
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Research: Why pillow talk matters

Chatting immediately after sex makes couples feel closer and more secure, claims scientist
Chatting immediately after sex makes couples feel closer and more secure, claims scientist

- Researcher at the University of Connecticut, examined link between amount of oxytocin in a person's body and communication after sex

- Men and women experience a post-climax oxytocin surge but testosterone is believed to dampen the effects so men typically fell less affectionate

- Professor Amanda Denes found women who orgasmed disclosed more intimate feelings to their partner after sex than women who did not orgasm

Many people feel more comfortable revealing their true feelings, hopes and stresses to a partner after sex and now one researcher thinks she knows why.
Amanda Denes believes pillow talk is an undervalued ingredient in a satisfying and enduring relationship and is linked to the production of the 'trust hormone' called oxytocin, which is released after orgasm.
She found that women who orgasmed disclosed more intimate feelings to their partner after sex than women who did not orgasm, which increased the emotional bond between couples.

The Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Connecticut, became interested in investigating the role of pillow talk in relationships as people have such different experiences of it.
Many people said they open up about their feelings to a partner after sex regardless of the length of a relationship – a time period described as the post-coital time interval (PCTI) by researchers Daniel Kruger and Susan Hughes.

When individuals experience orgasm, physiological changes occur as a hormone called oxytocin floods their bodies.
Increases in this ‘trust hormone’ have been linked to many socially beneficial behaviors.

Both men and women experience a post-climax oxytocin surge but testosterone is believed to dampen the effects so that men typically fell less warm and fuzzy after sex.

Professor Denes found that women who orgasmed disclosed more intimate feelings to their partner after sexual activity than women who did not orgasm.

Professor Denes believes that oxytocin is the reason why, as women who climax have more of the hormone in their systems, which increases feelings of trust and connection, than women who did not, influencing individuals’ decisions to talk about their feelings to their partners.

She explained that women may talk more about their feelings after sex than men as men’s higher levels of testosterone suppresses the oxytocin response.

Individuals in a committed relationship perhaps unsurprisingly disclosed more intimate feelings to their partners after sex than those in newer or more short-term relationships, Professor Denes said.
A previous study found that the afterglow of an orgasm minimises the risks and increases the benefits of disclosing personal information.

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University study reveals list of banned words in 2014

University study reveals list of banned words in 2014
University study reveals list of words from 2013 that should be banished with TWERK and SELFIE thankfully among them

A Michigan university has issued its annual list of annoying words, and those flexible enough to take selfies of themselves twerking should take note.

In addition to 'selfie' and 'twerking,' there was a strong sense among those who nominated words to this year's list that the word 'hashtag' and term 'Mr. Mom' had both run their course.

'Selfie,' a term that describes a self-taken photo, often from a smartphone, led the way among the more than 2,000 nominations submitted to Lake Superior State University's 39th annual batch of words to banish due to overuse, overreliance and overall fatigue. 

Even President Barack Obama got into the act this month when he took a well-publicized selfie with other world leaders in South Africa for Nelson Mandela's memorial service.

'It's a lame word. It's all about me, me, me,' wrote David Kriege of Lake Mills, Wis. 
'Put the smartphone away. Nobody cares about you.'

Since 1975, the list has grown to more than 800 words, many from the worlds of politics, sports and popular - maybe too popular - culture.
'The list is made up completely from nominations. We don't just sit around and think of words that bug us,' said Tom Pink, a spokesman for the school in Sault Ste. Marie, in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

'Hashtag' refers to a word or phrase with no spaces preceded by the pound sign on the microblogging website Twitter.

Others on the banned list include 'Twittersphere,' 't-bone,' 'Obamacare' 'intellectually/morally bankrupt' and anything 'on steroids.'

People also tired of the suffixes '-pocalypse' and '-ageddon' used to make words such as 'snow-pocalypse' or 'ice-ageddon.'

And enough already with 'Mr. Mom,' a reference to fathers who take care of kids.

It's also the name of a 1983 movie starring Michael Keaton, although many stay-at-home dads these days don't like the movie stereotype of a clueless male.

'There were almost as many nominations for 'Mr. Mom' as 'selfie' and 'twerk,'' Pink said.

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Crop Circle In California With YouTube Video Of Mysterious Green Lights, UFO?

Crop Circle In California With YouTube Video Of Mysterious Green Lights
An unexplained crop circle in Salinas, Calif., has captured the curiosity of alien enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists across the nation.

The patterns were noticed by aerial photographer Julie Belanger, who told ABC News she was shocked to discover them during a flyover on Monday.

Adding to the mystery is a  video posted on Youtube that shows two friends coming across the patterns after seeing green lights emanate from a field.

A representative from local Echelon Security Co. told the San Jose Mercury News he was hired to protect the land from rowdiness, but could not provide the identity of the landowner. A spokesperson for Echelon declined to provide further comment to ABC News.

Great display of friendship (video)

Monday, December 30, 2013

From NYC Cop: what "stop and frisk" policy really means

Early U.S. bank notes found in mint condition in a banker's drawer to sell for 1,700 times their face value

bank notes
In the late 1800s $3,500 was equivalent to about $80,000 in today's money.

