Google, like it or not, is a global ally in your online marketing plan. To take advantage of 'em, isn't going to cost you a dime in cash flow - if you follow my three tips.
For example, it'e easy to find me - just google "seo ashland oregon" (without quotation marks) and I am the third search result listing on the first page search results.
Or, google ashland oregon taxi, and my client, Yell OH Taxi, is the first search result on the first page of search results.
Want a global result? Google gold wash plant for sale. My client,, is listed on the first page of search results.
Finally, here are my three tips to get your SEO mojo expanding.
Do all three, not just one or two, to improve your SEO (search engine optimization). Google has just updated the mechanics of its' search engine methods (aka Panda algorithm) to help small businesses. And, the good news is they are going to keep making positive change for us small businesses - this is just the foundation work talking place now.
Okay, here you go with my free techniques to benefit your SEO ....
#1 Gmail Centric
Hey, I know gmail reads your email so I no longer use it for my personal email. But, for business, you gotta have one gmail account to firmly boost your SEO. It's easy to forward your gmail content, automatically, to any other email service - for free - click here to learn. So, I am assuming you now have one gmail account established, to move forward with my next free SEO tip.
#2 Get A Google+ Page
This is a free page, and I mean page, to detail your business. It includes your description and link to your web site and/or blog. Once you are logged into your gmail account - click here - to get your Google+ page.
Now, just a note about Page Rankwhich I have covered in detail in a previous newsletter. This ranking is a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being the best rank to have. A site or blog ranked 10 means lots of links from different geographic locations and lots of visitor traffic. For example, Facebook is a 10 and so is youtube, twitter, linkedin, and of course google+. Just by creating a google+ page and adding a link to your web site, you have told Google that a 10 ranked site now links to your site, which helps pull up (IMPROVE) your page ranking.
Believe me, I don't make this stuff up. You are receiving the nuts and bolts of how SEO works out there in internet land. SEO is not a mystery; it's a science.
#3 Google Maps
When you are logged into your gmail account submit a request to add your biz to Google map(s).Click here to get started adding your location.
It's fine if you don't have a store front but you do need an address, even a private mailbox will do. By placing your biz on Google maps you'll accomplish 1) adding another web site link of a 10 ranked site, 2) enable your business showing up on Google maps when someone is looking for your services/products, and 3) includes your product and service info into Google databases.
Make sure you "verify" your map listing by receiving a postcard from them in the mail. If you skip that verification step then you will not appear on the maps.
You now have three proven techniques to improve your SEO strategy, with the goal being your biz receives more exposure.
Have a question? What to soar in the search engines? Send an email and we can connect to discuss your situation.
Blessings, Steu