
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Get Clean - Greens To Assist Weigh Loss, Improve Your Energy, & More

Get Clean - Greens To Assist Weigh Loss, Improve Your Energy, & More
I lost 16 ponds on my first 10 day cleanse using Purium in September.

Starting November 30th, I will be doing my second 10 day with a dedicated group of people. Lots of support and smart, intelligent people about health and fitness.  These are the kinda folks that give you an a authentic education with unbiased information.

Come join us for making healthy cool.

Learn more at

Call me if you have any questions at 541-200-5269.

Ciao, Steu

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lost 16 pounds and loving the energy

Lost 16 pounds and loving the energy

A few months ago I began working for a new client who is a Purium Business Member. Her site promotes a home business opportunity with non GMO food.  I was intrigued by the material and, frankly, need to loose a few pounds.

I am happy to report that I lost 16 pounds doing the 10 day cleanse promoted by the Purium products, and have become a Purium Business Member myself.

The Purium products are all green food. I have done a cleanse before using juices or fresh vegetables. This was my first time using Purium products ..... and what I found about myself was:

-  my relationship to food got transformed, I  expereinced that I don't need to eat something when I crave food
- it is possible to get protein from other sources than meat and still feel energized
- having more than enough energy to get all my work done and still be energized ... without drugs and without eating a "meal"

If you want more information, give me a call at (541) 200-5269.

Ciao, Steu