Dustin Johnston, director of rare currency at Heritage Auctions, said: ‘This 1882 $500 gold certificate is one of the earliest gold certificates printed.

‘They were very strictly controlled and were printed in very low quantities so survivors are few and far between.

‘The only other one in the world is in the Smithsonian museum as part of the Federal Reserve collection.

bank notes
‘It is so historically valuable that I would say it is one of the top 10 greatest currency notes of all time.

‘Amazingly it has come from the estate of a deceased turn-of-the-century US banker along with three very scarce $1,000 notes.

‘It is very interesting that they were kept for that long. In 1933 when Franklin Roosevelt outlawed the possession of gold to combat the depression he also demonetized gold certificates. It was the first time the US had taken currency and made it worthless. 

bank notes
‘It had to have been a complete oversight of the banker that owned these notes to sit on them during the recession.

‘$3,500 was a tremendous amount money back - the average salary was about $2,500.
‘We can only guess the banker forgot about the notes because they were only discovered much later by the banker's family in a drawer.

‘It is an absolute trophy find. Maybe once in a generation a note of this magnitude shows up - and four turned up all at once.

bank notes
‘The odds of survival are so low we didn't ever expect to see these notes again - we thought they were gone for good.

‘These notes are so sought after they could well go beyond our estimates.’

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Research: How rocks move when no one is watching

Research: How rocks move when no one is watching
At Racetrack Playa in the Death Valley National Park, California, strange forces are at work. Forces capable of pushing heavy rocks across the flat surface of a dried-out lake while no one is looking. 

Scientists have scratched their heads over the trails left by these sliding stones since early in the 20th Century. In the 1960s, Californian geologists started a rock monitoring programme. 

They tracked 30 stones, weighing up to 25kg, 28 of which moved during a seven-year period - some more than 200m. Analysis of the stones’ trails suggested speeds of 1m per second. In most cases, the stones travelled in winter. In the decades that followed, theories about ice and wind gained support. Others involved algal slime and seismic vibrations.

So what’s happening? Are the stones sliding around in bad weather? 'We think so,' says Dr Gunther Kletetschka, of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic and Charles University in Prague, who led a 2013 study on the stones.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Vast Freshwater Reserves Found Beneath the Oceans

Vast Freshwater Reserves Found Beneath the Oceans
Scientists have discovered huge reserves of freshwater beneath the oceans kilometres out to sea, providing new opportunities to stave off a looming global water crisis.

A new study, published December 5 in the international scientific journal Nature, reveals that an estimated half a million cubic kilometres of low-salinity water are buried beneath the seabed on continental shelves around the world.

The water, which could perhaps be used to eke out supplies to the world's burgeoning coastal cities, has been located off Australia, China, North America and South Africa.

"The volume of this water resource is a hundred times greater than the amount we've extracted from the Earth's sub-surface in the past century since 1900," says lead author Dr Vincent Post (pictured) of the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT) and the School of the Environment at Flinders University.

"Knowing about these reserves is great news because this volume of water could sustain some regions for decades."

Dr Post says that groundwater scientists knew of freshwater under the seafloor, but thought it only occurred under rare and special conditions.

"Our research shows that fresh and brackish aquifers below the seabed are actually quite a common phenomenon," he says.

These reserves were formed over the past hundreds of thousands of years when on average the sea level was much lower than it is today, and when the coastline was further out, Dr Post explains.
"So when it rained, the water would infiltrate into the ground and fill up the water table in areas that are nowadays under the sea.

"It happened all around the world, and when the sea level rose when ice caps started melting some 20,000 years ago, these areas were covered by the ocean.

"Many aquifers were -- and are still -- protected from seawater by layers of clay and sediment that sit on top of them."

The aquifers are similar to the ones below land, which much of the world relies on for drinking water, and their salinity is low enough for them to be turned into potable water, Dr Post says.
"There are two ways to access this water -- build a platform out at sea and drill into the seabed, or drill from the mainland or islands close to the aquifers."

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Study: Experiencing hardship is GOOD for you: People who have pulled through hard times are happier in the long-run

Experiencing hardship is GOOD for you
The most painful experiences in life may come with an eventual upside, by promoting the ability to appreciate life’s small pleasures, scientists have said.

A new study suggests that people who have gone through divorce and coped with the death of a loved one, are better equipped to enjoy the little things in everyday life in the long-run.

A total of 14,986 adults were studied to see whether their exposure to life’s hardships affected their ability to enjoy positive experiences.

Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Barcelona School of Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, first determined participants’ exposure to painful experiences, including bereavement and divorce.

Individuals were asked to indicate whether they had experienced these events and, if so, to specify whether they felt they had emotionally dealt with the negative event or were still struggling with it.
They then presented the adults with six positive scenarios, which included going on a hike or looking at a waterfall, to see how if their past disrupted their enjoyment of present pleasures.

The study, which was published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal, found people who have previously dealt with pain are more able to enjoy transient pleasures.

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