At that point we had to go back to how did that problem even come into existence? And you go back to the history of America and the first two central banks that they attempted to do the report refers to that so people can refer to that. (Muffled) In the past how did they maneuver? Using the educational and judicial systems. What right now is their biggest fear? Communication between people, or the internet. So identifying these markers or these factors allowed us to go in further, because a paper trail needs to be made where no paper trail currently exists. At least not one that connects all the dots. At that point we had a few people who had offered to go ahead use their house as a test case. It ended up being a logical choice that we used my house as a test case. It’s one thing to help someone who is freaking out, while you are trying to do the investigation, It is much easier to just control yourself and go through the factors.
B: So. . .
H: I have the most information. I have the most rounded database out of all of us. That’s how it started.
B: So essentially you put yourself up for allowing your home to go to foreclosure and be a test subject for tracing the fraud that needed to be .. to get you out of your property to trace back to the source where the fraud was coming from? You could accurately track that paper trail, correct?
H: Yeah, that’s right, essentially I was headed over to Switzerland anyway to take over the presidency of a company and they were looking for a house. I had gone in with someone. . .basically this was her pet project. . .we all have projects that are close to home that we are called to do... agricultural projects... helping to feed humanity... energy projects... getting clean energy to everyone... and those are projects that ruffle a lot of feathers. Mine went along with and the training I have was... (muffled) law. And what it came down to as of this moment, people have the opportunity to see that the connection with law with the current financial system, with the purported government systems with these private systems, that we believed have been for the people by the people, everyone can see where it goes back to the law.
B: So I am trying to put the pieces in chorological order. . .so you have the Paradigm Report. Let’s call that Phase I. What was the expectation? now that you have this Paradigm Report that says that the system is broken in a very rudimentary way of saying it, and it can’t be fixed without making some major changes in the structure of society in the way that it is managed by all of the people way up at the top.
H: Yeah, I mean essentially, what really excited me Brian was December 11 of 2010 I was introduced to someone who was involved with this thing called the Public Trust. I am not a history buff, I was introduced to concepts, the founding fathers, I mean basically we all know, ...muffled... Yet to go in and actually feel it, it moved me... I wanted to find that clean spot, I mean where can you clean this from? You have so many people in the slavery system who are trying to clean it up. And they have all the power to do it. The question is, why weren’t they doing it? Well there has to be a clean spot to do it so nobody can rebut it so it is unrebuttable. And therefore unrebutted. And that is where I found the Public Trust to be an amazing tool, because it did go back in time, further, we weren’t all moved back to prime until this last summer.
B: You’re going to have to talk about what you mean in regards to taking it all the way back to prime.
H: You know, it’s just kind of simple, everyday that a child is born, every day that a body leaves this earth. It’s a matter of creation. There’s these bodies, and yet whose the architect? I work a lot with patent law, trade law. And yet at the same time I watch all these patents and technology be stolen. Where? From within the patent law office itself. So when you go back to prime. Who is the creator? In the instance of science, or a patent, it would be the person who actually thought up the darn thing, you know, wanted to apply it…he knows the DNA of it. They were’s the same thing here. Who created the people? If you look at every religion across the board. . .every religion proper, it is the Creator. So we go in, we go back in and look at it. I was raised in a Jesuit Catholic home. . .but studied many religions (muffled). . .it was not only that, it was the loophole to protect their things from the systems that they were enforcing against everyone else against their will.
So creator is the prime. Nobody can come up and say,” I own your body, I own your mind,” because first off, you do. . .and second off, who are you a servant to? You know, and then you take that into a commercial world, which is where they hid everything, either someone is going to claim you as the servant, or as owning yourself, you are free.
Anyone that you serve, it would be your creator, whether you want to call him Creator, God, Source, Yahweh, Allah, it doesn’t matter the point is, you are going back to prime You cannot rebut that. It is unrebuttable, and it is unrebutted.
B: Ok.
H: Does that answer your question?
B: Absolutely, so essentially what you are saying is that we the people have handed over, or bowed down to laws and rules that have been put forth against us illegally. The only reason that they were able to manage them this long is that we have given our consent. .so is that kind of in a basic way of saying it over the course of the last hundred years, if not longer?
H: Yeah that is a very accurate truth as you just stated it.
B: Ok, So you’ve got this Paradigm Report. So you laid the groundwork, you let your home go into foreclosure. You did a great amount of research on these systems and how corrupt they are. What are you now doing with this document, I mean, I am trying to bring up to the moment so we can dive into but there’s obviously this big vision from you and the People’s Trust that you are working toward. I am just trying to figure it out for everybody what that was and what your road map was to ultimately get there?
H: Yeah, I mean, I worked in banking in basically putting people in tight positions, ferreting things out, vetting assets, vetting people, doing background checks, and all that, so I had a lot of information about how things work. So if we’re going in and trying to figure out this clean up, (muffled) I wanted to make sure we were under the radar. Once the banks could figure out, that we had gone in to squeal or tell on them. Exhorbinent amount of pressure is applied ...muffled... go in and work all this stuff out (muffled) I hadn’t been in a courtroom for quite some time, so my job allowed me in the Paradigm Report basically how to go in and ferret everything out and be able to sort of test out different areas of solution. In banking, I was responsible for vetting assets, I was responsible for vetting people, I was responsible for creating policies, structures, contracts, all for banking and financing. And so I know the pressure they put on people and the methods they do that, which are pretty distasteful, so I knew what to expect, so I designed the investigation so I could be under the radar. I had to work out the on ground part of the investigation from the bottom up.
B: Ok. So what point, around what month of what year was all of this going down? I am trying to get a little bit of history here. You put out your announcements on December 25, you’ve had a couple of announcements since then, what ground work were you laying from when you finished that Paradigm Report to where you are today? What was going on in the background? Behind the scenes of all this, what were all the puzzle pieces that were getting put into place for everything that we are going through right now to become a possibility?
H: I had already investigated the banking system for a number of years, so we knew where the nexus was. The next part was just to figure out how to go in and make it...see the banks control everything...where to go in, number one, how to go in and basically unwind their support structure to the BAR, the judicial, and the educational.
Media was another one, and however we did not want the media, or any of that, because if people knew what we were doing, we never would have finished our job ever.
So there with the judicial, that was perhaps the easiest point for me to go into the trenches to build the investigation from the bottom up from street level to Wall Street level. So with that, using my house as a test case. I went in, and I do not know how many cases were filed and briefs were tested to get to the one that was approved that was the deceptive practices brief. Basically I was in the trenches for a year, almost a year and a half, in the trenches testing the judicial to see how corrupt, how closely tied, were there people in between? Were there handlers? How much access do the banks have to the systems actually used in the court, meaning like courtsmartthe recording systems that the courts use in hearings. How much access they have to the clerks office. What I discovered was pretty mind blowing for someone who has been an attorney for 10 years.
During this investigation I actually had to make a choice, especially when I received Intel and reports on ongoing investigations regarding the BAR, which I was a member of and I actually ended up cancelling my BAR license during the investigation. So that was the main meat of it. We just finished that basically this July 2012. Actually the end of June 2012.
The third phase was coming over here and working with the “Powers that Were” to go in and implement a solution that was the easiest and less stressful for the people, because I was told, in fact right before I left for overseas, that there was going to be a war. There was going to be a war of such a kind that it has never been seen or known of in existence. That was unacceptable to me.
So out of the Trustees, I was the one that was most suitable to go overseas. So that people knew this wasn’t about just “America,” or “People on American Soil”. This is about the “People” all over the globe. That is what I have been doing over here and I actually was offered a job as a director of a Bank. And that was arranged through one of the main clients of the Rothschilds. So that was supposed to be our quiet room behind doors, where we could actually go in and try to hammer out a solution for implementation. When the time came it didn’t go right. I never made it to (muffled) I didn’t go there. After some long discussions with the Trustees, we felt it wasn’t right.
B: Heather , there are going to be some people who have some confusion. You said you were working with the powers that were and you were working with the Rothschild family to find a solution. There are many people who perceive that that’s the cabal, the bad guys, but you were working with them, can you explain what that is all about?
H: Well, we weren’t working with them, we were opening doors for people to go in with the ptw to go in and hand the control back to the people. We literally went to their houses, we opened our doors. They were very fearful of that because they not want to let go of the power, of the control and in some cases they still don’t but it is too late, it is already done.
B: Okay, so you said last night that something big happened on the 4th of July. A big turning point event and I believe there was another one in December. What were those?
H: Yeah, July 4th, we announced that we were going to do the “equity call”. They had so many chances and there was so much communication going back and forth trying to hammer it out and return it to the people. So on July 4th the Trustees said, “we can wait for somebody to do something, or we can wait for the folks who were fearful to give control back.” We decided. We issued the order, it was issued July 7th and it was actually preissued as a notice the month before. So this time we registered that into the system. October, it was funny because everyone was talking about an October Surprise. And we were surprised, because we were very being very quiet. In Oct. we foreclosed on the private slavery systems of the purported UN, purported Hague, of ICC, ICJ and all of the corporations under the guise of government.
B: Ok, that was in October?
H: That was in Oct.
Read entire article.....
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